Earth gets angry on cards

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also am sick and it's getting a bit worse HELPPPFJSIDJJX
Am double suffering yall!
ANYWAY heres a fic that someone requested me to do!

Venus, Earth, and Mars decided to play cards due to their boredom.

Venus checked on his cards and found out he's going to win on this AGAIN.

And Mars well he'll probably win at the second game.

Oh, Earth. He's going to lose for the 29384728384783th time again. He started to think he's 'kinda' bad at this game but due to his ego he didn't admit it and was in denial.

After 30 minutes of playing Solitaire cards Venus won.

"HAHAHA! YEAH!" Venus checked the 4 points on the chalker board.

"Good game, Venus-" Mars was gonna compliment but Earth cut him off.

"HOW'S IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!" Earth exclaimed, feeling frustrated.

"Woah, relax dude. It's just a game. You'll win next time" Mars tries to calm him down.

"BUT YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT! and I lose everytime! Ugh!" earth crosses his arms feeling irritated.

"Why are you so mad anyway? It's just a game, " Venus raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Ohh yeahh " it's just a game" like am going to lose again for the 10000th time!?" Earth shouted.

Earth! It IS just a game! If you hate losing so much, why can't you work on your skills?!" Venus shouted back at him too.

"Are you saying that I'm bad at this game? I'm not bad at it!" Earth replied in denial.

"Well it sound to me like you ARE-"

"Guys that's enough!" Mars finally exclaimed and try to stop the fight.

"Earth why are you making such a big deal out of this anyway? I mean..if you hate losing THAT much you know we can try and help you, " Mars suggested and tries to settle the argument calmly.

"Ugh, whatever. I don't need both of your help" Earth furrowed his eyebrow and just left. While his moon just side eye feeling concerned for Venus and Mars.

Venus was going to say something but Mars stopped him.

"Just give him some space. Am sure he'll work it out if he thought about this" Mars said.


Sorry if it's short but am literally sick(like sick in real life) HOW DO I DO ALL OF THIS REQUESTS.. anyway at least I got ideas! Thank you!

Also to the one who requested it I hope you like it or not..

I tried making Earth a bit in his old personality.. Well anyway.


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