Saturn divorced Jupiter💀

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Uhm idk canon words but DATING OAHAJPWJDJCSJJ🤯🤯🤯


After Jupiter's moons left to go to the asteroid belt to search for Titan, he had relaxed and reading his favorite book about-

"Wait did I forgotten about something?" Jupiter thought about it for a few minutes and shrugged. He thinks it doesn't matter.

At least he let his moons go off to search for Titan. He only did it for Saturn. Maybe he'll stop being noisy for once.

As Jupiter continued reading his book he heard the same noise again.

"TITAN?" Saturn came in, exclaiming in search for his precious special moon(totally not favoritism) he was yelling his name all day.

Even weeks.

Jupiter gripped unto his book, getting annoyed and trying to calm down to not shout at his partner.

"This relationship is getting kinda rocky..but I need him to shut up for once!" Jupiter thought that to himself quickly.

"TITANNNNNN?!!?" Saturn shouted one last time. That annoyed Jupiter even more.

"Saturn can you keep it down?" Jupiter turned to his partner with an annoyed expression.
At least he wasn't shouting at him.
Of course, Jupiter doesn't want to do that to his own lover. He wants him to calm down.

"Am trying to read my-"

"Oh! Am sorry if my desperation is ANNOYING you Jupiter!" Saturn exclaimed at him, it's clear he's a bit stressed out that Titan isn't coming back.

"Truth be told it is."

Jupiter looked at him with a bothered yet calm expression then went to turn his back on him.

"It's been weeks and all I can hear is "Titan!" "Titan!" All day long," Jupiter said, feeling even more annoyed.

Then he turned back to his "partner"

"Can't you wait in silence until he returns?" Jupiter suggested for him. Hoping he'd be quiet for once. Even if he's annoyed he still loves him. He just needs him to be quiet for a minute or even weeks.

Saturn furrowed his eyebrow, turning his hands into fists. He's annoyed at him.

Turning Jupiter's non argumentative suggestion into offense.
(Is it? IDK)

"We can't all be careless as YOU are whenever we lose a moon!" Saturn answered him, a bit harshly.

"I know this is getting rocky. But I am tired of this!" Jupiter thought to himself.

Jupiter rolled his eyes at Saturn then turned back to his book again.
That rolling eyes made Saturn even more annoyed or even angrier.

"Well, if your going to be like that, Then FINE! it's over!" Saturn exclaimed of a break up, he actually didn't meant to start one, a senseless
...break up.
He'a just too stressed out and wanting Titan to be back again.

And for Jupiter?

This isn't what Jupiter expected. Over a little argument?

Jupiter turned to him a bit surprised yet feeling "kinda" sad.
He was going to say something or even ask him what's the point of breaking up over this.

But Saturn cut him off words.

"Now shut up and let me find Titannn!" Saturn left or ended their conversation in a deep ocean ground.

That turned his sad curiosity to an annoyed one by accident.
Jupiter gripped unto his book and furrowing his eyebrow.

"FINE BY ME!" Jupiter called out, in an
annoyed tone and went back to reading.

But in the inside, he's in disbelief and sad. He didn't want this to end it like..this?

He hoped it stayed longer just like their old friendship. But it turns out this way.


Maybe it never work at all.

Until he remembered something before sulking or even rethinking about the whole relationship.

"Wait! He's right am missing four moons!"


Uhm sorri guys LMAOOAOSHFIS


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