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guys am sorryyryryryy seriously I got too LAZY WTF. anyway uhm ignore why I didn't post because I was lazy and tired so here's this. Based on my scenerio lol

Ermmm sorry if this is out of character AM TRYING AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Also just read the best planet X theories and people making up his personality is the best day ever of my life. I LOVE MY BBG‼️‼️

Earth finished playing cards with his friends. Ever since the drama ended he'd never been more happier and gotten along well with Venus, Mercury, and Mars. He sometimes thought about how it was a life saving for him to get a redemption. But the other thought, is that he's still unsure of his past self relationship with Venus and Mars.

Here goes him thinking negatively.
After the whole game.

"Do they noticed what's happening to me back then?" Earth thought to himself.

"Did Mars even tried to help me change? He did say that while the...incident of how I lost them but, did he even actually helped me? Or all he did is shrug it off by playing cards,"
Earth realized of what he just said in his mind, He shake off that thought.

"Be grateful you have them,"

Earth furrowed his eyebrow and sigh.


"Of course, you have them, they're your friends, ACTUAL good friends," Earth tried to think positively and gaslighting himself.

"They were right?"

"Or just now.."

"Hey, Earth?" Moon came in, noticing Earth's thinking expression looking negative.

"Oh! Yes?" Earth turned to seem him, smiling softly.

"You okay? Are you thinking about something?" His moon asked in concern.

Earth shaked his head.

"Oh, nothing. It's.. Kinda personal," Earth replied, smiling.

"If it is, then I won't pressure to ask you," His Moon sit beside him.

"...Hey Luna!" Earth said his real name.


"Should we play cards? Since Venus and Mars are too busy talking to each other about something," Earth suggested. He do feel a bit left out but he'll talk to his moon instead.

"Really! Oh-oh sure, okay!" Moon excited took out the cards out of nowhere.

Sometime playing. Earth still had some negative thoughts behind. He isn't sure how to get rid of them. All he might as well do is gaslight himself.






okay thanks for reading😍


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