STARBALLS(Sun and Trappist-1)

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(Got this random idea in my head. Am such a bad drawer to make one so....)

The sun was looking around like his planets and even the stars. He was a bit bored because nothing new was going on, and nobody approached or talked to him unless he spoke first. Well, the sun had Mercury, but it was asleep right now. The sun was justing sitting around being bored but not showing it until maybe he could call Trappist-1 on his space phone, literally.
(I wanted them to chat and hang out on the literally space proof phone BECAUSE THERE'S NO OTHER WAY)

The Sun then turned his back then ring on the phone.


Meanwhile Trappist-1, who usually has a nervous face but that's just how he looks like, is checking on his planets like how some or every stars does when they're bored.

Trappist-1 space-proof-phone was ringing, his ring tone was cringe worthy(you can imagine what it sounds like) he immediately answered it and turned his back feeling a bit embarrassed. And his planets, who are looking on him, confused and curious.

"HEY, TRAPPIST-1!" The Sun loud voice was heard on the call of Trappist-1's phone.

(They're facetiming each other.)

"Sun! Could you please keep it down? And yeah hello, " Trappist-1 was whispering and suggesting The Sun to keep his low voice.

"Oh-oh yeah sorry! Anyway, how are you doing?" The Sun decided to ask for some topics.

"Checking on your planet like usual? Because that's what I do when am bored!" The sun guessed, with precision.

"Yeah..thats what I do..hey, I gotta ask you something because of what I notice I think I need some tiny advice on how to treat my planets.." Trappist-1 asked, that's probably about advices.


"It's probably on how to be more..strict." Trappist-1 added as he chuckled nervously.

"Be more...strict? Hey, Trappist-1 even if I make one strict rule doesn't mean am THAT strict haha!" the Sun laughed, thinking thats what Trappist-1 meant.

(Is he strict though? He looks like one because of his intense mood swings lol)

"No,no, no, no! Thats not really the case..You manage to make your planets balanced! So, how do I like solve problems when my own planets are fighting and..bickering?" Trappist-1 corrected his question, and also thought The Sun can solve fights a lot even though he doesn't because he doesn't get involve.

"Balanced? Trappist-1, when I say my planets are balanced I meant their orbits not their rivals, " the Sun stated, and paused.

"Also I never really get involve when my planets are fighting and bickering or something so...sorry!" The Sun shrugs on the phone.

"Oh-oh! Okay I understand..." Trappist-1 smiled sheepishly and also embarrassed.

"But still I need help with my planet- fighting problem.." Trappist-1 frown, while face timing The Sun.

"Hmmm, I can help with that! So here's my advice!" The Sun paused and fake coughed.

"Ahem, so how about you try involving in  uhh, try and resolve the fight by asking whats the problem?" The Sun suggest, at least he tried.


Trappist-1 stares at the Sun still feeling hesitant about it but also thinking if that stupid suggestion could work.(💀💀💀)

While 2 minutes of Trappist-1 staring at the Sun on face time, The Sun was about to ask Trappist-1 if he's okay or he's here and stuff but stopped as soon Trappist-1 finally snap out of it.

"Hmm, I hope that could work. That sounded like after your suggestion I have to do this my own way..I hope I could do this, thanks..Sun?" Trappist-1 shrugs and it sounded kinda tiny bit stupid but at least the Sun tried right? He was trying to help him.

"Happy to help!" The Sun says then smiles at him.

"Okayyy, now we should talk something else now instead..of uh helping hands so-" Trappist-1 got cut off.

"Actually! I need to go! Maybe we could talk more longer next time! see you next year! HA! You know what I mean by that? Because Earths new year is coming in soon for the next 24 hours and-" the Sun also got cut off words when Trappist-1 assured him that he already understand the joke.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I know Sun. Uhh heheh..see you, " Trappist-1 thumbs up on the screen then smiles sheepishly.


After they call Trappist-1 frown then sigh. He just look at his planets then started to do his usual things as a Star.

Just watch everyone do stuff and checking on them feeling bored as usual.

Then Trappist-1 forgotten to ask The Sun about something else too.

'To be more strict' well he could just try and solar flare them much- no!

Trappist-1 is trying his best to be a good star and treat his planets right yet he used the 'treat your planets right' a bit too far. Like not being that strict.

Still his system is maybe he doesn't need to ask that to the Sun.

Maybe he doesn't need to be that strict..right?

DONE FINALLY. okay uhh still though I don't have time to continue doing more stories yet it's all for fun. Sorry if it's rush I have a busy day. Soo hope you like it or not.


WOAH..(I need it longer)

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