stanky Neptune.

451 11 47


anyway humanized au at space.

Short summary of the story:

Uranus: Neppy stanky.


Nep:me no bath.




Jupi:*spalsh water* bath.

Nep:*Wet cat*

Um sorry not sorry.

Everyone is doing their own thing. The sun making sun pun jokes to Mercury. Venus, Earth, and Mars are having their usual card games. But calmer.  Saturn is hugging Jupiter for a few minutes as a little comfort.

Meanwhile, Uranus is just writing his diary as usual. He just taken a bath and felt refreshed and relaxed writing his diary or even painting. 

As soon as he kept on writing he started smelling something.

It almost stinks. But thankfully it was briefly since it's space.

Uranus thought his atmosphere is starting to get hold of everything so he started blushing out of embarrassment that anyone noticed what his atmosphere is like.

Then the smell came back as soon in as soon Neptune came in.

"Hey, Uranus! Wanna visit Guillermooo's family?" Neptune asked him. Smiling.

"Uhm-hold on. It kinda smells around here," Uranus look around covering his nose.

"Realllyyyy? Where?" Neptune also look around being oblivious that he hasn't taken a bath in 3 days. Then went back to staring at Uranus with this expression.


After sometime Uranus looked
around. He noticed Neptune's hair looking greasy. That made Uranus suspicious.

"Neptune, did you taken a bath yet?" Uranus asked.

"......." Neptune blinked, then raised an eyebrow while smiling. (the usual neppt weird) blink)

"What's a bath-"

"WAIT, so you didn't taken a bath?!" Uranus exclaimed, then calm himself down to not overreact.

Neptune then stayed there staring at Uranus. Then his eyes widen.

"Oh, A bath! I haven't taken a bath yet!" Neptune answered, briefly.

Uranus gazed and scan Neptune's appearance.

He's wearing his usual same clothes everyday like everyone. But his hair looks greasy and he looked..dry. Seemed normal but he smelled awful.

"He looked like he didn't taken a bath in three weeks?!" Uranus whispered to himself.

Uranus then realizes he's been standing there for a bit too long, just thinking. That Neptune just sat down playing with his asteroid friends.

"Okay, that's it," Uranus grabbed Neptune's arm, and left to go see Jupiter.


"Hello, my lovely-icy-friends!" Saturn did a kind greeting. Putting both of his hands on his cheek.

"Heya, mate. But there's no time for a greeting. I have to ask Jupiter if there's a spare bathtub I could use!" Uranus, who's with Neptune, passed by Saturn, explaining.

"Oh, why? Didn't all of us already taken a refreshing bath-" Saturn smelled something.

"Ew! Ew, ew, ew!" Saturn covered his nose feeling disgusted.

"Did you smell that, Uranus?" Saturn asked him, who's surprised.

"So Neptune didn't taken a bath in 3 weeks. That just proves it!" Uranus face palm.

"Ohhhhh! I take baths randomly. Whats up with that?" Neptune asked, being oblivious.

Uranus and Saturn gritted their teeths, side-eyeing each other.

"Seriously, mate?!" Uranus face palm then grabbed Neptune's arm dragging him to Jupiter, quickly.


"Jupiter!" Uranus called out.

"Oh hey, guys. What're you both up to?" Jupiter crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you have a spare bath?... Please!" Uranus asked him.

"Oh that, I already take that away but I can go and get it back-" Jupiter smell something weird.

"Okay, something is up..What's going on?" Jupiter felt suspicious and immediately asked Uranus.

"I realized Neptune takes baths randomly. And he stinks!" Uranus explained. Slowly letting go Neptune's arm and went 6 feet away from him.

"Okayy, so he needs a bath?" Jupiter went straight to the point.

"Exactly?!" Uranus nodded. Hurrying it up.

"Alright, alright. I'll get it immediately," Jupiter calmly say. He doesn't make it a big deal but Neptune sure is..a bit smelly.

As Saturn came in telling about it to Jupiter. But due to Neptune being almost closed to the asteroid belt,

Mars also smell it too. Including his moons, including Earth and Venus.



"Alright, Neptune. Life or take a bath due to how dry you are," Jupiter asked him, making him do a decision. Since he's getting kinda hard to put in a bathtub.

"Life!" Neptune quickly answer without any hesitations.

"....." Jupiter pupils dilated, staring at him.

"Uhhh, anyone else have a decision?" Jupiter later asked the others instead.

"Bath, ofcourse!" Uranus called out.

"He almost stinks no offense," Saturn agreed with a brief explanation.

Everyone else agreed.


Meanwhile, Neptune was raising an eyebrow. Still smiling as usual.


Neptune got splashed with water immediately by the Sun's impatience.
Now Neptune Look like a wet cat when takes off his beanie.

Later Neptune was in a bathtub scrubbing his hair so hard with the shampoo. Uranus manages to find him a place of privacy for himself to wash. But he's also helping him get cleaned.

"So, feel refreshed yet, mate?" Uranus asked him.

Neptune was splashing every where that almost wet Uranus.


"Hey, could we have Guillermo in here?" He asked.


sorry if it's rush.

Anyway I have to hurry up wtf am I doing wasting my time.. But I have to feed y'all😞😞😞😞

SB ain't gonna have any new ep until next week. Disappointing yet understandable.

Goodluck y'all with your patience!


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