Jupiter apologizes to Saturn

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Takes place where Uranus argued with Jupiter. (Yeah this didn't happen in canon but I have a scenerio😈)

"Look, forget it mate! The past is past! You don't have to worry about that guy, okay?" Uranus argued with Jupiter about the whole paranoia and the revenge thingy.

"But- still! He might-"

"Forget about all that! He won't get you! They're far off away!"

"Even then that paranoia thing just pushes you and Saturn away!" Uranus stated.

"Ugh, I don't want to talk about that time..Okay look, Saturn was a bit annoying yelling Titan all day long! I just need to 'kindly' tell him to be quiet and wait for him to come back but he just pushes the argument more and then we.." Jupiter paused and thought about it.

"Seriously? Your friendship is over by a stupid little argument?" Uranus raised an eyebrow and gritted his teeth.

"Well, Saturn started it! I mean..he didn't started it though but he was just.." Jupiter groaned feeling annoyed.

"Okay now that was a bit immature of him isn't he?" Uranus thought but sigh.

"Look, how about you two just apologize? Or else this whole drama goes out of hand, alright?" Uranus went straight to that point.

Jupiter is thinking about this, I mean he does feel a little lonely, especially since he lost his long-time best friend over an argument. He sighed and then looked at Uranus.

"Fine, I'll apologize.." Jupiter finally agreed.

"Finally, mate!" Uranus did a smug smile.

"I felt silly, doing all those right?" Jupiter did a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, yeah... now go, mate! Apologize to him so that he won't come crying to me or something," Uranus said, putting his finger on his chin as he thought of what he had just said. Jupiter's eyes widened a bit when Uranus mentioned that Saturn had been crying to him about the whole argument.

"Well, I wouldn't say I don't care about him. But I did-"

"He was..crying about it?" Jupiter quietly asked.

"..um, yeah?" Uranus think he still cared for him. Well that's good!

"Where is he?"

"Your lucky he's a bit close up in his orbit! He's right there!" Uranus pointed.

"Oh! Thanks, Uranus! You really helped me didn't you?" Jupiter appreciated Uranus help then he left to see Saturn.

Thanks to the Sun not noticing Jupiter left his orbit for a bit to see Saturn.

Maybe he'll forgive him...hopefully.


Jupiter breath in and out and notice Saturn. Only 10 inches from each other.  (IDK ...fudge logic.)

"..okay you can do this.." Jupiter said to himself quietly.

"Hey, Saturn!" Jupiter grinned sheepishly, again.

Saturn knows and remembers that voice. He never really forget it though.. He can't help but missed him.

Though Saturn, who's annoyed, just turned to him with an annoyed look.

"What do you want, Jupiter? Am I annoying you again?" Saturn sarcastically say.  
(Sounds a bit out of character.. I guess. Is he usual nice or SOMETHING.. maybe the argument done some change YEP)

Jupiters eyes look away then look at Saturn's eyes.

"I want to..apologize for what I said before, " Jupiter finally said.

Saturn raised an eyebrow then look at him directly.

"Look, for what I said is..wrong and I want to apologize so-" aw jeez, Jupiter doesn't know what to say. Hm, he should have brought a gift or something.. Maybe flowers-

"So..what?" Saturn asked feeling inpatient. He feels kinda bad and guilty about it too. He just doesn't want to show it, yet.

"Could we be friends again? I-i am sorry for the things I said but I do not want to keep our relationship like this forever, okay? The argument was stupid, you aren't annoying, and..." Jupiter thinks again.

"And that you care enough to come back..?" Saturn tries to finish his sentence.

"Uh, yeah?" Jupiter shrugged.

"Oh.." Saturn sigh.

"You know what? You don't have to apologize Jupiter. This is clearly my fault! I shouldn't have started or pushed this fight in the first place.." Saturn guiltily answered.

"And am sorry too, maybe all of this haven't happened if-"

"Hey, hey! Look, the both of us had mistakes and our mistakes seperate us, " Jupiter paused, clearly trying to comfort Saturn.

"But, that can't break our friendship forever you know?" Jupiter's tone went soft a bit.

"And also, am hoping we could be friend again..I don't want to see you all alone, alright?" Jupiter smiled softly at Saturn, who's eyes are widen with happiness.

"....well-" Saturn hugged Jupiter immediately.

"Am so happy! I thank you!" Saturn hugged Jupiter tighter then Jupiter sigh and hugged back, smiling.

Glad, their friendship is back.

Uranus watches all that.

"Finally, " Uranus thought then went back to his orbit and write about what happened on his diary.

Then Neptune jump scares Uranus again.

Sorry if it's rush I need to write more scenario chapters and stories! This was late because I was doing another Marth fanfic that is in my draft lol.


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