Planet X stages in the kuiper belt

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We'll call him Hades tbh I think that after Hades got kicked out of the solar system and is now stuck in a faraway Kuiper Belt, he'll go insane. Anyway..
and also he's already my fav even BEFORE the canon ep came out.

Warning:tiny gore...


1. Painful.

Hades woke up feeling slightly dizzy from being thrown too hard. His vision was blurry for a moment but then went back to normal.

"Huh? Wait, where am I?" Hades looked around in the Kuiper Belt.


More asteroids.


"CRAP- WAIT WHAT?" Hades realized what happened. The windy and coldness of the far kuiper belt shivered him down his spine.

"How could the Sun do this to me?!" Hades exclaimed, angrily and breathe so hard.

Till his eyes widen.



"THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT!?!" Hades shouted in anger before standing up, almost falling down due to his bruised body.

He felt so weak.

He'll heal eventually.

Until he felt a sharp pain on his cheek.
Hades touched it and groaned as it felt painful.

It seems he got thrown so hard his cheek got it's skin cutted by an asteroid. It bled as blood drops fall under his cheek.

Hades slowly stand up crying a bit from the pain then furrowed his eye brows.
After some time, he slowly and cautiously put the adhesive patch on his cheek. He realized he had one in his pocket because he kept a few bandages with him due to his unsteady and unstable orbit back then, that caused him to bump into everyone.

But it's kinda hard that there's no mirror and he's trying his best to put it in properly.

After bandaging himself up he sat down and look around the asteroids in the kuiper belt.

He's a bored.

He knows he can't stay there or else he'll go insane.


2. Boredom.

Hades then rubbed his cheek gently due to the pain still hurting him.

"this is the most stupid, garbage, horrible, cold, and lonely area!" Hades shouted to himself.

"How do dwarfs hang out in here? Oh yeah..friends is it?" Hades layed his back behind an asteroid and sigh.

"If Jupiter hasn't done this or if I had a stable orbit.. I might have continued to grow up or hang out with Neptune in my home.." Hades said to himself sighing loudly feeling a bit sad.

Until it washed up to anger.


After many months of Hades in the kuiper belt he had been arguing with himself, making up scenerios of how he hates Jupiter, and even roasting him.
Hades thrown a few asteroids, destroying it, and managed to punched it with his hands. Though it hurted him a few times but he doesn't care.


He destroyed one asteroid into dust.


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