sun with his starfriends hang out

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also Proxima Centauri will be called Proxima for short and her pronouns would be she/he😍



"Time to meet ya! Hope your planets are not awake. Or else they'd be surprised," Proxima Centauri laughed at the discord call, that's with the Sun and Trappist-1.

"Can't wait to see ALL of you guys!" Sun giggled in excitement.

(One tiny laws of physics where off. It was the changes of anything on a balanced system, if something big came in. idk made up thing I made for this to work?💀)

The Sun noticed his far planets and their moons sleeping peacefully. Guess they'll wake up later. The Sun also noticed they're a bit far right now, so it's a perfect time to hang out with his friends.

Beside it's his first time meeting other stars up close.

For earthlings it took some stars many years for them to meet our solar system. But for the stars it just took them. Proxima Centauri took 10 minutes to visit the Sun, and for Trappist-1 took only 4 minutes. so he was early.

Sun turned around, jaw dropping a bit. As he finally seen his starfriends up close.

"Hey, Sun!" Trappist-1 greeted, and waved a little. He's a bit shy and kinda nervous meeting his friend for the first time.

"WOW, YOUR SO PRETTY!" Sun immediately complimented, then jumped around excited.

"Oh, thanks-"

Trappist-1 got cut off guard as he notice Sun hugging him already.

"Ha! Your too excited, Sun," stated Trappist-1 as he giggled.

"Sorry! It's just I never actually met other stars before! Hey do you know I do sun puns?" Sun immediately went to a tiny change of topic then grinned.

"Well, that's a start of our first hang out. Oh, and I do know already, I've notice you sneaking in a sun pun joke in the discord call," Trappist-1 nodded and mentioned about it.

"JEEZ YOUR PROBABLY GOOD AT OBSERVING THINGS! It was a tiniest detail!" Sun, again, complimented him and chuckled.

"Thanks," Ttappist-1 smiled a bit. Then he look around for Proxima Centauri.

"So what about Proxima Centauri?"

"She'll come soon! I hope she isn't late!"

-1 half hour later Proxima Centauri came in.

"WASSUP, GUYS! sorry it took me long! My distance is a "bit" far," Proxima Centauri greeted, a bit loudly. Then notice Sun was playing Uno with Trappist-1.

"OH YOUR HERE, FINALLY!" The Sun immediately run towards him and shakes her.

"Your also pretty too! BOTH OF YOU ARE!" Sun is so excited meeting his friends that he started jumping everywhere.

"Damn, calm down!" Proxima Centauri look up at him, a bit surprised that the Sun is THIS excited.

"Anyway, y'all are playing UNO cards without me?!" Proxima Centauri look disappointed.

"I mean, you took forever!" Sun briefly say, then side eye.

"Fair point, NOW LET ME JOIN! and also restarting the game immediately," Proxima Centauri grabbed the Sun's and Trappist-1 cards then restart the game.

"I was about to win," Trappist-1 frowned.

"HA! REALLY?" Sun sat down beside Trappist-1 and Pat his back a bit hard.


"Alright! Truth or dare?" Proxima Centauri asked the Sun, who's ray is a bit brighter out of excitement.

"OOOH okay, okay, dare!" The Sun replied, putting both of his hands together.

Proxima Centauri smiled, evilly. As she nudges Trappist-1 for a second then went to her dare.
"Alrighttt, so I dare you to touch your knees while standing up and spell R-U-N three times,"

The sun raised an eyebrow at that weird dare but then shrugged, thinking it was a challenge.

"Okay!" The Sun touched his knees while standing up.

"R-U-N, r-u-n-" the Sun's head look up at Proxima and Trappist-1 with suspicion. Meanwhile Trappist-1 is side-eyeing.

Sun's brain loading...

"....r-u-n- HOLD UP!? Man, Proxima!"
He just realized.


The sun solar flares immediately at Proxima with no hesitations.



"So, how's everyone going at their star system?" The Sun asked, a bit bored in the inside.

"Oh everything's fine, my planet looks a bit sad all of a sudden. Maybe it's because I had a flare problem," Proxima answered him, then tilted his head.

"My whole planets are fine! They just been a bit...something to me but yeah things are good," Trappist-1 did a little nervous grin after answering.

"NEAT! well, firstly Venus and Mars disappeared all of a sudden and Earth looks a little sad. But I guess maybe another fight? They'll make up eventually, like again, I hope," Sun explained while answering himself, he then crossed his arms feeling confused.

"But the thing is my whole system looks...sad. I don't know what it's the problem is," Sun stated, feeling that he needed an advice.

Proxima and Trappist-1 look at each other.

"Looks like someone has a planet problem," Proxima crossed her arms as he raised an eyebrow.

"Is it because you got too many planets or things in there?" Proxima asked.

"WHAT!? Heyyy, that is not the problem in my system!" The sun pouted and squint at Proxima.

Trappist-1 also protest the conversation.
"Uhh, Usually I also had a planet problem too-"

"Am surprised its the ones with many planets, but am really bad at giving advice but one," Proxima shaked his head then she stand up.

"Have y'all ever tried to move or see what's up? I've done that before. And it help with mine," Proxima was coming up with a suggestion.

"I have a balanced system, I can't do that!" Sun sighed in frustration.

"Uh, well I don't usually do that because my planet, Trappist-1B doesn't really like it when I try to move around. They say it will ruin my other 4 little life planets," Trappist-1 explained.

"Oh, well there's no way we could fix it guys," Proxima face palm.

"Welllll, let's brighten up the atmosphere! How about this, at least we got hope for it to end well!" The Sun wanted to change the topic due to this. Making his friends looked, off. He doesn't want his new meet up friends to not enjoy the first hangout. This is his first time anyway.

Trappist-1 and Proxima shrugged.

"Welp, have another card of Uno?"

"YES!" Sun thumbs up. As his rays of light finally burns up, shining.

"Things probably won't go worser in my system when this hangout Is done. Beside it's getting better and better!"

As they play Sun made another sun pun jokes THAT'S ACTUALLY made Trappist-1 laugh for no reason.


Got nuthing.

Just stars hanging out LMAO SOMEONE WANTED MORE TRAPPIST-1. I got zero topics tbh but I think this is all I got.

So uh I have to work other parts see y'all!


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