Sun gets tired

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OOH INSPIRED BY SABRIRI ON TIKTOK(I saw her on YouTube but I've seen a comic about it on tiktok)

So the Sun gets a bit draining. Whenever he sleeps a light of his goes out making it very darker for the solar system yet stayed in balanced. Still it will be very cold for the earthlings.

So thankfully  the Sun IS STRONG enough to not sleep AT ALL. And doesn't even sleep when his planets are born tbh.

So yeah I got a story idea for this muegeggee.


Sun was looking at his planets.

There's only 5 planets of his.

The other three died.

The sun is tired, tired from losing a lot of planets. He started to get nervous or even gotten a bit more crazier as he realized he's about to be the only one alive if more of his planets died.

He started thinking about how he isn't a responsible star and just a stupid star who just check his planets NOT responsibly or even more to see what's happening at emergency.

All he knows is that Jupiter's and the other planets moons caused this. It irritated him so badly even got furious at them. He did angrily scolded(or even shouted) at Jupiter and the other planets for not ACTUALLY putting his planets moons in place and behaved too. Sun was also doing the same, putting his planets in place and tried to make them behave over one rule:don't leave your orbit.

He had learned that lesson to be more responsible. He's started to get even more irritated at the incident.

And more tired too.

He's even more tired when he realized the "atmosphere" of the solar system is depressing too.


The Sun had a few lava teardrops coming out of his eyes. He didn't wiped them off. He just thinks it's just a few for just being a little sad.

After a few depressing moments, Mercury quietly came in.

"Sun, are you okay?" Mercury take a peek.

"Huh- oh am fine!" Sun smiled, as usual. He look down on Mercury. His eyes seemed tired yet his expression is bright and happy looking.

Mercury raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
"...well, I was just checking up on you to see if you are okay? After the uh, incident," Mercury replied with an undertone. He's kinda sad and lonely. And doesn't know where Earth's moon is.

"Oh, alright! I uh..just wanted to have sometime alone right now but I could go ahead and talk with my BEST FRIEND!" Sun's mood changed a bit. Only because he wanted to talk with someone right now. He can't stay there with negative thoughts.

"Oh, okay-" Mercury got cut off guard when the brightness got down. Or even darker. He look around yet notice the Sun feeling tired.

"W-whats happening?" Mercury asked.

"Why is it darker-"

"OH!" The brightness got up when Sun lits.

"Nothing, oh, Sorry Mercury! I just zone out for a minute," Sun grinned as he explained briefly, his right eye twitched.

Mercury gritted his teeth and did a nervous chuckle.

"Uhm, are you sure your alright?" Mercury asked.

"...." The Sun stared at Mercury. He looks like he's staring at his soul.

It was like this for a few minutes with awkward silence.


"Yeah am fine!" Sun grinned, happily.

Mercury sigh.

"..Sun? I know this is a weird question but, could you tell me Sunpun jokes?" Mercury asked, a bit hesitantly. He knows those jokes are unfunny and he's getting a bit tired. But now he's extra comfortable with it since, he felt nostalgic of how usual and actually fine the solar system is back then.

Like the old times.

"Why?" The Sun's eyes widen a bit.

"Because I want to hear some of it, it reminds me a lot back then, when things are normal," Mercury explained why, briefly.

"Aw, jeez! Didn't know you like some of them, Thanks!" Sun chuckled.

"I'll tell one! Uhhhh," Sun put his finger on his chin, thinking. He's running out of sun pun jokes but he do got one in mind.

"Oh, oh, I know!"

"Why did the Sun join in the army?"


"Because he's wants to be a SOLdier HAHHAHAHAHAHHA," Sun cackled, laughing at his own joke.

(It's bad💀)

Mercury sigh, then smiled a bit.

"Haha, so funny," Mercury shrugged.


I can't come up with one. Am dead HRJAKNFKSBAJJ

Uhh hold on lemme see all I see the other ideas is kinda hard BUT AM FINDING ONE JUST WAIT Y'ALL PLSSS

I just got so many ideas when Hades or planet X/nine came in for him.

I had stories just for him lmao.


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