meeting you was sweet(Jupi Nep)

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UHHH IDK. You can find it as a ship if you ship it lol.

I got art block so don't KKsjkcs Me when my writing lookings different.

(Or not it's still the same right?)

The solar system was usual, no dramas, no traumas, just relaxing time with their planetary friends.

Jupiter was reading his favorite book about old mythology. He then closed his books because it was finished and look around in his surroundings. He also noticed that Saturn isn't around to accompany him. His axis he was orbiting is too far, which made him disappointed. But also, bored.

But then he noticed Uranus and Neptune chatting. Maybe he'll just watch what everyone is doing and try to make up a way to talk to them, if they say anything wrong or goofy so Jupiter could smart talk about it to them.


"Watcha painting, Uranus?" Neptune asked, as he floated upside down watching him.

"Uhh, nothing, mate!" Uranus answered quickly, as he hid his painting behind. It was obvious he was painting Saturn and Earth to practice more on perspective and sizes. (Even though he's already good at it and just done it out of boredom)

Jupiter watches Neptune from afar, raising an eyebrow. He can tell how silly he is.

Showing his tongue, forgetful, even playful sometimes to his own moons.

Jupiter smiled at Neptune for a few seconds. He was thinking Neptune is adorable.

(I mean who think he isn't? AM LOOKING AT YOU NEPTUNE HATERS ON YOUTUBE😡/jj)

Jupiter sighed, still feeling bored. He then try and find another book to entertain himself instead.


"Oof!" Jupiter had bump into Neptune, randomly. Due to Neptune floating away quickly to Jupiter's orbit, after Uranus and Neptunes chat were finished.

"Sorry!" Neptune waved both of his hand then look up at Jupiter, who is taller than him.

"Oh, hey Neptune! Oh and it's okay," Jupiter then slowly opened his book. Though, he can't help but stare at Neptune out of curiousity.

"HUMmmmmmm, who are you again?" Neptune asked, acting like he didn't met him before over, Uranus- painting-of-a-black-hole incident.

"What? You seriously don't recognize me? Am Jupiter!" Jupiter blinked and raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't you just met me for like..uh one and a half hours ago," Jupiter guessed, as he put his hand on hips.

"Your acting like we've met before! I don't remember," Neptune giggled.

Jupiter sigh, but he looked at Neptune, He was adorable. Who would get annoyed at that face? I mean obviously Uranus.

(Neppy in his cute era. But no he stanky he didn't taken a bath in like 3 weeks/hj)

"We do- okay you know what? How about we talk about something else, Neptune," Jupiter suggested then he used his gravity to keep Neptune in place. So he won't float away or disappear again.

"Sure! What's your name?" Neptune asked, as he forgotten.

Jupiter blinked. Did he seriously forgotten that he already introduced his name?

He sigh for one second then play along instead.

"Jupiter, you?"


"Well, nice to meet you Neptune," Jupiter did the usual greeting. Even though he knows him already.

"Neat! Oh what's that?" Neptune grabbed Jupiter's book that he finished reading.

"Oh it's a story about Greek mythology. It's pretty interesting if you ask me," Jupiter put his hands on hip. Then he put his right hand on Neptune's shoulder as Neptune look at the book cover.

"Wanna read with me if your interested? I have other books you could read," Jupiter suggested a little hang out.

"Can Neptune read? I don't know if the words could make sense for Neptune," Jupiter thought to himself.

"Hmmm," Neptune squinted. Then he notice one book.

"Hey what about that one!" Neptune pointed.

"Oh?" Jupiter look up to see a blue little book. It has a boy with a yellow scarf and wearing a green clothing on an asteroid.

"I never seen this before?.." Jupiter was confused.

"Oh it's called, "The little Prince" that's new," Jupiter read the title of it.

He then used his gravity to put Neptune with him, who's jaw dropping a little.

Neptune did a little gasp.

"It's interesting! Very interesting" Neptune grabbed the book then look at it.

"Well, shall we read it?" Jupiter asked.

Then Neptune nodded, wanting to read the book with anticipation.

"Alright! This is my first time reading with you. So let's make it count," Jupiter slowly opened the little book.

"It is such a nice cover. A boy on an asteroid, maybe the topic could be nice?" Jupiter thought.

Then Neptune and Jupiter read together.

Let's say the book is very interesting and cute...yet the meaning of it is a bit deep.


Somebody requested Jupiter x Neptune but idk. If this is a ship fic.

But hey a cute story with jupi finally reading with Neppytune.



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