Neppy jumpscares Uranys

433 9 20

Uhm stinky winky eyelids up lol.

Requested by HelloIamCalm12


Neptune was playing with Guillermo as usual. He was making random noises in his mouth out of boredom. Then he turned to look at Uranus, who's drawing on his sketch pad, aggresively.

"Oh! What the BLOODY HELL IS THIS?" Uranus exclaimed, out of annoyance. He's getting annoyed of his own artsyle and his drawings that he is failing to make it look good.

It was obvious he's in his art block era.

Neptune was a bit concerned for him yet kept a smiling face. He just kept watching him, thinking of what way to cheer him up.

He wanted to cheer him up because Uranus told him to do that when hes upset. (Probably as a reminder ig) but also not because of that, it's because he cares for him.

"Oh I know!" Neptune say, as the light bulb turned on in his head. He looked at Guillermo and put him in his place.
Then he goes to Uranus and tap him on his shoulders.

"HEY, Uranus-"

"WHAT?!" Uranus turned his head to him in complete annoyance and anger. Then he calls down after realizing it's stupid to be mad for nothing.

"Sorry, mate. Am Just..trying to get my art back," Uranus explained, briefly. He turned his head not looking at Neptune for a second then he turned back to him..

Just to see his eyelids Flips.

Neptune giggled,

"Look, Uranus! I just found out about it!"

"WHAT THE" Uranus blinked and jaw drop a bit.

"What are you doing?" Uranus asked him, feeling a bit weirded out by his eyelids.

"Flipping my eyelids!" Neptune thumbs up.

"Then flip them back to normal, mate! It's...kinda weird," Uranus quickly order.

"Hm, I don't know how to!" Neptune answered.

"WHAT" Uranus exclaimed, then he calmed down trying not to overreact.
It's obvious he doesn't want to because his invisible hands are disgusted to do that.

"Oh nevermind!" Neptune fixed them and laughed.

Uranus sigh in relief. He doesn't want to see his eyelids flipped. Kinda creepy to him.

"Don't do that again-"

"I done it again!"


Sorry if it's short I just forgotten to make this and went speedrunning😭

And I  also got distracted.. 😍


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