38: Loss

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Watching through Leur's eyes was like watching through my own.

Rhysand showed me his memories often, and it never failed to bother me how he did not focus on the same things I did. As a shadowsinger and a spy, my mind naturally noticed different things. The tilt of someone's head as they spoke, where their eyes went, how their body was positioned, I could gain half of the information I needed to know just from that.

But Leur's mind worked in the same way mine did.

That's how she knew, within seconds of her boots hitting the wood, that the King was not really there. It was simply a vision of him, connected to his real form but not actually present. If he was really there, he would have never allowed himself to be without guards. He would have never faced Rhysand alone, would have fled the moment she had him cornered. She was currently deciphering if it was meant to be a distraction or a trick.

Perhaps the bastard just wanted to gloat.

"I've missed that pretty face, Leuruna." The King hissed, his eyes roving over her in a way that made my blood boil.

"I'm sure you did." She circled him as she spoke, careful precise footsteps as her shadows searched the ship, "Unfortunately, I've been busy ripping your errand boys to shreds."

"Pity." The man offered, "I quite liked them."

"Yes, I know how you love your little pets." She shrugged, "I hear your toy is broken."

She was distracting him, waiting for Rhys's power to fully return, waiting for her shadows to fully gather intel. The King's eyes kept flicking between her and her brother before settling on Leur.

"So is yours." He only smirked.

A memory of Tamlin bound in chains, blood leaking from his back as he screamed and begged for her to keep breathing flashed in her mind. She steeled herself against it, forced it down, forced herself to remain still.

Don't give him a reaction. I encouraged, Don't give him what he wants.

Leur rolled her eyes, "Tamlin made his own bed. He can lay in it."

A smart move played by my mate, to act as if she did not care, to prove that hurting Tamlin would not affect her.

"Such a callous way to speak of a man who gave up everything for your freedom." The King taunted, "Though, you've always taken advantage of his... affections for you."

"I needed something to wipe your filth off of me." She shrugged, finally reaching Rhys's side. Nausea coursed through me.

"Ah." He nodded, "Seems Amarantha and I sullied all of Altair's ilk."

"It didn't end well for her." Rhys spoke up, voice as smooth as a night wind, "It won't end well for you either."

These were not Hashna's children standing before the King of Hybern. No, this was all politics and cruelty. That calm, casual air about them, the unruffled demeanor in the face of taunts, these were the qualities their father had instilled upon them with a heavy hand.

The King let out a cruel laugh, "I doubt that. I tend to get my way."

"We'll see." Leur hissed.

His eyes trained on her, completely black and cold, "You're always so bold, so callous when you have so much to lose. It seems 500 years have gone by and you still haven't learned how to keep your mouth shut."

"We're always glad to disappoint Hybern." Rhys spoke for her.

"It's truly one of my favorite things to do." Leur turned to her brother, speaking as if the King was not even there.

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