chapter 1

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"Who is he, a God ?"Yunho scoffed while muttering under his breath. He was new at the company and everybody was busy talking about how the new CEO was hotter than hell. All the ladies were swooning over him, the new CEO that is. Even one of the men said he would give up everything for that CEO. This would have perked up Yunho's curiosity but everything and anything that was over hyped always ended up being a disappointment so he didn't even want to know him. Sighing he went over to his office.

At least he now had his own office as a  production manager. But the transfer was really unplanned for. Now he stayed far away from his girlfriend because of the stupid transfer. The good part about it was that with his now increased salary, he would be able to make preparations to marry his girlfriend and take her on a honeymoon. Something he always dreamt about. He put his laptop on the table and ran his fingers through his black hair. He heard a knock and a very loud kid followed saying he needed to be introduced to the rest of the team. He followed him and the guy introduced himself as Jung Wooyoung.

" Hello. I'm Jeong Yunho the new production manager from Busan. Nice to meet you and I hope you'll take care of me." Yunho bowed and the rest of the team did too and they introduced themselves too. Believe it when Yunho says he didn't catch even one name apart from that Jung Wooyoung kid from earlier. He was exhausted due to the long distance he travelled. After a few minutes he retreated to his office. The nice thing about transferring is you leave all those projects you have to the ones who are remaining which meant Yunho was free. He took his phone out and texted his girlfriend to assure her that he had arrived safely.

Soon enough he heard a knock again. He groaned before muttering a come in. The man before him who introduced himself as Park Seonghwa. He was probably the CEO because everyone was talking about how handsome the man was." Are you the CEO?" Yunho asked before he could even phrase the question well." You haven't seen him, have you?" Seonghwa asked with a laugh." No, everyone is talking about how handsome he is so I thought it might be you." Yunho answered honestly as he followed Seonghwa out of his office." I'm honestly honored that you think highly of me, but I'll like to tell you that I'm the CEO's assistant and I stand no chance against that man." Seonghwa said with a smile.

The two held small talk here and there while Seonghwa showed Yunho the huge workplace. Seonghwa told Yunho that the CEO had just bought that company and that's why all the workers are crazy about him. The two hit it off and Seonghwa eventually found himself in Yunho's office. "We had a meeting today so I pulled an all nighter to finish all my work only for the meeting to be cancelled." Seonghwa explained to Yunho who asked him if he had no work. "Then isn't the CEO going to need you?" Yunho asked Seonghwa. "He's on a leave. His father died today." Seonghwa explained to Yunho who just nodded.

The time that everyone has been waiting for finally came. Lunch. Seonghwa invited him to eat with him and Wooyoung. Yunho would've declined the offer but he was hungry so he just went with Seonghwa." Oh my gosh! Seonghwa you're fast. How did you befriend him?" Wooyoung shrieked as he sat down near Seonghwa." Keep it down Woo, you'll scare him."  Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "Y'all realize that I'm still here right?" Yunho lifted his hand and waved at the two men who were speaking as if he wasn't there and the two just laughed at his action.

"What are you reading Woo?" Seonghwa asked as he saw Wooyoung scrolling on his phone. Wooyoung often read mangas, manhwas and romance books." This other story about a boy who fell in love with his bully at school." Wooyoung explained enthusiastically after placing his order. "You like it?" Yunho asked. " I do! I mean feelings are feelings, you can't control them. Also for him to be a bully he must have the body of a Greek god." Wooyoung said the last part rolling his eyes dreamily." Don't worry he's a sucker for men with a great body." Seonghwa said nonchalantly while slurping his drink.

"There's no such thing as falling in love with your bully. It's the same as falling in love with your kidnapper and that's Stockholm syndrome. Besides....wait! Are you gay?" Yunho was still trying to explain why falling in love with your bully is wrong when his brain finally registered what Seonghwa said." Yeah we are." Wooyoung shrugged and continued to eat his beef." So are y'all dating." Yunho asked and Wooyoung laughed histerically and Seonghwa just chuckled." We're just not each other's type." Seonghwa said truthfully. Seonghwa liked cute guys. Seonghwa considered himself a top so hot men were never his things and that's exactly what Wooyoung was into." Are you not grossed out?" Wooyoung let his curiosity get the best of him. "Why should I be? The only thing that would gross me out is if you ate each other's faces right in front of me." Yunho laughed while pointing at them with his chopsticks. Wooyoung fake gagged and Seonghwa just rolled his eyes.

"What about you Yunho?" Seonghwa asked. "I have a girlfriend. She stays in Busan though." Yunho said with a smile as he remembered his beautiful girlfriend." Too bad, I was already shipping you with the CEO." Wooyoung blurted out." Woo!" Seonghwa scolded with laughter. Honestly Seonghwa laughed because he and Wooyoung thought of the same thing. His gaydar told him that Yunho would be perfect for the CEO but the man was straight for goodness sake and even had proof that he was straight. "You're so random." Yunho chuckled at Wooyoung's words. The three finally parted each going to their respective offices.

To be continued

Woohoo!! first chapter for y'all. Stay tuned the story is about to get real nice😊❤️.

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