chapter 26

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Mingi went to the office on a good mood for the first time in three years. He went to the office and started with his work.

He had many meetings for one day but he found himself not complaining about them. Just having his friends back added extra years to his lifespan and energy.

Soon enough it was break but he was so busy that he could not meet up with his friends so he asked to meet up during lunch and everyone agreed.

Within no time it was lunch and everyone met up in Mingi's office. Yeosang and Jongho were the last one to arrive.

"I take it that you managed to get the report." Mingi said as he looked at the envelope that was in Yeosang's hands." Hi to you too Mingi." Yeosang sat down.

"I think someone else should open them." Yeosang gave the file to Seonghwa with shaky hands.

"It will be fine Yeo." Jongho held Yeosang's hands and the latter nodded even though he was scared shitless. He just wanted the moment to be over.

Wooyoung went over to Mingi and held his hand that was visibly shaking. Mingi gave him a smile that showed his gratefulness and Wooyoung smiled back at him.

Seonghwa opened the file with ragged breathing. To others he looked so calm but he was battling his emotions inside.

What was going to happen should the reports say it was Yunho who died that day? What would Mingi do? Won't Mingi's pain double up?

There was pin drop silence as he took a look at the reports. His tears fell without him knowing and he held the paper tightly.

"Hyung?" Wooyoung called out in a small voice. Hongjoong and San had just entered the office to find Seonghwa drowning in a pool of tears.

"It''s. Our friend could s-still be alive." I-it was-wasnt Yunho." Seonghwa smiled as relief flooded over him.

Yeosang and the rest of the group stayed there frozen up until Hongjoong asked what the hell was going on.

"Joongie, the person who died in that car wasn't Yunho. Look at the reports." Seonghwa gave Hongjoong the report he was holding.

"That means we still have a chance?" Mingi finally asked and Jongho nodded. Yeosang bawled his eyes out and he felt guilty for not listening to Mingi back then.

"I'm sorry Mingi. You were right when you asked me what type of brother I am. I never even once thought that Yunho could be alive." Yeosang folded his hands in front of Mingi.

"No hyung. You just wanted to accept reality so it could be easier to live. Living with denial is draining and you just wanted the moment to pass because it was too painful." Mingi hugged Yeosang gently.

"Then if Yunho wasn't in there where could he be? " San said scratching his head in frustration.

"I thought you guys were supposed to break into Yunho's house in Busan?" Wooyoung said." Yes and we did but there was no sign of Yunho there."
San sighed.

"Yeosang is there any hiding place that your father hides some sensitive things at? Like a special room or something?" Hongjoong asked.

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