chapter 2

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It had already been a week since Yunho met Seonghwa and Wooyoung and they were the best friends you could ask for. They made him feel at ease and he couldn't have asked for anything more." Today the CEO is coming." Seonghwa told Wooyoung as they approached Yunho. "It's about time his lazy ass showed up here." Wooyoung said with no remorse as if the person he's talking about doesn't have the power to fire him at any moment. "Isn't it the CEO you're talking about?" Yunho asked surprised as to how Wooyoung was talking. "He's Wooyoung's best friend from college so...." Seonghwa trailed off. " Oh best friend perks!" Yunho exclaimed. "Just friends, without best in it." Wooyoung defended.

The three departed to their offices. Honestly Yunho didn't really have a lot of work. It's true that in the corporate world more work is dictated to the people at the bottom of the ladder and the people at the top only polish what has been there. So Yunho finished his quickly and texted his girlfriend. Yunho was a good boyfriend who texted his girlfriend to check that she was doing fine and ended the day with a video call. The telephone in Yunho's office rang and he realized for the first time that there was a phone there. Seonghwa's voice was heard on the side telling him that he was summoned to the CEO's office. Yunho made his way to the said office with his heart hammering in his chest. He wasn't ready to meet the CEO, not now not ever. But does he have a choice? No.

Yunho was so nervous that he got into the office without even knocking. His first mistake. No one, not even Seonghwa, not even Wooyoung. Nobody got into the CEO's office without knocking." I'll excuse myself." Seonghwa said and went out after mouthing a quick ' I'm sorry ' to Yunho. Yunho was still asking himself what he had done wrong when he heard someone clearing his throat." I'm the one who called you." A very gruff, manly and sexy voice made it's way to Yunho's ears. ' Dang! Even my girlfriend's voice is not that sexy'.  Yunho thought before turning his face to look at the man before him. He realized that his staff was lying.

This man wasn't just hot, he was handsome, ethereal, good looking and any kind of word you could use to describe anything that is pleasing to the eye. He was a boy candy at its fullest. The most handsome man he had seen so far was Seonghwa but this man surpassed all beauty standards. He wasn't just surpassing them, he could be the standard itself. Those siren eyes that could seduce every person. That nose that seemed to have been sculpted. Those pink lips that was slightly parted. The man was simply breath taking. Yunho found himself losing confidence in his looks. This man was sent as an apology for sending crappy men before.

"Sit down." The CEO said with his eyes raking Yunho's body. Yunho gulped and nodded before sitting down." There may be a fashion show coming up. It.has been finalized so we gotta stay prepared, those western twinks know what they're doing." the CEO chuckled. Yunho might have just blushed at that sound but he would like to blame it on his nervousness." I heard your designs are great. Can I see some of them?"the man asked."I haven't been in the field for quite some time so I probably lost my touch. Besides beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so you might just find them average." Yunho said as he fiddled with his fingers before continuing " I will email them to Seonghwa hyung and he will show you." Yunho said as he stood up.

" I want you."the CEO said before correcting himself. "I want you to bring them to me." Yunho muttered a yes sir with burning cheeks and a heart that threatened to escape the bondage called ribs. Yunho found Seonghwa pacing up and down in his office." Hyung don't you have work to do? What are you doing in my office?" Yunho smiled. He was used to this. Always finding Seonghwa or Wooyoung in his office." What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?" Seonghwa asked frantically." Hyung you do know you have to breathe right? Besides what are you talking about? If you mean the CEO then no, in fact he's pretty cool." Yunho said as he got into his cloud account to look at some of his designs that he had saved leaving Seonghwa baffled.

Seonghwa soon left deciding that this news would be shared at lunch. There was no way he was going to tease Yunho alone. He just needed Wooyoung to be there. Yunho finally found his designs and headed to the Mingi's office. This time he knocked and got in once he heard that no one answered. He walked slowly inside wondering how it's like to be a CEO and have your own company. Leading a group of people who hate you and those who love you and those who have crushes on you not forgetting those who admire your skills along with those who just want to get into your pants but amidst all of that you had to do what you do and focus on making your business grow. Before he knew it, he was sitting on the CEO's chair. "You do know the owner of that chair is still around right?" Yunho jumped at Seonghwa's voice.

"Hyung, you're all over the place. Can't you just sit down?" Yunho rolled his eyes as he continued to twirl on Mingi's chair." Yunho, he is coming!" Seonghwa whisper shouted to Yunho." Let him come, do I look like I'm afraid of him?" Yunho scoffed and did a 360 degree turn on the chair until he found the CEO right there looking at him. Like before, Seonghwa excused himself leaving the two behind. "Can I have a look?" Mingi asked as he went to Yunho's side. Yunho was literally shaking and he clasped his hands underneath the table to hide that. Mingi got behind Yunho's or rather his chair and changed the designs admiring each one of them with a smile. The action reduced Yunho to a blushing mess as Mingi was literally hovering above him and he breathed his cologne." The designs are great! You're a star." Mingi said as he smiled at Yunho. Oh boy that smile !!

"Organize a meeting with the designers and choose your team. I'm sorry about that. But I'll ask Seonghwa to take up on your duties." Mingi said while fixing his suit and walking to the coffee table in the middle of his office. Yunho quietly excused himself out of the office. Lucky enough lunchtime was in 10 minutes so he went straight to the canteen. Upon arrival he found Wooyoung there already reading one of his romance books." I swear, I've never seen you or Seonghwa hyung working." Yunho said. Wooyoung was the head of finance so his main job was to check if the financial statements were done with no errors. Someone as loud and friendly as Wooyoung according to Yunho should be a receptionist where he'll be able to converse with a ton of people.

"It's not my fault that I literally get paid for nothing." Wooyoung laughed like a hyena. Yunho say down and ordered some tteokbokki." Fam, you can not believe what just happened!" Seonghwa shrieked as he sat down next to Wooyoung." This young lad here entered Mingi's office without knocking." Seonghwa continued and Wooyoung laughed." Seonghwa my love, if he had then he wouldn't be in front of us." Wooyoung reasoned." What's wrong about entering his office without knocking? It's not like he's always naked in there." Yunho sassed." Anybody who does that doesn't even have to wait for their paycheck. It will find them at home. But you also sat on his chair." Seonghwa said shaking his head while looking at Yunho intently.

"Do you think he was clearing the way ?" Wooyoung smirked and Seonghwa nodded." As far as I know Mingi he wouldn't let someone cross the line twice in a row." He added." Stop talking like I'm not here. Who the hell is this Mingi ?" Yunho asked with a tired voice." Song Mingi, the CEO of this company." Wooyoung pointed to Mingi who was walking past seeming to be on his way out. Yunho just rolled his eyes not getting what the two men in front of him were talking about. Time seemed to be going slowly but eventually it was time to go home.

To be continued

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