chapter 39

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It had been six months since Yunho and returned and the couple had underwent therapy and they couldn't agree any more than they did that it had worked for them.

Mingi was no longer insecure about his relationship with his son and Yunho was also no insecure about hi relationship with Mingi.

They had learnt to accept and embrace the fact that they had no control over what happened and it was better to move on.

Mingi had sold his company and started a new company which only took tenders for idols and celebrities to reduce his workload as he now had a family to take care of and pay attention to.

Yunho was an independent freelance designer. Even though he had lots of contracts, he only took the ones with less requirements as he had to take care of his child.

Every Saturday was a family day where the three would go out and do something together as a family. A picnic, pottery lessons, dinner, camping, anything you could think of they did.

Every Friday would be some YunGi time. Sometimes it involved going to the cinema to watch a movie or just watching at home. Sometimes it would just be playtime.

Mingi figured that it was time to take things a bit higher. Even though he was kinda anxious he hoped Yunho would want the same thing.

Yunho was seated on his chair finalizing his designs while Yoongi was watching cartoons on the television while singing some cartoon tunes.

Mingi was at the office and Yunho found some peace and quiet without him. His son's playfulness had rubbed off onto him and he was always pestering Yunho.

"Boom!" Mingi came from behind Yunho and scaring him in the process." Aishhh! Can't you just give me one day of peace?!" Yunho put his hand on top of his heart.

"I can but I don't want to. There's no fun in that." Mingi chuckled before going upstairs. He passed by his son who had fallen asleep in the middle of his cartoon watching time.

He picked him up and went to tuck him in before heading to his room to change his clothes. He then went downstairs with the intention of bothering Yunho again.

"It won't work twice Song." Yunho sighed when he heard Mingi tiptoeing behind him. Mingi huffed and sat down next to him.

"That k-pop group?" Mingi asked when he saw Yunho's designs and Yunho shook his head." You're not supposed to know my clients. Professionalism Mingi." He scolded lightly.

"Sure sure. As if you're not the one who told me about the tender." Mingi rolled his eyes. Get ready, we're going out at seven." Mingi ruffled Yunho's hair.

"Not when I planned a nice hot bath for myself." Yunho pouted." Sounds kinda nice but if it's not today it's probably going to be in the afterlife." Mingi said.

"Okay then. Formal or casual?" Yunho put his paper in the air to take a better look at the design." Don't worry about the outfit. I've organized everything." Mingi smiled.

"Ohh perks of being Jeong Yunho. Well thanks, I had nothing to wear actually." Yunho smiled." Come on no silly games Mingi." Yunho sighed when he felt Mingi's lips on his neck.

"Just a little Yunnie." Mingi nipped a bit on Yunho's neck and pulled him onto his lap." No Mingi." Yunho breathed and the crayon fell from his hand."Shall we take this to the bedroom?" Mingi rasped and Yunho hummed.

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