chapter 10

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Yunho woke up feeling overwhelmed with his emotions. When he had went back home he knew his heart belonged to Mingi. The way his heart raced when Mingi touches him, complements him and calls him spoke volumes. The way his body reacted to Mingi's little touches and the way he liked it when Mingi called him Yunnie were further proof of that. As much cliche as it sounded he wanted to free Gaeul from the relationship so she could find someone better than him. As selfish and wrong as it sounded his entire being reacted in the most perfect way when Mingi was the topic.

Apparently the sickness was a facade, his dad was already deciding his marriage with Gaeul. He couldn't have the courage to tell him that he's in love with another person not Gaeul. Gaeul looked happy and he couldn't afford to ruin that. He told himself that he would learn to love her like he once did but he realized his love for Gaeul was never the same as the one he had for Mingi. His emotions were stupid and he had to learn to use their stupidity to his advantage. Maybe staying away from Mingi would help calm his heart he thought but the feelings only got worse.

Those late night talks with Mingi, those cuddles and hugs, those forehead kisses. He missed everything about Mingi. Those moments when he would cry on Mingi's chest, the way Mingi would comfort him and be gentle with him like he was a porcelain doll. He didn't just miss it, he wanted it because that's what kept him going. The comfortable silences that would often lead to sexual tension but Mingi always made sure not to cross the lines. He wasn't afraid to fall because he knew Mingi would be there to catch him. All those things made him not want Mingi anymore but need him. His sanity depended on Song Mingi and his presence.

"Yunho you don't look too well are you fine?" Seonghwa asked and he just nodded. He was in no way fine. He liked Song Mingi but his fate was already decided. Seonghwa tried to talk to Yunho but the latter was just too engrossed in his sadness that he couldn't hear anything. His legs found their way to Mingi's office without him even knowing. He realized he was standing in front of Mingi's office and he debated on whether he should go back or enter. For the first time since Yunho worked at the company, he had the decency to knock before he heard that voice that he loved so much telling him to come in. He slowly got in and closed the door.

There stood the capturer of his heart. Wearing a black formal trouser, along with a white shirt that was rolled up to his elbows making him look all manly. Yunho missed Mingi so much it hurt and he didn't even know he was crying until he tasted the saltiness of a stray tear that decided to trespass his mouth. Mingi looked at him with a worried expression before quickly walking up to him and locking the door to protect them from any prying eyes. He closed the blinds giving the office a darker look and walked up to Yunho and hugging him tightly.

"Get me out of here please." Yunho whispered to Mingi who wasted no time and told Seonghwa to take his place in all the meetings. He quickly took his private elevator and took Yunho to the comfort of his home. Upon arrival he changed his own clothes before giving Yunho some clothes to change in the bathroom. He found Mingi on the couch with a blanket and Mingi lifted the blanket for Yunho when he saw him approach. Yunho wasted no time and latched his feet around Mingi's legs while the hand went around Mingi's neck and he brought him closer to put his face in the younger's neck.

" Wanna talk about it?" Mingi asked as he brought out his hand to Yunho's waist and brought him closer and Yunho shook his head. Mingi took one of Yunho's free hand and caressed it gently." You know I'm not going anywhere right?" Mingi gently asked and Yunho nodded." Mingi, I'm going to get married." Yunho whispered with tears glistening his eyes. His tears fell when he felt Mingi's hand stilling and stopping his circular motions. He suddenly felt far from Mingi even though though their bodies were literally sticking together.

Mingi felt his heart breaking. If what he felt before wasn't heartbreak then this was what people talked about when they said heartbreak. He always thought Yunho's girlfriend was the luckiest person and he admired her for being able to steal Yunho's heart but now he felt utter, pure, complete and absolute vile jealousy. But he still considered himself lucky that at least he got to hold Yunho in his arms on more than one occasion and he would always be thankful for that. The liquid running down his neck reminded him that he had zoned out.

He continued his motions and swallowed his cries that so badly wanted to be let out. Realization dawned up on him that once Yunho got married they would never be able to be close to one another like this. He may never even see the guy he cared about. He realized he won't be the one to comfort Yunho when Yunho was sad. He won't be able to kiss Yunho's forehead and whisper sweet words that always made Yunho feel better. Honestly he couldn't stomach the thought of Yunho belonging to someone else. Maybe if he hadn't been a coward back then he would have been the one Yunho was tied to his whole life. But it was karma he guessed.

"I don't like her Mingi." Yunho's voice brought Mingi back to reality. "Then why?" Mingi couldn't even finish the sentence as his stomach churned at the newly released information. His voice was hoarse with emotions and it dawned on Yunho how much they felt for each other." My dad." The short reply came. "I don't like her Mingi, please stop this wedding. I can't." Yunho pleaded with tears and a shaky voice." But baby the wedding is yours." The nickname slipped without him even realizing. It was surprising how Yunho asked someone else to stop his own wedding. It was because he trusted Mingi more than anyone and anything in his life." Mingi please." Yunho timidly asked. He knew the consequences of him going against his parents but he needed Mingi because he knew the younger would protect him.

"Do you really want me to stop it baby?" Mingi asked as he turned to look at Yunho and their foreheads touched at the action. Yunho nodded with a sharp intake of breath as he felt Mingi's breath on his mouth and he realized how close they were. Yunho's hand gently got out of Mingi's grasp and went to his chest that Yunho so loved. Mingi's free hand travelled up to Yunho's cheek to cup him gently before speaking up. "This is wrong Yunnie. I can't make you do this baby." Mingi said. He knew the possibilities of Yunho feeling guilty for cheating were close to a hundred percent." You don't feel for me?" Yunho got Mingi in his palms. He knew Mingi wanted him as much as he wanted him too. He saw Mingi swallow and look at his lips.

Yunho breathed heavily and Mingi's eyes bore holes into Yunho's as he battled his moral loyalty before giving in. Mingi placed a kiss on his nose before going down to the mouth. The rough yet sweet lips of Mingi encompassed Yunho's soft ones. Their mouths moved in sync as they poured out their hearts by worshipping each other's lips. Yunho felt Mingi's tongue somewhere deep down his mouth. Yunho's hands gripped on Mingi's t shirt as his brain became fuzzy and he just followed Mingi's lead blindly like he would in any other situation. Mingi bit Yunho's bottom lip and Yunho whimpered. Mingi licked it gently giving Yunho some time to breathe. Mingi's hands had somehow landed on Yunho's hair and he was playing with it.

If Yunho thought the kiss was deep then he was lying because all of a sudden Mingi gently pulled Yunho's hair and shoved his tongue deep into his mouth. Yunho moaned at the feeling of having Mingi dominating the kiss like he was born solely for that. The two men sucked and licked at the honey spilling from each other's mouth. Mingi slowed down the kiss allowing Yunho to catch his breath. He slowly disconnected their lips that were linked by a string of saliva and he licked Yunho's lips as he looked at Yunho with disheveled hair and red eyes due to the crying that he had done earlier. He might have looked like a mess but he still looked beautiful in Mingi's eyes. Mingi stared at his love before diving in to suck his neck and adorn him with a purple hickey. He quickly licked it and admired it.

"Now that I've claimed and marked you, can I take responsibility and take care of you my love?" Mingi's said with his raspy voice and Yunho nodded while placing his head on Mingi's chest as he replayed what just happened on his mind and he suddenly felt shy and heat flooded his face after realizing that Mingi has been calling him pet names. Mingi kissed Yunho's forehead and the two stayed like that in comfortable silence. Yunho found himself staying the night because he missed Mingi and the two cuddled to sleep but this time knowing very well that their feelings are reciprocated.

To be continued

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