chapter 6

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Yunho woke up feeling tired. He looked around the room and realized that it was not his. Even his clothes were changed and the bed he was sleeping on was extra comfortable. Before he could even ask himself where he was Mingi barged in. That's when he remembered what had happened back then and he felt tears pricking his eyes. He closed his eyes in an attempt to swallow them. He didn't want to cry, not before Mingi when Mingi had told him he didn't want him around Seokmin." Yunho, wake up and eat." Yunho heard Mingi's voice. Yunho just shook his head. He opened his eyes when he heard a dip on the bed signalling that Mingi was sitting down.

"Yunho, you've to eat. Please." Mingi's voice was full of worry. Yunho didn't appreciate how he went from Yunnie darling to Yunho but it wasn't his place to ask how he was demoted. Yunho got up and was fed chicken soup by Mingi. The undivided attention and gentleness he got from Mingi was nice and he really craved for more. He was thinking about what happened when his eyes darted to mirror and he saw those hickeys. He slowly stood up with tears strolling down his cheeks and went to the mirror to take a look at them. He took Mingi's phone which was the nearest thing and threw it at the mirror and the mirror shattered into a thousand pieces as he screamed and fell on the ground with a loud thump.

Mingi ran to him and hugged him while still kneeling down. Yunho cried his heart out in Mingi's arms. Mingi whispered sweet words to Yunho to comfort him. Yunho pulled Mingi closer to him needing him more than he ever needed anyone in his life. He nestled his face in the crook of Mingi's neck and inhaled that scent he so much missed and needed. Mingi's hands were playing with Yunho's light brown hair that was now going back to it's original black color. Yunho's legs felt numb due to kneeling down for a while. Mingi lifted Yunho up and brought him to his bed. He brought out a turtle neck for him to wear so he wouldn't be reminded of what happened. Yunho was grateful for that and he changed in the bathroom.

"Stay, please?" Yunho pleaded as Mingi was about to give him space but Yunho didn't need space. The only thing he needed was the man in front of him. "Yun, I need..." Mingi was about to tell Yunho that he needed to clean the glass shards that were in the floor before Yunho interrupted him. " Don't call me that!" Yunho said rather roughly. "I'm sorry." Mingi apologized weakly. Previously Yunho hadn't had any problem when Mingi called him Yunnie so he thought he'd be fine if he called him Yun." I don't like it,he- he called me that." Yunho said with his voice breaking. Mingi now understood the reason behind Yunho's aggression.

"I didn't know I'm sorry Yunho." Mingi said. Yunho opened the covers and invited Mingi in. Mingi slid in and Yunho practically threw himself onto Mingi putting his head on Mingi's chest and his hands around Mingi's neck. Mingi's left hand snaked itself around Yunho's waist while the other played with Yunho's hair. Yunho tensed as he felt Mingi's hand in his waist but soon relaxed into the touch. Mingi's other hand travelled to his neck as he traced the hickeys with his fingers. His jaw clenched and he closed his eyes as tried to compose himself. Yunho was supposed to be feeling terrified but for some reason he didn't and that terrified him. How he trusted and felt safe with Mingi.

"What's wrong Yunnie?" Mingi whispered as Yunho's waterworks started again." He touched me." Yunho cried silently." I know Yunnie, I know. I'm sorry that I wasn't there." Mingi whispered too as he moved his hand to caress Yunho's hips and lightly kissed Yunho's forehead. Yunho liked the gesture more than he would like to admit. He calmed down and looked up at Mingi to find the latter looking at him with those siren eyes. He felt his breath becoming rapid and he blushed at the way Mingi was looking at him like he hung the moon." Seonghwa and Wooyoung will be here later to check on you. They're worried." Mingi said as he caressed Yunho's cheek. Yunho felt grateful for having friends like Seonghwa and Wooyoung.

"I'm sorry for making you lose. I didn't mean to cause you problems and I certainly didn't want to be a burden." Yunho said regretfully." You can never be a burden to me. Besides it was nice to see your excited face everytime someone wore something you designed." Mingi chuckled as he pulled Yunho closer as if they're already not sticking to one another. He didn't even need to be told which ones were Yunho's designs because Yunho's face gave it away. Yunho felt butterflies as he heard that one sound again. "Get some sleep, they will be here soon. I don't want them to find a cranky Yunho because you didn't have enough sleep." Mingi said as he lightly touched Yunho's neck and kissed it. Yunho shivered at the action  and closed his eyes.

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