chapter 12

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"I'm still waiting for you to tell me what's wrong Yunnie." Mingi said as he gave Yunho a glass of water. They had just got off of work and went to Mingi's house. The two had just changed from their formal clothing to Mingi's clothes because apparently according to Mingi Yunho looked better in Mingi's clothes. Yunho took the glass and put it on the dressing table as he waited for Mingi to sit down. "The wedding has been preponed." Yunho said while looking at his hands." Yunnie baby if you don't mind, can you tell me why it looks like you are afraid of your dad." Mingi said as he ignored the prior comment for some time.

"My brother, he's gay." Yunho croaked and that was enough for Mingi to understand." When is it?" Mingi referred to the wedding as he pulled Yunho into his arms." In two weeks. Tomorrow Gaeul is coming and we're supposed to buy rings." Yunho said." Gaeul? Who is she?" Mingi inquired." My girlfriend." Yunho answered." Sorry, the girl I'm supposed to marry." Yunho said once he saw the way Mingi was glaring at him. Mingi nodded and the lines on his forehead disappeared as he gave a small smile to Yunho.

"Don't worry my love, I won't fail you. I promise." Mingi said as he saw Yunho's brows furrowing. Yunho nodded and looked at Mingi with his puppy eyes." My sweet goldy, I know you wanted to say something earlier on at the office. Talk to me now Yunnie." Mingi said." It's nothing." Yunho said as he peeled his eyes off Mingi and looked elsewhere. Yunho just wanted Mingi's attention and reassurance but he didn't dare ask for it so he just ditched the matter." Should I take your withdrawal as your need for my attention and reassurance next time darling? Shouldn't we communicate like normal people hmm?" Mingi asked and Yunho looked down not saying anything because he knew Mingi was right.

"Yunho baby when I'm talking I expect you to converse back. I'm surely not mad to talk alone when you're there." Mingi said as he grabbed Yunho's chin and made him look at him. It kinda irked him that Yunho wasn't willing to talk to him." Am I making you uncomfortable? Do you need to be alone for a moment?" Mingi asked because honestly the way Yunho was keeping quiet made him think he was being a nuisance to him." No Mingi" Yunho responded with teary eyes. He hadn't meant to make Mingi feel that way. Mingi was his everything and more so why would he want to be alone when he could be with Mingi?

" I'm sorry for talking like that. I didn't mean to upset you." Mingi apologized when he saw Yunho's teary eyes. He was just stressed over the new information and he forgot that Yunho was the one hurting and more stressed than him. He wiped Yunho's tears and kissed his forehead." Yunho please talk to me, I need to set things right and I can't do it if there's a rift between us. I can't lose you, not this time." Mingi pleaded as he placed a kiss on Yunho's lips and Yunho nodded.

"My brother accidentally came out to my dad  when he was 16. My dad told him that it's just a stage and he'll outgrow it. He told him to find himself a girlfriend and that she should be there for his 16th birthday. On his 16th birthday there was no girlfriend, he only brought his boyfriend. That's when hell started for him." Yunho said with his eyes trained on Mingi's chest. Mingi kissed his hand and urged him to continue.

" He was continually mistreated and everything he did wrong was somehow connected to his sexuality. He had good grades at school but because of the mistreatment his grades gradually declined. My father always used to beat him at any given chance and would call him names. I always urged him to call the police but he didn't. The emotional, mental and physical abuse continued until he was 17. One day my father was drunk and he beat him so bad that he broke his ribs and a few bones. That was the last day I saw him. I found him gone tomorrow and he never came and never contacted us." Yunho said the last words in tears. He was sad that his own brother never once missed him in those years. He left without a word and never contacted him ever again. He couldn't believe that the bond they shared was so weak that his brother decided to end it just like that.

"Thank you my brave Yunnie. You're so strong my love and I'm grateful that you shared with me your burden." Mingi praised. Yunho cuddled onto Mingi's warm chest and cried softly as Mingi showered him with affection and utmost care. Yunho wondered how lucky he was to have Song Mingi in his life.

To be continued

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