chapter 25

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"Wake up Papa."the little boy jumped on top of Yunho. He pried open Yunho's eyes with his little fingers and Yunho groaned.

"What is it baby? Do you need anything?" Yunho asked with sleep coated all over his voice." No. I want to play."the little boy smiled excitedly.

"Yoongi it's still early please. Go to sleep my prince. I'll wake you up later." Yunho patted his son's head.

"Papa you don't love me amymore? I just want play with you." little Yoongi said sadly." Baby you know Papa loves you the most right?" Yunho woke up and sat down facing his son.

"Also it's anymore not amymore." Yunho laughed lightly at his son's mistake.

"Then why you don't want to play with me?" Yoongi sat on his Papa's lap." Whatever my darling wants he gets. What do you want baby?" Yunho smiled at his son.

"Daddy." Yoongi said." My sweet cupcake your daddy is still busy. He'll come to see you once his work gets less okay?" Yunho said with a fake smile.

"But Papa you always say that. Do daddy love me? Do he not want to see me?" Yoongi wiped his tears.

'How do I tell you baby that your daddy doesn't even know you exist? How do I tell you that I'm here because of my helplessness? I'm very sure that had your daddy known you exist then he would've been the best daddy ever to you.'  Yunho thought to himself.

"Baby your daddy loves you so much but he's helpless. He's got a lot on his plate and once he finishes his work he'll come to see you." Yunho's tears welled.

He missed Mingi so much that there wasn't a day when he didn't cry himself to sleep.

The only thing that made him to keep going was his son. The symbol of his and Mingi's love and passion. The symbol of how he would never belong to anyone as much as he belonged to Mingi.

Their son resembled Mingi so much. His eyes, nose and lips. Everything screamed Mingi and that on its own kept Yunho going. He hoped that someday he would meet with him.

He prayed that Mingi would meet someone better who would treat him like the king he was. But at the same time he wanted Mingi to be his boyfriend only.

"Papa do you miss daddy?" little Yoongi wiped away Yunho's tears. Yunho didn't even know that he was crying.

"A lot baby. A lot." Yunho sobbed quietly. He was tired of lying to himself and to his son. He always managed to convince little Yoongi that his daddy would one day come to see him.

But how was he going to convince himself that he would reunite with Mingi one day? That even if they meet Mingi would still love him as much as he once did or if he would love him at all.

But the truth was that even if  Mingi was to look for him he would never find him because he and his son were trapped and they had no choice but to stay there.

"Don't worry Papa. I know daddy will come and I will see him." Yoongi said excitedly and kissed Yunho's cheek.

"I'm sorry Papa." Yoongi said." It's okay my prince." Yunho kissed Yoongi's forehead.

Yoongi took Yunho's phone and switched it on. He looked at the wallpaper that was his daddy and kissed it.

"Daddy Papa and I miss you a lot. Papa has told me that when you come you'll bring me a lot of toys. I love you daddy." Yoongi smiled at the wallpaper.

Yunho's heart broke at the sight of his son talking to his daddy's photo. He hugged little Yoongi tight as he secretly wiped his tears.

The two went downstairs and started preparing breakfast. It was too early for Yunho's liking but only food could calm his son whenever he missed his daddy.

He hated himself for keeping his son away from Mingi but he really didn't have much of a say. He had to be away from Mingi for their son.

Yunho prepared some waffles and he gave Yoongi some along with some warm milk. Yoongi ate up quickly so that he could steal some of Yunho's food.

"Darling you'll choke on your food. I know you think mine are good but still eat slowly okay?" Yunho patted his son's head and Yoongi nodded.


"So we're giving the last try right?" Yeosang asked and everyone nodded." Yes we're doing this." Hongjoong said.

"Mingi I would just like to say we should have fifty fifty of hope and disappointment. We don't know if Yunho is alive or not or if we will even find him." Yeosang counselled Mingi and the latter nodded.

"So what places have your private investigators checked? Maybe they could have missed something." San asked.

"All hotels, BNBs, and refugee camps." Mingi said." All hospitals and clinics and home based care areas." Hongjoong said." Mine has checked all police stations and all airports." San said.

"So that means Yunho is still in the country if he's alive." Wooyoung said." We need the forensic reports to see if that body was really Yunho's or not." Seonghwa said and Yeosang nodded.

"You didn't check our home? Busan? Maybe dad is involved somehow." Yeosang said." I checked once and there wasn't any sign of Yunho. But maybe we could check again just to be sure." Jongho said.

"Okay then Yeosang hyung and Jongho are in charge of the forensic report." Mingi said and the said men nodded.

"San and I will go back to Busan to check once again." Hongjoong said." Hey! What about Woo and I?" Seonghwa said.

"Should I remind you that you two work here?" Mingi said and Wooyoung shook his head. He wouldn't admit it but he was still scared of Mingi to a certain extent.

"Okay then everyone may go and do their own thing. We'll meet again tomorrow with the updates." Mingi said and everyone nodded.

For the first time in three years Mingi felt like he had a support system. All this time he was his only cheerleader.

Now that his friends got his back he felt like everything would soon be fine. And even if Yunho was no more he would also die knowing he never gave up on the love of his life.

Mingi took out his phone and looked at Yunho's photo that he had taken secretly during their picnic date.

"My love, today all our friends came to their senses. They agreed to help look for you." Mingi smiled.

"Yunnie baby you should have seen Wooyoung yesterday, he was so terrified that he his behind Seonghwa hyung." Mingi chuckled.

"I promise that I'll find you and I'll rescue you from any problem you're in my love." Mingi kissed his phone's wallpaper.

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hadn't planned for the child but I got the idea out of the blue 😭😭.

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