chapter 9

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It had been a few days since Yunho was back. Of course everything was fine except him. He distanced himself from Mingi like he had a contagious disease. Mingi had realized this but it wasn't his place to ask and he had promised Yunho that he would let go when he wanted him to let go. It would be a lie if they said they didn't miss one another. The air was always thick with tension but none of them wanted to address the elephant in the room. It was better that way.

On the other hand there was San and Wooyoung. They were lovey dovey as if their lives depended on it. PDA was a common thing around them and all their friends had accepted it. There was Seonghwa and Hongjoong. The secret duo. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were really subtle, not that they were dating though. They just expressed their feelings in odd ways, bullying each other as the main way. You would think they hate each other if you didn't know them quite well.

"Why are you avoiding Mingi?" Wooyoung questioned Yunho during lunch. "I'm not avoiding him." Yunho shrugged." Yes, he's not. If avoiding means talking and spending time with someone then yes he isn't. Right Yunho?" Seonghwa said sarcastically as he blew on his ramen. "Mingi won't get sick even if I avoid him." Yunho said as he took his phone and replied his girlfriend.

Recently Yunho was losing feelings for his girlfriend quicker than he gained them. He had tried to kiss his girlfriend when he went back home and no, it felt wrong. It was like he was kissing his sister. It was wrong on many levels and all he could think about was Mingi.

" He won't get sick but you're hurting. Look at you, you're responding your girlfriend but you don't have a smile on your face." Seonghwa said.

"Yunho you're playing with three hearts, yours, Mingi's and that girl's heart. I can't tell you who to love and choose but at least be honest with yourself." Wooyoung said something wise for the first time. "Already speaking in sparkles. The boyfriend effect is real." Seonghwa marvelled at Wooyoung's words and  Yunho and Wooyoung laughed.

"Did you hear about the kidnapping?" Hongjoong asked as he sat down next to Seonghwa, a spot he liked and claimed because he wanted to bully Seonghwa." No! What happened?" Seonghwa said as he gave Hongjoong his full attention and the two males who had already been there along with San who had just come with Hongjoong also listened intently." Oh he woke up." Hongjoong said calmly as he looked at Seonghwa. The group laughed earning themselves dirty looks from the staff. If looks could kill!! Seonghwa kept a straight face even though he so wanted to laugh. He was in no way offended because this was their daily dose of love and affection. This was their odd way of communication which they both enjoyed.

" I hate you." Seonghwa said as he looked at Hongjoong who was still laughing with tears in his eyes. "Do I look like I care?" Hongjoong said as he stuck his tongue out to Seonghwa and stole his ramen." Over here Jongho." San waved at Jongho who was looking for them in the big canteen. The muscular man made his way to San's table and he bowed lightly at the three strangers." Jongho this is Yunho and this is Wooyoung. As for this man I don't even know him." Hongjoong introduced and Jongho bowed to the three men.

"Hi. I'm Seonghwa. The only tall and handsome man here. Don't even talk about Yunho, he's cute not handsome." Seonghwa introduced while emphasizing the tall part so he could taunt Hongjoong even though he was just a little inches taller than Hongjoong. Jongho smiled and bowed to Seonghwa. For the first time Hongjoong had no comeback for Seonghwa and Seonghwa smirked triumphantly at Hongjoong who just rolled his eyes while eating Seonghwa's noodles." It's not over Seonghwa." Hongjoong threatened and Seonghwa shrugged while replying with a " yes it's not over,it's lunch Kim Hongjoong." The group laughed lightly at the two older guys who fought like their salaries depended on it.

Soon lunch ended with everyone going back to their offices. Even though there was no purpose or rather for a different purpose Hongjoong and San were given their own office where Hongjoong and San spent most of their time. There was a lot that they did but they wouldn't dare say it, at least not yet. San was on his phone flirting with Wooyoung as always and Hongjoong went out to the restrooms. He decided to bully Seonghwa as always when he saw him. He quietly went to Seonghwa and stood behind him. He pressed his knees to the back of Seonghwa's knees and Seonghwa almost fell." Hongjoong!" Seonghwa yelled after balancing himself.

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