chapter 11

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Yunho and Mingi arrived at work with smiles that were brighter than the sun. The staff of course realized how Mingi was being touchy feely with Yunho and they gave them dirty stares but the two couldn't be less bothered." I heard their whole squad is gay."a woman with red lipstick that stood out and a very skimpy outfit that wasn't anywhere near professional said. Yunho approached the two ladies two ladies who were talking and started looking at their feet as though he lost something." Are you looking for something?" the same gossiping lady asked in annoyance. " Yes, the damn you expect us to give. Cause I don't see it. Do you?" Yunho sassed and the lady turned red in embarrassment.

Yunho walked to Mingi who had been waiting for him and offered a small smile before they left together for their offices. Mingi had meetings left right and center making him and Seonghwa very busy that they didn't have time to catch a break. Even at tea break they were still going on with their work and Yunho was sad that Mingi didn't even talk to him when they got to work. Mingi had told Yunho that he would be a bit busy today and he apologized in advance but Yunho just needed some reassurance that whatever happened was real.

The day went excruciatingly slow for Yunho since he didn't have that much work. He just wanted lunchtime to come so he can stuff himself with food. Normally Seonghwa spent time with him at his office but today Seonghwa was busy so he resorted to helping out the designers by sketching some samples and the designers praised him and thanked him for the kind gesture. Before he knew it it was lunch time and he hopped over to the canteen only to find Wooyoung and San holding hands and looking at each other with heart eyes.

"No shit Sherlock, y'all act like a newly wed couple." He said as he sat down and the two men looked at him and laughed. Where's Hongjoong hyung? Yunho asked because there was no San without Hongjoong." I expect him to be here soon. What about Seonghwa?" San replied." Don't think he'll be here today, he seemed kinda busy." Yunho answered just as Hongjoong came in their direction along with Jongho. The two men greeted and sat down. Seonghwa soon came and sat between Wooyoung and Yunho completely avoiding Hongjoong.

"Mingi is asking for you." Seonghwa told Yunho in a low voice. Yunho's eyes widened before nodding and excusing himself to go to Mingi's cabin." Hi my golden retriever." Mingi said when Yunho opened the door. Now Yunho finally got why Mingi always called him goldy. He went over to Mingi's table a little pissed off from earlier." Hi Mingi." Yunho said with a small smile. Mingi didn't find that common so he pat his lap while looking at Yunho. Yunho's eyes widened contemplating if should go sit or not. Mingi looked at him with eyes that told him the matter wasn't up for debate.

He sat himself on Mingi's lap and looked down at his fingers that somehow seemed more interesting than Mingi's face. "What's wrong my love?" Mingi inquired softly as he held Yunho's hand and he shook his head not wanting to say anything at the moment." I just missed you and you ignored me." Yunho blurted out when he felt Mingi's gaze on him." You wanted some reassurance baby?" Mingi asked with his one hand caressing Yunho's cheek and Yunho nodded." Tell me what you want then, my pretty golden retriever." Mingi coaxed and Yunho blushed at the petname.

Yunho liked it when Mingi put 'my' before any petname because it showed that he was his and nobody else's. "Anything." Yunho said but in reality he just wanted Mingi to hold him and kiss him but he didn't have the balls to say it aloud. "Yunho what's wrong darling?" Mingi questioned as he saw Yunho acting weird. He couldn't point out what was weird but something was wrong. Yunho shook his head no and rested quietly on Mingi's neck." Can we talk about it at home my love?" Mingi tried again with a gentle voice and Yunho nodded.

Back at the table everyone was doing their own thing Wooyoung and San on their own world, Jongho smiling at his phone, Seonghwa eating peacefully without Hongjoong bullying him for the first time in his entire life. But that didn't last long, well it never does." Hi Seonghwa...hyung" Hongjoong taunted. "Hey I never heard you call Seonghwa hyung hyung in my whole life." San exclaimed and Wooyoung nodded. "I did a few days ago, right Hwaseong ?" Hongjoong teased and heat flooded Seonghwa's face when he remembered what had happened. Everyone looked at Seonghwa to confirm and Seonghwa just nodded to hide his blush and how he was flustered.

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