chapter 8

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"You know that I have to go home tomorrow right?" Yunho whispered as he traced circles on Mingi's bare chest. It had already been a week and Mingi had caught Seokmin and put him in the dungeon. He was yet to teach him a lesson.Yunho had been staying with Mingi all this time. However yesterday he had received a call from his mother telling him that his grandma was unwell and he had to visit home." I know Yunnie, and this may be the last night we share so let's just enjoy it hmm?" Mingi said as he slipped his hand under Yunho's or rather his baggy t shirt and rubbed circles on his waist." Mingi." Yunho breathed as his tummy filled with butterflies and his breath became rapid." Why?" Yunho choked on a sob because he didn't like the way Mingi was talking. He didn't want to be away from Mingi not even for a second. "I'm just scared that you will go away permanently." Mingi stated his fears while pulling Yunho closer.

In the past week the both of them had undeniably grew close. It would be utterly ignorant of them if they denied that they were starting to develop the forbidden feelings for each other. Yunho had a girlfriend but everytime Mingi touched him, complemented him or even just looked at him logic would just fly out the window. "You do realize that one day we'll have to part right Yunnie?" Mingi asked. Yunho had a girlfriend and Mingi would never try to separate them no matter how much he wanted Yunho to be his. Mingi felt a hot liquid running in his chest and he figured that Yunho was crying." It's okay Yunnie. I promise I won't let you go until you ask me to." Mingi assured as he kissed Yunho's forehead.

Yunho sobbed quietly with his face on Mingi's neck. Mingi comforted him as much as he could even though he himself was overwhelmed with his emotions. Yunho finally calmed down after a lot of comfort from Mingi." Why do you care so much?" Yunho asked Mingi as he looked up at him." Some words are better left unspoken." Mingi said as he caressed Yunho's cheek. Yunho nodded because he fully understood what Mingi was saying and he knew he was right. Once those words were spoken everything would spiral out of control. Yunho laid back on Mingi's chest and the two drifted off to sleep.

"Hi there" Mingi said as he greeted Seokmin. He had just been dropped off Yunho at his house so he could use his car. Mingi had offered his car but Yunho declined. Now it was time to sort out the problem he had ignored for a long time. He remembered how Seokmin had scared Yunho with that same phrase. He quickly unlocked the dungeon and got in with San and Hongjoong. The trio were wearing black jeans along with black t shirts and black gloves. Not forgetting the combat boots. Hongjoong was a sniper so fights weren't really his thing. He was just here to enjoy the view. San was a fighter and he was here to enjoy his session. Hongjoong sat down on one of the chairs as he looked at Seokmin who was tied to his chair.

"You remember that's what you said to him when you inflicted trauma onto him?" Mingi threw a rhetorical question. San quickly sent Wooyoung a message telling him he'll be busy for a while." I see his charms work on everyone but that's fine, we can just share him." Seokmin said and Hongjoong chuckled while shaking his head. "I would like to start with your neck because that's where you put your filthy lips on but I don't want to cut your jugular vein as you'll end up dying faster than I anticipated." Mingi said as he took out his sharp knife while disregarding the comment." And he tasted sweet." Seokmin said. Mingi wasted no time and the sharp knife landed on Seokmin's thigh. Mingi was riled up by the comment." That's where you kept touching him throughout the show and he had to endure your freaking presence the whole night." Mingi said as he heard Seokmin scream in pain.

"Ahh fuck yeah, this is my second favorite sound after Yunho's soft voice." Mingi laughed an evil laugh. San and Hongjoong looked at each other and shared evil smiles. Mingi administered the same treatment on the other thigh and Seokmin screamed even louder." Ah that's what I missed." Jongho said as he entered the room and Mingi stopped to look at him." Don't stop Mingi hyung, that's music to my ears." He said as he gave Hongjoong and San fist bumps and sat down next to San." You don't sound like a police officer Jongho." San said and Jongho laughed at Seokmin who was tied down to his chair and his thighs were bleeding from the previous encounter. He was wearing only a boxer." Hey I only want justice and the law can't give it to us." Jongho defended.

"Hey are you intending to have fun all alone?" San asked as he was getting impatient now. Mingi put his knife down as he reached for his tweezers." Five minutes San. How old are you?" Mingi questioned Seokmin. "35" Seokmin whispered with tears falling down." So you forced yourself onto a 25 year old. 10 years difference and you didn't feel any remorse. 10 times 35 is 350 so that means you're losing 350 strands of hair for today." Mingi said as he started plucking out the hairs one by one. Hongjoong laughed at Mingi's cruelty meanwhile Seokmin was screaming his lungs out due to the pain." Take it slow." Mingi said as he finished plucking out the 350 hairs as promised.

"Upside down?" Jongho asked and San nodded. Jongho put his muscles into use as he tied Seokmin's legs the latter was put in an upside down position. San and Jongho started punching like they were using a punching bag. They made the hits less energetic because the mission was to make it slow. They  put his effort once in a while especially when they hit the ribs or the stomach. By now Seokmin's throat was hurting due to screaming too much but he still screamed just not as loud as before. This continued for about half an hour before they decided that it was enough for the day.

Jongho put Seokmin back in a sitting position. Hongjoong stepped up before slapping Seokmin with a slap that made his molar to come out and fall to the floor. The four men laughed while tears ran down Seokmin's cheeks." Can I put the temperature down? Just to spice things up." Hongjoong asked and Mingi agreed and he did just that. The four men got out of the dungeon and decided to hang out in Mingi's house and they did exactly that. It wasn't until later that they departed leaving Mingi alone in his house.

To be continued

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