chapter 28

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"Okay ready?" Mingi asked and San and Hongjoong nodded." Yeo hyung you're ready?" Mingi touched his earpiece.

"Ready when you are." Yeosang said from the other side." These stupid guards are still awake." Yeosang said with irritation.

"How much time do you need to jump over the fence?" Yeosang tapped his laptop like his life depended on it.

" Probably two minutes. Plus it shouldn't be suspicious." San said." Okay I'm cutting it now." Yeosang said.

Immediately the lights in the house flickered and eventually the house went on a full dark mode.

Yoongi and Yunho were panicking inside not knowing what was happening. Yoongi was sobbing quietly while holding on to Yunho who was comforting him.

Mingi, San and Hongjoong quickly jumped over the fence and went to the house." Mingi it's locked. What do we do now?" San whispered.

"I have a key that Yunho left at home." Mingi took it out and slowly opened the door. The three men got into the house as quietly as they possibly can.

"San are you guys fine?" Yeosang asked from the other side." I don't know about them but I'm so fine I'm wondering how you haven't fell for me." San whispered.

"Really San?" Hongjoong shook his head."I'm bringing back the electricity." Yeosang ignored San's comment.

"Mingi go to Yunho's room. Hyung and I will stay here to keep out an eye for you." San said and Mingi nodded before going upstairs.

Mingi silently climbed the stairs with shaking legs. He was scared that what if he didn't find Yunho. But he was also sure that he would find his boyfriend there.

He heard voices coming from Yunho's room and he tiptoed as quiet as he can and silently opened the door.

"Baby it's all over now. Open your eyes." Yunho's voice made it's way to Mingi's ears.

His heart ran fast upon hearing Yunho's voice. That voice which he has missed for the past three years. His heart dropped upon realization that Yunho was calling someone else baby.

"Is it over Papa?"a small voice followed and Mingi felt relief washing over him only to be gripped by fear again.

'Papa? Yunho has a child? Those transactions,those check ups. Everything makes sense now. But where is his wife.' Mingi thought to himself.

"Papa there's someone at the door." little Yoongi whispered in the dark." Go to the bathroom baby. Don't come out until I say so okay  baby?" Yunho whispered and Yoongi ran to the bathroom.

Yunho made his way to the door and Mingi stood there frozen not knowing what to do. Yunho switched on his phone on and Mingi saw his own picture there.

Everything was a mess and Mingi didn't understand a single thing. It was like a puzzle that needed to be solved but he didn't know where to start.

He realized that if he was going to solve the puzzle then he was going to start where he was. With Yunho.

Mingi got in the room through the slightly open door and Yunho retreated back. He quickly grabbed Yunho's hand and pulled him.

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