chapter 31

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"Seokmin? That guy from last time?" San asked." Yes. The very same one. He's the one behind everything." Mingi said.

"Well today he has done the unthinkable." Seonghwa said." I mean we can just wipe his existence from the face of the earth. I've managed to find his location." Yeosang said.

"And I'll make it look like an accident. After all I'm in the military so getting to win the case would be easy." Jongho said.

"Not yet. He has Goldy's life in his hands. I can't compromise my family's lives." Mingi said.

"What do you mean? Does he have the baby?!" Hongjoong exclaimed." No. He's inserted a pacemaker into Goldy and he's the one who monitors it." Mingi said and everyone gasped in shock.

" Oh no! This is bad. That means there's no room for mistakes." Wooyoung shook his head." That's why I'm saying we have to get that pacemaker out and then think about anything else after that." Mingi sighed.

" I wonder what he's been going through for the past three years." Yeosang wiped a tear." They have to go on a roll call everyday at nine in the evening." Mingi said.

"I've booked a surgery for him so the day after tomorrow we'll execute the last plan and then once he's fine we'll see what to do with that fucker." Mingi said.

"When is he coming ? I just want to see him?" Yeosang whined." Well you can FaceTime him even though I'm not sure if he will answer me. He was pretty upset with me when I left yesterday." Mingi said.

"What?! It hasn't even been a week and you already... I knew they shouldn't have sent you." Wooyoung said." Come on Woo. It's not like you don't fight with me all the time." San rolled his eyes.

"So we're taking out each other's dirty laundry?" Wooyoung squinted his eyes." No we're not." San smiled cheekily." Nice to see that someone can threaten you and it would actually work." Hongjoong said.

"Will you guys stop talking and let Mingi call Yunho?" Seonghwa said with irritation. "Thank you." Mingi said before opening his laptop and face timing Yunho.

"Hi Daddy!" Yoongi's little voice startled Mingi." Hi buddy!" Mingi smiled at him.

Everyone was baffled by the little voice and they wanted to see Mingi's child. Everyone stood behind Mingi and a series' of wows, no ways and other words came out.

Everyone was so happy to see the little boy and they all could agree that the little boy looked like Mingi in an undeniable manner.

"Daddy who this?" Yoongi asked shyly upon seeing so many people." Papa and daddy's friends my darling. You have never seen them on Papa's phone?" Mingi asked.

"Oh!!! I remind of them." Yoongi said." Wah he's so cute. I think I'm having a baby fever." Seonghwa said." I know right?" Yeosang said.

" Hey Siri how do you steal your friend's baby? Just asking for another friend of course." Wooyoung laughed." Come on y'all so noisy." Mingi scolded and they kept quiet because they wanted to see the baby some more.

"Daddy Papa want to cut his hair." Yoongi said." Really? Can I talk to him pumpkin?" Mingi said and Yoongi nodded before running over to Yunho who was combing his long hair in front of the mirror.

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