chapter 17

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"Don't be scared my love. I'm right here." Mingi said as he hugged Yunho and pulled him for a quick kiss to calm Yunho down. There was only a week left before the wedding and Mingi and Yunho were going to Yunho's house to call the wedding off." What if he refuses? What if he harms me or you?" Yunho asked as he placed his head on Mingi's shoulder and looked at him." Harm you? I won't even let him touch you." Mingi said as he ran his hands down Yunho's back." Let's go, I just wanna sleep. I might end up sleeping if we don't go anytime soon." Yunho smiled. Mingi reciprocated the gesture and held Yunho's hand as they started their journey.

They arrived after roughly three hours and as expected they found Yunho's dad running around trying to make some preparations for the wedding. Gaeul jumped on Yunho as soon as they arrived and latched onto him. Mingi acted oblivious to that even though jealousy was hitting him like a bitch." Who is this babe?" Gaeul asked." My boss. You'll find out later." Yunho said in an irritated tone." Yunho how about you go with her. I'll handle everything here." Mingi said and smiled at him. Mingi was invited to the house and he looked at the designs while waiting for Yunho's dad.

"Why are you here young man?" Yunho's father asked after Mingi greeted him." Not even a greeting. Cocky. But anyway I'm Yunho's boyfriend." Mingi stated." Yunho is getting married next week."the father said clearly irritated by the joker in front of him.

" I know, that's why I'm here to cancel this wedding." Mingi said calmly as he stirred the tea that he was given five minutes ago." Look young man, what do you want?" Mr. Jeong asked as he thought that Mingi was playing when he said he's Yunho's boyfriend." Great now we're talking. It's Mingi, Song Mingi. I want you to stop Yunho's wedding." Mingi said in a calm manner."

Why should I stop Yunho's wedding? He and Gaeul are perfect for each other." Mr. Jeong rolled his eyes wondering why he is even wasting time with explaining to a stranger." You should stop it because I say so as his boyfriend and they WERE perfect for each other but no more." Mingi said while looking intently at Yunho's father.

"If you're Yunho's boyfriend then why is Yunho not with you?" Mr. Jeong asked. Honestly it was weird that a random guy would appear and say the wedding should be stopped when the groom is not there with him." Sir,Mr. Yunho went out with Ms Gaeul. He arrived here with him." One of the maids spoke out and Mr. Jeong's jaw dropped.

Not because Yunho was present but because there might be some truth to what the stranger is saying when he said he's Yunho's boyfriend and he wants to call off the wedding." Now that you know I want you to call off the wedding." Mingi said as he crossed his legs and leaned back on the soft couch." No. I want to hear it from Yunho himself. Yunho wouldn't disappoint me like that." Yunho's father said.

"I want you to stop the wedding too." Yunho said as he entered the living room." You wouldn't dare disobey me. Go to your room." Yunho's father spat as his anger rose. Mingi just patted the spot next to him and Yunho sat down. Mr. Jeong couldn't believe what he was seeing. Yunho had never rebelled against him.

" Mr. Jeong it's not like you're going to benefit something from the wedding. Why don't you just cancel it because I don't want to force you to cancel it." Mingi shrugged as he took Yunho's hand into his. Yunho quickly took his hand out of Mingi's grasp when he saw his father's glare on him.

"Now you forced me to do it in front of your son." Mingi sighed and leaned forward." Yeosang." Mingi said and the ears of the father son duo perked up while their eyes widened." How do you know him?" The duo asked simultaneously." Creepy. But he's now doing better out there as a lawyer. His name is now Marque. He changed his names and everything after you traumatized him." Mingi said in a very calm manner as if he didn't just shock two people.

Yunho's tears fell and he held Mingi's hand for support. Mingi gave him a small smile and a nod to assure him that what he was thinking was correct. Yunho's father was astounded but he certainly wasn't repenting for making his son go through storms and tornadoes.

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