Chapter 21

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It had been a week since Yunho and Yeosang met and they were closer than ever. Yeosang always went to check on Yunho every lunch. It was convenient because Jongho would pick him up from the law firm and they would chat a bit before they met the others and they would eat lunch together.

Sometimes Yunho would still panic whenever Yeosang disappeared for long and the friend group always reassured Yunho that his hyung wasn't going anywhere. Yeosang arrived with Jongho and found the friend group together except for Mingi who had to attend a meeting somewhere.

"Hi baby." Yeosang greeted Yunho and sat beside him." Hi hyung." Yunho smiled at him." Do we not deserve to be greeted by the mighty Yeosang?" Wooyoung asked." Hi guys." Yeosang rolled his eyes and everyone laughed." Looking handsome as always Yeosang." Seonghwa complemented and Yeosang blushed a bit before waving him off.

This certainly didn't go unnoticed by Hongjoong and Jongho and the two guys gave each other a watch your man look. Upon Mingi's arrival Yunho excused himself after giving Yeosang a bone crushing hug. Yeosang and Seonghwa were still keeping up with their complements over one another.

Hongjoong clenched his jaw and looked at Jongho who had his brows furrowed in jealousy." Sang it's time up. Let's go." Jongho said. Yeosang looked at the time and realized that there was about 20 minutes left before the time they usually leave at.

Yeosang was about to argue but the look Jongho was sporting told him that it was the argument was a restricted area." Guess I'll see you tomorrow Seongie hyung." Yeosang smiled not knowing that he was riling his boyfriend's jealousy up.

"I thought we were going back." Yeosang said as Jongho led him to the restrooms. He knew that it was always bad if they got to the point of restrooms." Yeah I could use one right now." Jongho said as he opened the door.

"Jongho?" Yeosang's eyes widened when Jongho got into one of the toilets and locked it along with him inside." I should've never trusted you." Yeosang whispered." But you'll always trust me and we all know that. Now what's with you and Seonghwa hyung?" Jongho asked.

"Are you jealous?" Yeosang laughed. After seeing Jongho's serious face he cleared his throat and stopped laughing." There's nothing between us. He's just a good friend and he doesn't overreact." Yeosang whispered the last part.' Shit that's hot' Yeosang thought when Jongho's eyes raked his body and he poked his cheek with his tongue.

"And i overreact?" Jongho asked." No no that's not what I meant." Yeosang shouted panic overtaking his senses. Yeosang shrunk under Jongho's burning gaze and he looked at his feet with flaming cheeks and a thumping heart.

"You know that's not what I meant." Yeosang said more calmly and with a low voice." You look way too pretty to be apologizing to some guy." Jongho's hand wrapped itself around Yeosang's waist and Yeosang blushed like crazy.

"You're not some guy." Yeosang quietly said." What am I then?" Jongho asked as he tucked some strands of Yeosang's hair behind his ear with the other hand." You're, you're my b-boyfriend." Yeosang wanted to unalive himself there and then for stuttering and sounding so unsure.

"Then is it a problem if I get jealous and overreact over you and Seonghwa hyung being close?" Jongho smiled innocently. Yeosang nearly rolled his eyes but decided against it. He wasn't about to make matters worse. He loved Jongho but he also loved himself a bit more.

"No it's not." Yeosang whispered after a few seconds." I can't hear you princess." Jongho said as his hand went down from the hair to Yeosang's lips and he caressed it a bit while maintaining eye contact with Yeosang.

Yeosang closed his eyes a bit when he felt Jongho's lips ghosting his. The butterflies that attacked his stomach were over a million if he could say so himself and his breath hitched." It's not." He opened his eyes with shock as his voice came out almost like a moan.

"Okay. Nice to hear that now let's go Yeo baby." Jongho pulled apart from Yeosang as he prepared to leave." Coming here in grandiose and leaving without even a kiss? Tch."Yeosang scoffed and shook his head. He hadn't expected Jongho to leave him hanging like that but then again he and Jongho were very random that they never ceased to amaze one another.

"No. Cause I know you were expecting one." Jongho pinned Yeosang to the wall and flashed him a smirk." Cool, but I always get what I want." Yeosang swiftly pinned Jongho to the wall and pecked his lips. He sucked on Jongho's bottom lip and nipped it a bit before pulling apart.

"Where do you think you're going mi amor?" Jongho pulled Yeosang." It'll be suspicious if we stay here any longer." Yeosang rolled his eyes." Good point but suspicion comes when there's no evidence to support claims now let's give them evidence yeah?" Jongho pouted.

Jongho pulled his boyfriend by the collar and smashed their lips together.  Jongho squeezed Yeosang's butt and Yeosang kissed back. He enjoyed the way Jongho's tongue danced around his mouth licking and tasting him.

Jongho quickly took Yeosang's hands and put them behind the older's back refraining him from touching anything. He held Yeosang's hands with one hand while kissing him as gently as he could. Before Yeosang could fully enjoy the gentle kiss he thrusted his tongue roughly and brought his other hand to stabilize Yeosang's head.

He bit Yeosang's tongue deliberately and smirked into the kiss when he heard his boyfriend's whimper. He pulled out from the kiss abruptly and smirked at Yeosang's flushed face and swollen lips. He let his hands loose and kissed his cheeks.

"I believe that your attitude was for today only and I won't see it in the future right Yeoyeo?" Jongho smiled." As if kiddo. Let's go now." Yeosang rolled his eyes as he walked away. He knew he would probably be in for it later because if there was something Jongho hated, it was the fact that he was younger than Yeosang.

To be continued

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