chapter 16

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"Hi Hongjoong." Seonghwa greeted as he got to Hongjoong's house." Hi". Hongjoong greeted back. The two were having a sleepover since it was a weekend. It was more like a catch up night because they planned to catch up with each other." Are you okay baby?" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa nodded." I'm just a bit tired." Seonghwa said truthfully." Then can I take you home?" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa shook his head almost immediately." Okay,how about you take a shower? You can take my clothes." Hongjoong suggested and Seonghwa did exactly that.

"I guess you should wear my clothes more often 'cause why do you look so good?" Hongjoong said and ruffled Seonghwa's hair and Seonghwa swatted his hands away with a blush." So which movie do you prefer?" Hongjoong asked. " I never watch movies, I don't really have time for them." Seonghwa said truthfully as he accepted the coke that was offered by Hongjoong." Okay then I guess comedy is fine. Don't wanna scare you with horror movies." Hongjoong chuckled as he switched on the smart tv and browsed through the list of movies available and found one.

"Who're you texting baby?" Hongjoong said slightly irritated. The movie was halfway through but he'd never seen Seonghwa looking at the screen. Not that he wanted him to look at the movie but he was ignoring his surrounding."It's nothing. Just texting a friend. He came back from America so..." Seonghwa trailed off shrugging and Hongjoong nodded. The movie continued and after a minute Seonghwa excused himself to go to the restroom.

"Why is your friend calling you baby?" Hongjoong was now irritated." Well because he's my friend." Seonghwa said in a duh tone." Exactly he's your friend not your boyfriend." Hongjoong said and Seonghwa laughed as he sat down next to Hongjoong." Do I look like I'm playing Seonghwa? 'cause I'm not." Hongjoong chuckled." You look like you're jealous. A right you don't have." Seonghwa shrugged.

The two watched the movie with less words. They threw a few words here and there which most of them were totally not related to the movie." Seonghwa you're zoning out a lot, is everything okay?" Hongjoong asked." Why are you so dominant and rough? Sometimes it makes me think you were a criminal." Seonghwa thought out aloud and was brought to reality by Hongjoong's laughter." It's funny that you would kiss a criminal and let him touch you like that." Hongjoong said to Seonghwa who was burning red." But yes, I've been to jail more often than not. A man has to survive you know. Being rough and dominant was the only option I had not to get bullied in jail." Hongjoong said casually and Seonghwa moved a bit away from him.

Hongjoong was hurt by the negative reaction but he didn't show it. He was used to it and he didn't have any friends apart from Mingi, Marque, Jongho and San. Seonghwa soon took Hongjoong's hand before asking." Why? What happened?". At least he still had the heart to listen and not just judge him without knowing anything." My parents were against me being gay so they used their big shot card on me. You know the Kim Group of companies? The one that deals with fuels and shit?" Hongjoong asked as he looked at Seonghwa who was now straddling him.

"It's your parents' company?" Seonghwa's widened eyes gave away his shock. Hongjoong nodded and his hands found their way to Seonghwa's waist and stayed there." Dad often used to send me to jail for a week if not two so I could reform and be straight. I'm the heir so obviously I would be expected to marry a woman and pass the legacy to our child. And he saw to it that his son doesn't appear on the magazines for being in and out of jail and it went on for three years but I couldn't just bring myself to love girls. I tried at first but as time went on I accepted myself. I started bullying other inmates so my jail times could be cut short." Hongjoong chuckled bitterly and Seonghwa placed a kiss on his forehead as encouragement to go on and he did.

"One day I found Marque on the streets and his condition wasn't really pleasing to my eye so I took him home and hid him in my room while treating his wounds. I asked Jongho if he could take care of him before my parents could find out and he did. I also ran away from home to escape. I took some of their money so I could finish paying for university. I worked part time jobs to sustain myself and I met Mingi one day when I stood up for someone being bullied for being gay. We hit it off and I introduced him to Jongho and Marque. Jongho introduced us to San." Hongjoong smiled as he remembered the good times he had with his friends and this brought a smile to Seonghwa's face.

"We wanted revenge for what Marque and I had to go through so we worked our asses off. I became a producer but I also have my own music agency. Jongho became a police officer, Logan a lawyer, Mingi opened his own company and San opened his own fuel company. We opened an underground organization that protects gay people or lemme say takes revenge for them."San and Jongho are fighters, I'm a sniper along with Mingi and Marque is the hacker. I know you're going to be afraid of me now but you're the only person I've had courage to love after my life went down the drain but I can't lie to you Seonghwa. I'm dangerous but I will never hurt you. Now if you want to leave me I will understand." Hongjoong finished his sentence with a voice that was thick with emotions.

"I just know that whenever Mingi said he takes care of someone it usually ended up bad but I just didn't connect the dots." Seonghwa said as he was deep in thoughts." Hmmm, but I'm telling you right now. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. But that doesn't mean I will never not love you." Hongjoong said and looked at Seonghwa." Why are so keen on letting me go? Did I say I want to go? Or maybe you have a more subby boyfriend out there?"Seonghwa tsked as he felt irritated by Hongjoong . Hongjoong snorted at Seonghwa's outburst because it was cute." I won't leave you Hongjoong." Seonghwa said softly as he hugged Hongjoong and the latter pulled Seonghwa closer.

"If you're not leaving then can I ask you to be my boyfriend? Or maybe I should take you out on a date first?" Hongjoong said the last part to himself with a low voice but Seonghwa heard it." As much as I would love going on a date with you, I want to be your boyfriend first." Seonghwa smiled." Hey you're supposed to cry and tell me you didn't expect it and I have to comfort you and then pull you in for a kiss to seal our relationship." Hongjoong exclaimed. Seonghwa waved his hands in the air as he laughed at Hongjoong's cliche definition of a romantic moment." There's no need for that. Besides I expected it, you're a simp after all. All of you are you just don't realize it."Seonghwa said after calming down.

"But I can kiss you right?" Hongjoong's deep sultry voice came out. Seonghwa looked at him wondering how the man in front of him could change demeanors in just the blink of an eye. Seonghwa shyly nodded and looked at his lap while fiddling with his fingers." You're so beautiful baby." Hongjoong praised as he pulled Seonghwa towards him. Seonghwa blushed and held Hongjoong's shoulders as he felt giddy. Hongjoong placed a kiss on his neck and Seonghwa bared his neck to him as he breathed deeply. Hongjoong sucked on Seonghwa's neck and licked slowly appreciating and cherishing their moment. He trailed his open mouthed kisses to Seonghwa's jaw. Seonghwa shuddered at the way Hongjoong licked his jaw and he held tightly onto him. He choked on a moan when Hongjoong licked and blew on his earlobe.

He felt Hongjoong's lips on his and he responded to the kiss. He let Hongjoong take lead of the kiss and followed his rhythm as his hands went to Hongjoong's nape and played with his hair. The kiss was slow and full of love and Seonghwa melted in Hongjoong's arms as his hands caressed Seonghwa's hips gently. The kiss continued with the same passion and love until Seonghwa felt himself getting breathless and Hongjoong pulled out.

" I love you Seonghwa." Hongjoong's husky voice came out." I love you too Hongjoong." Seonghwa said as he rested his head on Hongjoong's shoulder." But baby, I need this to be between us. I can't have my friends' relationship breaking because their boyfriends were hiding something so important." Hongjoong said as he played with Seonghwa's hair." Are you saying I'm a relationship breaker?" Seonghwa smacked Hongjoong's head.

"Who knows? You might be." Hongjoong said." I don't care about your boyfriend. I just want you Seonghwa." Seonghwa mimicked Hongjoong and the latter turned red in embarrassment. Seonghwa laughed to his heart's content. He didn't know Hongjoong was capable of blushing so hard.

"But you weren't taken back then and we both knew it." Hongjoong defended." Judging by how much I know you, even if I was taken you would've broken my relationship for me to be with you." Seonghwa laughed." So you're saying even if you were taken you would still fall for me?" Hongjoong raised one eyebrow." Suddenly I find myself thirsty, I'll go get some water." Seonghwa blushed and went to the kitchen leaving Hongjoong chuckling behind him.

To be continued

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