chapter 7

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"You know you're not really going to work right?" Mingi asked Yunho who was hell bent on wearing formal because he was going to the office. Yunho had stayed the night at Mingi's and Mingi had asked him to go with him to work, not to go to work. Apparently Yunho didn't know the difference between the two." I know but I'll stand out too much in casual clothing." Yunho reasoned as he didn't want any attention." How about you wear formal pants with a t shirt and some dunks?" Mingi came with an alternative." I can't wear a t shirt." Yunho said weakly and Mingi realized what Yunho was talking about. "We can hide it with makeup."Mingi said and they did so before going to work.

"Morning." Wooyoung and Seonghwa chorused when they reached the office. Wooyoung opened his arms for Yunho and Yunho smiled before throwing himself on Wooyoung." Hey that's enough. Hands off." Mingi said as he grabbed Wooyoung by the collar from the back and Seonghwa smiled at their childishness. " I have some models coming over. Seonghwa hyung I trust you more than I trust Wooyoung. They're old friends so I give you their responsibility." Mingi said as he glared at Wooyoung as a way of telling him to behave. Mingi never dealt with models before so Seonghwa was a bit taken aback by the statement but nodded nonetheless. Wooyoung understood and he lifted his hands in surrender with a smile. Wooyoung and Seonghwa went to their offices leaving Mingi and Yunho behind.

"Mingi my phone is low on battery. Can you lend me your charger?" Yunho asked. " I don't have one here. Take my phone and use it." Mingi said while on his laptop as he forgot that Yunho broke his phone yesterday. "Uhmmm Mingi you don't have a phone." Yunho said with a voice just above a whisper. Mingi snorted when he remembered what had happened. It was funny to him how he hadn't even realized that he had no phone." I'm going out. Take my laptop and order a phone for me and whatever you want. The card is in the wallet and please don't go anywhere okay?" Mingi said as he went out. Yunho did as instructed and marvelled at Mingi's black card. He knew Mingi had money but HE HAD MONEY!!!. Yunho didn't know which phone to order so he just ordered whatever came to his mind and left it at that. He figured he would borrow Seonghwa or Wooyoung's charger.

"What are you doing?" Wooyoung asked as he saw Yunho on Mingi's laptop." Nothing, I broke Mingi's phone yesterday so I'm trying to get a new one for him." Yunho answered with a pout." Why do you have to use your money? That brat is rich. Can't he use his own money?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes." I never said I'm using my money." He showed them the card he was holding in his right hand. Honestly he thought this was normal between the three of them considering how he found Seonghwa cooking in Mingi's kitchen yesterday but the way the two men were staring in amazement at him spilled the tea. Seonghwa was about to say something when Mingi interrupted them.

"Come in." Mingi said to the two men coming with him and they did so." This is Kim Hongjoong and Choi San. Joong, San this is Seonghwa my assistant, Wooyoung the head of finance and Yunho the head of production. You could say we're family so expect us to be sticking by one another or even them being goofy." Mingi smiled at Hongjoong and San. The men were bowing as they were introduced to one another. " Are we already getting to work?" San asked with a groan." You look like someone who wants to. Don't get on my nerves San." Mingi said as he poked San on the chest.

"Can I show San around the company?"an obviously in love Wooyoung said and San was quick to nod. Yunho snorted as he remembered that Seonghwa said Wooyoung loves big boys and boy San was huge. Yunho was already shipping San with Wooyoung but Seonghwa with Hongjoong? Not so much. Hongjoong wasn't the type of cute that Seonghwa talked about. He was handsome and cute at the same time but there was something that screamed alpha about him that he couldn't point out. He glanced over to Seonghwa who wore a red mask of blush. This was a sight to never forget! " I guess Seonghwa hyung will show you around." Mingi said to Hongjoong as he saw San and Wooyoung already heading out. Hongjoong just nodded and Seonghwa signaled for him to follow him.

"Aren't you a quick one Jung Wooyoung?" Seonghwa said as he sat down beside Wooyoung at lunch time. Mingi had told them that Yunho would be eating in his cabin today. The things Mingi did for Yunho needed to be showcased in the hall of Fame." He's a big boy Seonghwa hyung. Exactly my type." Wooyoung whined as he sipped his drink. Seonghwa was talking about how Wooyoung reached early but Wooyoung was thinking about something else." And don't think I didn't see you hyung. You're acting like Jung Wooyoung when he sees a Dom. Are you sure you're fine?" Wooyoung asked in between his laughter. Seonghwa blushed and rolled his eyes while focusing on his fried chicken.

"Can I sit next to you?" San asked Wooyoung. The latter blushed and nodded. Hongjoong just smiled at Seonghwa before sitting down next to him." You know you don't have to be quiet. You were quite talkative earlier." San said to Wooyoung. "You too Joong hyung. You look like a pre school student on her first day." San said causing Seonghwa to snort. "Hey if you're going to disrespect me then don't call me hyung." Hongjoong said as he pinched San's hand that was on top of the table. "Don't worry his temper is like him." San said to Seonghwa who was watching them. "Handsome?" Seonghwa who had been quiet all along asked before collecting his thoughts. The trio looked at him with amusement and he blushed hard. Hongjoong felt grateful that an ethereal man like Seonghwa would think he's handsome. Seonghwa was the type of man that would make all men lose confidence in their looks and if he thought Hongjoong was handsome then it was a win for Hongjoong.

"No, short. But I appreciate you complementing my hyung. You're the only person he hasn't lashed out to because you complemented him." San spilled. "Why don't you just tell him all my secrets Sannie? "Hongjoong said as he rolled his eyes. "Told you he's got a short temper." San said unfazed by Hongjoong's tantrums." Wooyoung you're being creepy" Seonghwa said as he looked at Wooyoung who was quiet. "It's because you haven't fed me your food today." Wooyoung whined like the baby that he is. "I'm sorry Woo." Seonghwa said as he fed Wooyoung a piece of his chicken and patted Wooyoung's head. "Are you guys together?" San asked. "No!" The two interrogated men screamed." Didn't you hear Mingi? We're like family and that would be incest."Wooyoung said and San laughed at Wooyoung's choice of words.

Lunch ended and everyone went to their office. Hongjoong and San went to the condominium that Mingi had given them to stay in. The night once again ended with Yunho protesting to staying in Mingi's house but eventually doing so.

To be continued

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