chapter 33

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"Doctor, doctor! how's Yunho?" Mingi asked as soon as the doctor came out of the room.

"The operation was a success and he's out of danger." The doctor smiled at him." Really doctor?" Yeosang's tears fell and the doctor nodded.

"Can we see him?" Seonghwa asked." Only two at a time." The doctor said. They thanked him and he went out.

They went in two by two. Jongho and Yeosang first followed by Seonghwa and Wooyoung and lastly San and Hongjoong.

Mingi was still outside with Yoongi who was sound asleep on his lap." Give him to me. You can go and see him." Seonghwa took the baby from Mingi.

Mingi smiled thankfully at him and he went into the room where Yunho

"Mingi?" Yunho squeaked as soon as Mingi got inside. Mingi went to sit on the stool beside him and took his hand.

"Yunho. You did it my love." Mingi smiled with tears." Does that mean I get to live without having to be worried about the pacemaker?" Yunho whispered.

"Yes baby." Mingi assured with a smile. "Where's Yoongi?" Yunho asked." With Seonghwa hyung, he's asleep." Mingi kissed Yunho's hand.

"When am I getting out of here?" Yunho asked." I haven't asked the doctor yet. Are you feeling homesick?" Mingi asked.

"No. I don't want to go to that hellhole anymore." Yunho whispered." Darling that's not your home. I'm talking about our house." Mingi said and Yunho nodded with a pout.

He really missed Mingi and their relationship. He missed the feeling of being loved and treated like a diamond. The feeling of being touched by Mingi and being cuddled up to sleep. He simply missed the entire existence of Song Mingi.

"The doctor said you're out of danger so hopefully you'll be going home soon." Mingi smiled." Aren't you going to work? It's already morning." Yunho asked.

"No. Hyung will handle everything. You look tired. Do you want to sleep?" Mingi patted Yunho's head and Yunho nodded." Okay I'll go home and get Yoongi changed." Mingi said.

Yunho smiled at him. This was the first time he heard Mingi saying their child's name. He nodded and drifted to sleep before he even knew it.

Mingi kissed his forehead before going outside. He took the child from Seonghwa and headed home with a very sleepy Yoongi. He took note to buy him a car seat soon.

He picked his son and went to his room. Mingi had made a room for their son as soon as he got to know that he had a son.

He had put everything and anything that he saw fit for his baby. That included clothes, toys, crib even though he had a bed too. He just wanted to spoil his baby and give him the best life ever.

He knew it was impossible to get back those three lost years but he could at least make what they had now count.

"Daddy where's Papa?" Yoongi asked as soon as his body hit the mattress. Mingi didn't even know that he was awake.

"He's at the hospital my dear. I'm here to wash you up then you can go and see him." Mingi ruffled his hair. The little boy kept quiet not really understanding what a hospital is.

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