chapter 23

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Warning; death and mentions of death

"Let's just demolish everything." Hongjoong broke the silence." What?!" Jongho and Yeosang screamed.

"I said let's demolish everything. Now everything is back to place. Yunho found his brother and Mingi got Yunho back. We executed our revenges. What more do we want?" Hongjoong shrugged.

"He's got a point. Everything is finally settled and we have people who need our full attention." San nodded.

"But we still need to know what my father is thinking or how much evidence he has against us." Yeosang furrowed his brows.

"And if he happens to have an upper hand we're doomed especially you Jongho since you're a police officer. You're supposed to protect the law not break it." Mingi agreed with Yeosang.

"That's fine but how do we get the information from him? He cut ties with both of his sons." Jongho looked out through the window.

"I can just go there and find out." Yeosang shrugged." Wait! He invited Yunho to dinner right? Yunho can do it." San said.

"No!" Mingi growled." But.." San started." I said no. Only I get to decide if Yunho will go or not. And my answer is no." Mingi slammed his hand on the table.

"Okay fine. No need for fighting Mr Song." San rolled his eyes as he felt that Mingi was being way too possessive and overprotective.

"Mingi relax. San was just giving a suggestion." Yeosang tapped Mingi's shoulder." I'm sorry. It's just that I know Yunho's father. That day he didn't even hesitate to cuss Yeosang hyung out in front of Yunho. He knows no remorse." Mingi sighed.

"Everyone should get to work. We'll meet later so that we can formulate a foolproof plan." Hongjoong said and everyone nodded.

They all went their ways and Mingi went back to his work. All his work seemed boring and he decided to make some sketches as that seemed more relaxing.

It wasn't long after that Mingi got a call from the police to come to the police station. Mingi went there tiredly wondering what the hell they were on about.

He met Jongho who gave him an empathetic smile with teary eyes. Jongho wouldn't even talk to him and the moment Mingi tried to talk to him. He just left the room in tears.

Mingi went to the nearest table and sat down." Is this Mr Song?"some police officer asked. Mingi nodded as he wondered what was going on." Do you know Mr. Jeong Yunho?"the same police officer asked. Mingi's eyes fell on to his name tag which read Choi Yeonjun.

"Yes I know him. What's the problem officer?" Mingi asked desperately. He hoped Yunho wasn't in lock up or something." You're listed in his next of kin so I called you." Yeonjun said.

"Officer just get to the point." Mingi said with desperation." Mr Jeong was involved in an accident and the car burnt down. The car was beyond repair and he died. The body is unidentifiable. I'm sorry for your loss." Yeonjun took off his cap and bowed.

"Come on I left Yunho at the company. Anyway let me just call so you can confirm that he's really in the office." Mingi pulled out his phone and dialled Wooyoung's number who clarified that Yunho had long gone from the office so he was absent.

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