chapter 30

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The day seemed to be going at a slower rate than normal for Yunho and Yoongi kept on sleeping throughout the whole day.

He was excited at the thought of his daddy coming and he wanted to sleep as much as he can so that he won't be sleepy later on.

Mingi was also anxious and he just wanted the day to end quickly. He did his work to distract himself and make time to go faster but it was as if he's making it to slow down.

During lunch he went to the nearest phone store and bought a new phone. He remembered that Yunho had said his number was being tracked.

He wanted to but lots of toys for his baby boy but the fact that he was going to jump over a fence didn't really allow him to buy many so he just settled with buying him a few cars.

Before he knew it it was already evening and he went to change his outfit. A man jump an electric fence with a suit can he? Absolutely not.

Today only he was going with Jongho and Yeosang. The ride was quiet a short one and in some time they arrived already.

"You're ready? Yeosang asked and Mingi agreed." In three two one." Yeosang said as he cut off the power and Mingi quickly jumped over the fence.

He unlocked the door and tiptoed quietly to Yunho's room. He could hear Yunho chatting with their son and involuntarily a smile crept up to his face.

Yunho and Yoongi had switched on the torch of a phone as it wasn't as bright as a real torch. They crossed their legs on the bed as they faced each other and chatted.

Mingi quietly opened the door and instantly Yoongi ran up to him." Daddy!!" Yoongi lifted his hands and Mingi picked him up.

Yunho looked at them lovingly as Yoongi whispered something to Mingi and they did a high five.

"How are you my darling?" Mingi asked and Yoongi smiled." I'm fine daddy."the little boy replied." I missed you baby." Mingi kissed Yoongi's hair." I too daddy." Yoongi kissed his daddy's forehead.

Mingi walked up to Yunho and placed Yoongi on the bed. Yunho stood up and just looked at Mingi wondering what he should say.

It has been long since he saw Mingi. Well if you less the two days back. He wanted to say something but he also couldn't come up with any words.

"My love." Mingi rasped out." Yes?" Yunho whispered shyly and Mingi chuckled. He pulled Yunho in for a hug and kissed his forehead.

"You came." Yunho said." I promised you and our little one that I would come right?" Mingi let Yunho go and sat down.

"Daddy Papa and I biked cupcakes for you." Yoongi said excitedly." Really?" Mingi laughed at the way his baby said bike instead of bake.

Yoongi nodded and sat down on Mingi's lap." How come you're not asleep baby boy?" Mingi asked and Yoongi nodded not really hearing what Mingi was saying.

" He was asleep the whole day because he wanted to see you tonight." Yunho smiled at his son who was starting to get sleepy despite all his efforts of sleeping throughout the whole day.

"Please eat one muffin with him before he sleeps or else he won't eat them until you come again." Yunho said and Mingi smiled at him before nodding.

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