chapter 34

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"Daddy wake up." Yoongi pried open Mingi's eyes, a bad habit he had. Mingi rubbed his sleep off his eyes and looked at his son.

"What is it little one?" Mingi croaked." Papa is not in his bed!" Yoongi said and Mingi jumped. He looked around and indeed Yunho wasn't there.

Mingi ran to the bathroom only to find Yunho looking at his stitches in the mirror." Sorry." He muttered quietly after realizing that Yunho was half naked.

He was wearing pajamas pants only and nothing at the top. Mingi quickly closed the door and went back to the bedroom dragging along his son after explaining to him that Yunho was in the bathroom.

He helped Yoongi to brush his teeth and he bathed him. Afterwards he went down to prepare some breakfast for them.

He put Yoongi on a feeding chair and fed him." Baby I'm going to help Papa with his food. Do you want to watch cartoons or go with me upstairs?" Mingi wiped Yoongi's face.

"Daddy's phone please." Yoongi said and Mingi gave it to him. He handed him a sippy cup full of apple juice." Let's go baby. I don't want you to stay here alone." Mingi said and little Yoongi followed him upstairs.

Yunho protested to being fed and made big claims that he could eat by himself even though he could barely move his upper body.

Mingi just let him be even though he could see that he was struggling. Yunho being the ego master that he was didn't ask for help instead he just looked at Mingi with glossy eyes to indicate that he wanted his help.

Mingi gave up and took the plate from Yunho and started feeding him because he could see that Yunho clearly needed help.

"Daddy I'm sorry." Yoongi tugged on Mingi's shirt." What happened my dear?" Yunho asked gently as Mingi picked their son and sat him on his lap." Papa it was a mistake." Yoongi sniffled and the two parents looked at each other.

"But what happened babydoll?" Mingi asked softly." Your phone." He showed him the screen which was shattered. "It's okay buddy. It was a mistake. But next time be careful yeah?" Yoongi nodded as Mingi wiped his tears.

The boy took his sippy cup and rested on Mingi and Yunho's bed while drinking." What's got him so upset?" Mingi asked." I don't know too. He looks so tired." Yunho whispered.

"I think you should talk to him. Maybe he needs your reassurance." Mingi said and Yunho nodded." My son is only following on your footsteps." Mingi snorted and Yunho looked at him curiously.

"You remember the first time you came here. You broke my phone too." Yunho laughed." Yeah it's a welcoming ritual." Yunho giggled and Mingi fell in love for the umpteenth time.

"Mingi stop it. You're zoning out on me." Yunho whispered. Mingi wasn't zoning out, he was just staring and falling in love with every feature that contributed in making Yunho who he was.

He licked his lips without much thought because all he could think about was kissing Yunho. It had been such a long time and maybe Yunho needed more time before he could let Mingi touch him so Mingi didn't want to put his lover under pressure.

"I'm sorry." Mingi smiled at him and Yunho smiled back at him." You're beautiful." Mingi said and Yunho blushed a bit because he had in no way expected that.

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