chapter 15

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"Wait why do y'all got hickeys on your necks. Yunho your girlfriend is wild!!" Seonghwa shouted when he saw Yunho's and Wooyoung's necks. Wooyoung's hickeys were fading and not even that much but Yunho's was a different story. It was Friday so they were wearing casual formal clothing. The three of them as if they had agreed were wearing golf t shirts, formal pants and sneakers. The only difference was the colours. Seonghwa knew it was Mingi but he just wanted Yunho himself to out himself.

"As if girls would be this wild. I got bitten by a giant mosquito." Yunho said as he sat down on the leather couch. The two men did the same almost simultaneously." Why are they this wild and dominant?" Wooyoung groaned as his back fell on the leather material." They're pretty rough if you ask me." Seonghwa accidentally spilled the beans." I know right?" Yunho also accidentally outed himself." Wait!!! Did y'all just out yourselves?" Wooyoung laughed histerically and Seonghwa and Yunho looked at each with wide eyes and frantically waved their hands trying to deny.

"Okay fine. Why am I even hiding since y'all already know." Yunho sighed and the two pair of eyes went to Seonghwa." Hyung?" Yunho said." Why are y'all even asking? I don't even know what I got myself into." Seonghwa huffed and the two men laughed.

" The other day I slapped San." Wooyoung laughed histerically for the umpteenth time since he got to the office. Seonghwa's hand covered his mouth in shock and Yunho's eyes widened." You're brave!" Yunho said." It was a heat of the moment thing and I nearly died from fear. I said he isn't my boyfriend and he pulled out the Jung Wooyoung are you mine or not card. Boy the way I shakily said I'm yours San." Wooyoung laughed while mimicking his and San's voice and also shaking his feet.Seonghwa and Yunho laughed not even having the slightest thought to carry out their work." Seonghwa hyung I know you have a story to tell, we're listening. Today we're not working." Wooyoung said as he pointed at Seonghwa.

"You don't even want to know." Seonghwa snorted and the two men laughed as if they knew what Seonghwa was about to say." The man pressed me to the wall as if I'm a feather. For the first time in my life I begged a man. Imagine a whole Park Seonghwa begging." Seonghwa shook his head while laughing." Please Joong, let me go and I'll be a good boy. That's what I said. I mean I used to think I'm a top but he's on a whole new level. Don't underestimate my ability to make you a blushing, shaky and stuttering mess right now. Ever since he said that I make sure to guard myself in public." Seonghwa said as he put on a fake sad face earning himself two laughs from the men in front of him.

"Hilarious!" Wooyoung laughed and looked at Yunho silently telling him to give them a story." I don't know, Mingi's been pretty gentle maybe because of what happened with Seokmin I guess. Shit went down yesterday as you can see. Today I received the you WILL go to work looking like that after a failed attempt to sneak out." Yunho nodded his head dramatically to emphasize how true his story was. Wooyoung tapped Seonghwa's thigh as he laughed." If I were you I would organize my answer because you have 30 seconds to answer and this time if you pause... Yes gentlemen that's what he said. I still don't know if I answered or not." Yunho's face showed a bit of worry and he wasn't even kidding but the two men laughed like he was." Jokes! He even gave you a time limit. Man's not playing games." Wooyoung said with wide eyes.

"What about your girlfriend?" Seonghwa asked." We're getting married in two weeks." Yunho snorted while Wooyoung and Seonghwa were dumbfounded." Then are you all in a poly relationship or what?" Wooyoung asked with wide eyes." Well you could say I'm Mingi's boyfriend and her fiance. I have to stop the wedding. As to how, don't even ask me." Yunho explained and Seonghwa nodded slowly understanding what Yunho was trying to say." So you haven't yet broken up with her?" Yunho nodded at Wooyoung's question." Does Mingi know about it?"Seonghwa asked." Yeah, the reason of my condition was me going to my house after buying rings with her. He got riled up and shit went down. He even called me Song Yunho. Sneaky sasquatch." Yunho rolled his eyes.

"Guess he got over his boy crush quickly for you to obtain that title." Wooyoung said in all seriousness." Boy crush?" Yunho questioned and Seonghwa looked at Wooyoung to keep quiet since it wasn't his place to tell him." Come on Seonghwa hyung, I won't tell Mingi. Please." Yunho pleaded with puppy eyes and Seonghwa found himself agreeing." If Mingi comes to know then y'all better not say my name." Seonghwa warned." Mingi is my childhood friend as you know. When we went to high school we got separated but we still stayed in contact. We only met in college and he had changed. He became all manly and he always stuck with me." Wooyoung said and Yunho could feel himself getting slightly jealous.

"Well don't get the wrong idea. He only defended me from bullies and shit. One day I asked him why he was protective. He bawled his eyes out telling me he was gay. I panicked but he told me he didn't have feelings for me. He told me he had a boy crush at high school but then one of his friends got to know about it and had a negative reaction. In order to stop his friends from bullying his boy crush, he had to bully him himself." Wooyoung sighed as he felt the mood getting gloomy." Are you sure?" Yunho said as his eyes glistening with tears." Yes, he always said when he finally finds him, he's going to change his boycrush's last name to Song. But I guess he changed after meeting you." Seonghwa verified the information while playing with Wooyoung's hair as the younger laid his head on Seonghwa's lap.

"Yunho are you okay? What's wrong? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset." Wooyoung quickly apologized when he saw Yunho bawling his eyes out. He went over to Yunho's side and comforted him because he thought Yunho maybe got jealous so he was crying. Seonghwa crouched in front of Yunho and held his hands." Yunho you know Mingi loves you and just because he had a boy crush means that he will leave you for him if he decides to reappear anytime soon." Seonghwa said calmly to Yunho down and Yunho nodded and spoke up." His boy crush won't ever reappear." Yunho said as he wiped his tears. Seonghwa and Wooyoung looked at each other." Because it's me." Yunho said and Wooyoung laughed a bit." Yunho come on." Wooyoung said clearly not convinced and the two hyungs with him picked on that.

"When I found out who Mingi was I wanted to resign because I hated him. Somehow I found myself confronting him in his office. I got angry when he apologized and I said if he's really sorry he should make himself lose in the fashion show back then." Yunho paused and looked at Seonghwa. Seonghwa nodded to show him that he should continue and he wouldn't judge him. Wooyoung was also listening intently." He told me he won't be able to lose with my designs so he took me to fashion house so I could work there. When we got there he told me to not go because he didn't want me to be around Seokmin but I was stubborn and stayed there. Fashion House ended up winning as expected."  Yunho's tears had now stopped.

"I guess Mingi is going to have my hide now." Wooyoung broke the silence that had started since Yunho stopped talking." I don't think so, at least Yunho now knows that Mingi never hated him to start with." Seonghwa reasoned and Yunho nodded." I'm sorry that I made your company lose." Yunho bowed a little." As you should be. You left us here and Mingi had to come up with excuses everyday when we asked about you." Wooyoung lightly slapped Yunho at the back of his head." The trophy is still ours. The prize was never the fashion show. It was you all along Yunho so don't be sorry. Besides what do you mean your? You should say my because you're basically the CEO's wife." Seonghwa shouted the last part. "Sorry for my bad manners sir, boss hadn't told us that you're coming." Seonghwa jokingly said as he bowed to Yunho and Wooyoung did the same. Yunho rolled his eyes and the trio fell into laughter.

"I understand that you're close family but y'all can't just do that." Mingi disturbed them and Yunho and Wooyoung stood up almost immediately." Mingi it's Friday, can't you just give us a day off?" Seonghwa groaned as he sunk into his seat." No hyung. You two why aren't in your offices? Wooyoung I know you're a procrastinator but you Yunho? Wooyoung has rubbed his bad habit on you." Mingi asked. Wooyoung kept quiet and Yunho shook his head no. They looked like children being scolded for stealing cookies." You two please get back to work and you Yunho in my cabin please." Mingi said." Why should I pay for their mistakes? Wooyoung is the one.... Okay lead the way." Yunho quickly changed his sentence. The two men snorted at Yunho's change of plans.

To be continued

Plot twist😭I just couldn't make Mingi a bully okay😭🤦 I hope y'all like this chapter .

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