chapter 5

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Mingi was busy with completing the designs and so was Yunho. Mingi couldn't deny that he had the best team and Yunho's skills could have been a cherry on top. He got the designs every now and then to see if they were good enough. The designs were more than enough but he somehow did ugly adjustments here and there because he had a deal. He wondered how Yunho was doing on the other side. He couldn't help but be worried for him. The last time  he had seen Yunho was when he dropped him at that company. The man there looked at Yunho in a way that Mingi didn't appreciate. He didn't feel comfortable leaving Yunho all alone there but what could he do?

He often found himself thinking about Yunho. What was he doing? Was he adjusting well in the company? Was he taking care of himself? Did he need him? Not that he would need him anyway but still a part of him yearned to hear Yunho needing him. It was safe to say that Mingi missed Yunho. His cute shy smile, one that he had shown him the first week they met before all that saga started.

The way he pouted and widened his eyes everytime something unexpected happens. The way he blushed at almost anything. He still hadn't found anyone to replace Yunho because deep down he wished that Yunho would still return to the company. Even Seonghwa and Wooyoung constantly asked where Yunho was and he always came up with excuses. He just wanted the fashion show to be held quickly. One would say he wanted to lose and get on with life but he would say he wanted to see that look on Yunho's face when he wins because excited Yunho was always cute.

Yunho on the other hand wasn't really doing okay. That Seokmin guy often got too close for his liking. Obviously it was when he took a look at the designs so Yunho didn't really have much of a choice as he would do it randomly. He always praised Yunho unnecessarily and this pissed Yunho off. He was now starting to get suspicious eyes from his co-workers all because of the said man. This made Yunho feel very uncomfortable. He was also uncomfortable because he kind of missed Mingi but he wouldn't dare say that aloud of course. In times where he was supposed to think about his girlfriend, he found thoughts easily and naturally flowing to Mingi.

It was the final week of the fashion show and he was excited because he would finally see Mingi at the fashion show. He was pretty busy making sure that he perfected his designs because it was the only way to keep his mind off Mingi. Yunho was working an overtime in the night when Seokmin came along. He was busy coloring the dress with a blue crayon before he could actually give the designs to those who worked on the production side of things. His job was to make the designs and he gave them to those who cut the cloths and they gave those who sewed it together to make the final product.

"Don't you think you should use a red colour?" Seokmin questioned as he stood behind Yunho and towered over him. "Why?" Yunho said as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The man was literally breathing on his neck and he was inhaling his scent. This scent was too strong for Yunho's liking and it irked the very living shit out of him."Red is the color used for seduction. Don't you think so Yun? This dress displays the cleavage and has a split on the thigh? What else can be a better color than red?" Seokmin said as he put his body closer to Yunho's body. Yunho just wanted to run and hide right now." But what do you know? You don't even need to seduce anyone. Your charms are enough to have even straight men bending." Seokmin chuckled

Yunho quickly stood up aggressively making the chair to hit Seokmin. He felt really uncomfortable. Yunho quickly put his designs in his bag and went out through the door. Seokmin was just waiting for the fashion show to be over so he could execute his mission. Yunho just wanted that shit to be over so he could go back to his former position. He wondered what he was even thinking when proposing whatever this was. Lucky enough there was only one day left. The day after tomorrow the fashion show would be held and he would see Seonghwa and Wooyoung. But deep down he knew those were not the person he pined for.

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