chapter 38

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"Aren't you going to work?" Yunho rasped out with sleep coated all over his voice. He turned to Mingi who instantly pecked his lips.

"I can't just leave you after our first time together can I?" Mingi chuckled and Yunho got floored by the sound only.

Since it was morning, Mingi's voice was deeper and more huskier than normal. Yunho's cheeks turned red and his heart raced like hell.

"It wasn't our first time." Yunho whispered shyly. The memories of his first time with Mingi was imprinted in his mind and he could never forget it.

He could forget his name for all he cared but his first time with Mingi was still vivid in his mind and just thinking about it did unspeakable things to him.

"It's our first time since I got you back." Mingi pulled Yunho closer and the latter played with the little hair on Mingi's bare chest.

"I love you Yunho." Mingi kissed Yunho's forehead." I love you too." Yunho looked at Mingi with a visible blush.

"Wake up now. Let's shower and go check on the baby." Mingi said." Together?" Yunho whispered.

"Come on don't you want to see our son?" Mingi exclaimed. He couldn't understand why Yunho was so surprised about them seeing their son.

Yunho also knew that Yoongi got nervous if he spent a lot of time without them so he wondered what surprised Yunho so much about them going together.

"It's fine." Yunho said quietly. He was low-key disappointed that Mingi and he weren't thinking of the same thing.

"Yunho what's wrong? Your mood did a complete three sixty turn. Did I say something wrong?" Mingi asked worriedly." No. You didn't do anything wrong." Yunho gave a small smile.

"Min-Mingi is it bad that I-I want to take a shower with you?" Yunho whispered as his eyes were fixated on Mingi's chest.

"Look at me Yunnie." Mingi said gently and Yunho looked at him." You don't need to ask for that or anything. Just say the word and I'll make anything possible for you baby." Mingi smiled softly and Yunho nodded.

"Come now let's shower." Mingi picked Yunho up as they went to the shower." My love you're allowed to touch. I'm only yours." Mingi said to Yunho who had been looking at his bare chest for a while.

Yunho nodded as he looked at Mingi's broad shoulders and glistening abs under the running water. Mingi took Yunho's hand and placed it on his chest while holding Yunho's waist gently.

"Let's make it quick, the baby is probably getting anxious." Yunho quickly retracted his hand with a blush and Mingi just nodded.

The two made their shower quick and soon departed after eating their breakfast. Yunho slept as soon as his head hit the headrest leaving Mingi to speak alone as he didn't even realize that Yunho was asleep.

They arrived at Yeosang's house and rang the doorbell. Yunho was still quiet sleepy and he almost bumped into the shoe rack if it wasn't for Yeosang blocking him.

His sleep soon dissipated as soon as he heard the cute giggles that belonged to his son coming from the kitchen.

Mingi felt betrayed when Yoongi ran past him and went straight to Yunho. He knew that Yoongi was attached to Yunho more because he'd given birth to him and he had always known Yunho before him but he still felt a little guilty and hurt.

Hurt that even after all his efforts, his son didn't love him. Well that's what he thought and thoughts aren't necessarily always correct.

Yunho must have seen the look of dejection on Mingi's face because he nudged Yoongi to go to him. "Hi Daddy." Yoongi said as he made grabby hands to Mingi.

Mingi smiled before picking up his son from the ground." Hi baby. Didn't you miss me?" Mingi asked with a pained expression. Even though Yoongi thought he was exaggerating and trying to be funny Yunho could see that he was being for real.

"I miss you daddy." Yoongi opened his eyes widely to indicate that he had missed his dad as much as his little hands could open." I missed you too baby." Mingi smiled before putting his son on the ground.

Yeosang was already seated on the dining table eating breakfast and little Yoongi ran to him leaving his fathers behind." Don't overthink Mingi. He's used to my presence more than yours." Yunho said gently and Mingi nodded with a deep sigh.

Yunho massaged his forehead as frustration got the best of him. He took Mingi's hand and asked Yeosang for the guestroom where he dragged Mingi to after being warned to not do the nasty in there.

"Mingi please heal." Yunho hugged Mingi who hugged back tighter." From what?" He asked with confusion." Your thoughts and insecurities. I know what you're thinking and it's far from the truth." Yunho broke off the hug.

"What should I do Yunho? I'm trying my absolute best but I don't think it's working." Mingi sighed and sat on top of the bed." You're trying too hard Mingi. Maybe you should pause and rethink everything." Yunho said softly.

"But everything will lead back to my stupidity. How I endangered you and how I failed to protect the two of you, don't you see?" Mingi whispered and wiped the sweat that was forming on his moustache.

"Maybe it's time both of us changed our lives. You have your insecurities and I have mine and in the end they're going to affect our child." Yunho said and Mingi nodded.

Both of them were a mess and they needed therapy to address their anxieties, insecurities and intrusive thoughts because they were on the same path but not together.

They had to heal from the past and become better people and a safe place for their son. Mingi hugged Yunho and kissed his forehead before they went out.

They found the living room in chaos, well where there is Jung Wooyoung and Choi Jongho chaos is inevitable so it wasn't really surprising.

The two stayed for breakfast which was really chaotic and loud throughout. After breakfast everyone did their own thing and Yunho and Mingi excused themselves as they went back home.

To be continued

Only one chapter left and we'll wrap up the book. Thank you guys for your support ❤️

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