chapter 27

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"Papa why we always go out at night?" little Yoongi asked as he zipped up his jacket.

"Because there are many bad men after Papa so I have to keep my little pumpkin safe." Yunho smiled at his adorable son.

"But Papa why don't you tell Daddy?" Yoongi asked." I told him baby. He's working on finding his little munchkin." Yunho lied through his teeth.

Until he found a way to escape without bringing any harm to himself then he would keep lying to his son. As long as he and his son were trapped he would continue to feed his son cute little lies about Mingi.

The two went to the nearest twenty four hour convenience store and they did their shopping.

" What do you want babydoll?" Yunho asked." I want to eat ramen." Yoongi said." But baby you can eat ramen at home right now I'm talking about something else you see in the store." Yunho ruffled his son's hair.

"Papa you need a haircut." Yoongi said." Seriously Gigi? All you could think about was my hair. Please make it quick my darling we need to go back before it becomes morning." Yunho smiled at him.

"Mhm could you buy me french fries?" Yoongi tilted his head a bit." First time seeing a Korean eat french fries but okay." Yunho said and took some french fries and tossed them into the shopping basket.

"Anything else that we don't have at home?" Yunho asked." No Papa." Yoongi shook his head." Papa get down." Yoongi pulled Yunho and Yunho kneeled in front of him.

"What is it munchkin?" Yunho said. Yoongi shook his head before pulling out a ribbon and tying Yunho's hair into a very disorganized ponytail.

"Thank you baby." Yunho smiled. Yoongi nodded and smiled.

The two finished their shopping and Yunho booked a cab. They went home and slept as they were tired from the shopping that they had done.

Yunho cuddled his son to sleep wishing that Mingi was there with them. He just knew that had Mingi been there then their life would have been the most beautiful thing ever.

He created scenarios every night in his mind. He wondered how it would've been to be with Mingi and their son.

He knew Mingi would be the most loving and perfect father to their child. He smiled at his son warmly and kissed his cheek.

He wondered how he was going to make sure that his son gets the education he deserves.

It was already bad that he couldn't go out during the day but now his savings were getting depleted.

He couldn't stomach the thought of his son not even having the basic education. The thought of being trapped in that house forever was haunting him like crazy.

Yunho sighed and let sleep take over replacing the thoughts that were crossing his mind every now and then.


"I think we may be onto something." Hongjoong smiled." My private investigator rechecked the hospitals again and this is the odd thing I found." Hongjoong pointed at something on the projector screen.

" Jeong Yunhee." Wooyoung read the name." What's odd about that?" San asked.

" On the day Yunho died, this Yunhee went to the hospital. She regularly went to the clinic for checkups and after six months she had a baby." Hongjoong said.

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