chapter 32

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It was the day of the great escape and no one could focus during the day. They were anxious and Mingi was worse.

He wouldn't do anything without thinking about Yunho and their son. He zoned out in a couple of meetings and Seonghwa had to take over.

Over the past two days Yunho was getting even more anxious and started to think maybe he shouldn't have allowed Mingi back.

He should've pretended that he was married and had a child with another person. He feared what would happen.

Yoongi was always asking about when his daddy would arrive. Yunho hadn't told his son about the great escape plan just in case it fails.

He didn't want his son's heart to shatter if they couldn't escape out of there. Yunho trusted Mingi and he knew Mingi would never fail him.

But he was just too scared because it wasn't just about him. Their son was involved too and this made him more anxious.

"Papa don't do that." Yoongi said." What am I doing my dear?" Yunho asked not knowing what he's doing.

"Your leg." Yoongi pointed at Yunho's leg which he was shaking due to anxiety.

"I'm sorry baby. I just can't help it." Yunho stopped his movements. He looked at the time and it was exactly nine o'clock.

He heard a knock at the front door and he jumped." Papa are you fine?" Yoongi said and Yunho nodded with a fake smile.

Yunho opened the door tiredly and the guard took note of him and little Yoongi before telling them to turn off the lights.

He wondered if he wasn't getting tired of telling him the same thing for three years. He switched off all the lights on their way to the bedroom.

"Papa can I go to pee first?" Yoongi asked and Yunho nodded." It fine Papa. It no dark." Yoongi said so that Yunho could switch off the lights.

He was already used to being in the dark so it wasn't a big deal for him. He knew that if Yunho didn't switch off the light soon it would end up with the guard knocking on their window.

"Take my phone baby." Yunho gave his son the phone and he switched off the light. He waited for Yoongi to come from the bathroom while sitting on the bed.

"Yunho?" Mingi's voice came out of nowhere and Yunho jumped. He looked at Mingi who came carrying their son from the bathroom.

"Mingi?" Yunho breathed. He didn't even know how Mingi got in from the bathroom because normally he used the front door.

Mingi walked up to Yunho and hugged him before kissing his forehead." Baby?" Mingi caressed Yunho's cheek." Yes?" Both Yunho and Yoongi answered simultaneously.

Yunho was thankful for the darkness because his blush couldn't be seen. How did he just forget that Yoongi now owned the name? Even he didn't know.

Mingi mentally face palmed and he laughed lightly at his mistake." Can I talk to Papa for a few minutes darling?" Mingi asked and Yoongi nodded before playing games on Yunho's phone.

"Mingi I can't do this." Yunho whispered as tears welled up." Baby look at me. You trust me right?" Yunho nodded as his tears fell.

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