chapter 18

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"Yunho?" Wooyoung called and Yunho shrieked." Don't do that." Yunho gave a sigh of relief." What are you doing? You look like a criminal if you ask me. Where's Mingi? We're supposed to have a photoshoot with Hongjoong hyung and San. Wooyoung asked as he rummaged through the files he was holding.

" I don't know." Yunho answered truthfully. He was embarrassed to even look at Mingi after their intimate moments so he literally sneaked out to work before Mingi could wake up. Lucky for him Mingi would be occupied with the photoshoot today. But no! Mingi called Wooyoung right there.

"Oh hi Mingi. Yunho?" Wooyoung said as he looked at Yunho. Yunho quickly shook his head telling Wooyoung that he should deny that they crossed paths.

" Oh yeah, he's right here don't worry. Make it fast please. Bye." Wooyoung ended the call and looked at Yunho silently telling him to spill the beans.

"It's personal Wooyoung. I can't tell you." Yunho said before Wooyoung could ask." That's what besties are for Yuyu. Now spill the beans before I, wait!! Bro really roughed you up." Wooyoung laughed.

" What are you talking about? So loud early in the morning." Yunho rolled his eyes not really understanding what Wooyoung was talking about." It would have been better if you put a little more concealer on those marks." Wooyoung said as he dragged Yunho to his office.

"Hey! Why do you always have to know everything? It's embarrassing." Yunho pouted with a blush." So you ran away because you're embarrassed to face Mingi. You're a literal baby hyung." Wooyoung laughed lightly as he applied some make up on Yunho's neck." Don't call me hyung, it makes me feel old." Yunho rolled his eyes.

"All good. Now good luck with your boyfriend." Wooyoung said as he went out. Yunho didn't get the chance to say anything as Mingi barged in." Hey who runs off like you did. I thought you might have gone back to Busan." Mingi said as he hugged Yunho almost toppling him over." Please don't ever do that." Yunho nodded not daring to say anything.

"Why did you come here without telling me?" Mingi narrowed his eyes at Yunho." Uhmm I'm pretty sure you know I work here." Yunho said in a duh tone." Pretty? yes you are but even if you work here you have no reason to be this early." Mingi said as he leaned on Wooyoung's table.

Yunho blushed not really understanding how Mingi could be so relaxed after he'd seen him naked yesterday because all he could think about right now was how hot Mingi was. His abs, his chest and his....

"Yunho are you fine?" Mingi took Yunho's head out of the gutter." You're red, are you sure you're fine?" Mingi asked and Yunho nodded." It's just a little hot." Yunho said." Baby I know you may be a little bit sore so why don't you go home?"Mingi asked in a low voice as he pulled Yunho in between his legs.

Yunho blushed furiously due to embarrassment. He thought Mingi wouldn't address those kinda things but Mingi being the shameless man that he is decided to bring the issue up.
Yunho just nodded not wanting to say anything about the issue at hand. Mingi chuckled lowly at Yunho's shyness."I'll be busy today but I'll try to be early. Don't run away Yunho." Mingi said as he gave Yunho a quick kiss and departed.


"Nice one San oppa." Sana the media girl praised San's shots." I swear Sana is down for San." Wooyoung whispered to Seonghwa." Aren't you overthinking Woo? Maybe she's just being encouraging." Seonghwa said."

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