chapter 13

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"Come on chill it's not that deep. You don't even know the whole story." San said calmly to Wooyoung. Wooyoung was throwing a tantrum because he saw San hugging a certain girl yesterday when he went grocery shopping. He wasn't having none of it so he decided to ask San about it. It was pretty early for San to be dealing with Wooyoung's tantrums so he tried to be as calm as possible. Getting up early was already pissing off and now he had to deal with Wooyoung." What's deep then? Tell me the whole story I'm listening." Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he stood up in front of San's table.

"Go calm down and then come back to listen to me." San sighed. He liked Wooyoung but his mornings were not to be disturbed." San it's not nice to lead someone on. You should've just told me you're playing when we met." Wooyoung said calmly and left San's office. San had hinted to Wooyoung back then that he was bisexual so of course seeing San with someone else being that close would cause suspicion in Wooyoung's mind. He went to his office and started with his work.

The day went very slow for Wooyoung because Yunho wasn't around and Seonghwa was occupied with meetings every now and then. San was his last resort but he was the main reason why he felt miserable in the first place. It was no secret that Wooyoung knew almost half of the staff and anybody would be happy to have him around since he was such a goofball. Deciding that he was done moping around he went over to one of his hyungs' office in the HR." Can you just stop with that windshield wiper laugh?" Wooyoung said as he barged into the office." As if your laugh is any better! You literally sound like that hyena from the lion king." Seokjin said truthfully.

"You're always around the office, don't you have any work to do?" Seokjin laughed." It's not my fault that accounting softwares have made everything easier for my department." Wooyoung pouted." I imagine you stuck with a calculator trying to find errors that your team made, so hilarious." Seokjin said." What's wrong? You know you never come here without a reason." Seokjin asked knowingly." Am I that obvious?" Wooyoung shook his head. "It's nothing. I just needed some air." Wooyoung said as he put his head on Seokjin's shoulder. Seokjin saw that Wooyoung wasn't okay but he decided not to push it instead he just hugged Wooyoung. The two conversed until lunch came by and Wooyoung excused himself to go to his office.

"What are you doing here San?" Wooyoung asked in a tired voice." Where have you been? I've been waiting for a long time." San said as he turned to Wooyoung." Choi San don't get on my nerves, at least not now." Wooyoung said as he stood in front of San." Who's that guy you were hugging?" San asked in an irritated voice. Long story short San saw Wooyoung hugging Seokjin and that did not please his eyes." I don't know, someone better than you, someone who doesn't lead other people on, someone who actually cares, someone who's handsome." Wooyoung sassed out while looking at his nails. This pissed off San in all levels." Woo, don't try that attitude on me." San warned.

"And don't try that dominance shit on me, I'm not your boyfriend dumb bitch." Wooyoung snarled slowly getting angry." Then why did you decline all those proposals you got? Answer me Woo. Wasn't that because you were Choi San's soft spot like you always said? " San said before he heard a slap echoing in the spacious office. Yes Wooyoung slapped San. Wooyoung didn't even know how and where he got the confidence to slap San. He just stood there contemplating how he was going to defend himself just in case San decided to hit him back. San was buff and there was no way he was going to survive. Time seemed to have stilled as the duo looked at each other. San closed his eyes for five seconds trying to calm down his anger. Wooyoung knew that move, if he does it run don't walk away but he was so scared that he couldn't even move his feet.

"S-San I-it's...." Wooyoung started. He felt himself being pulled all of a sudden. He didn't even know how he ended up with his back on San's chest. He tried getting away but San's hand was gripping tight on his waist. He felt the other hand going from his chest up to his throat and held him gently but he was still scared. He knew with just one squeeze San would unalive him and he swallowed thickly at the thought. San's hand slowly went up and grabbed Wooyoung's chin and made him look at him." What did I say yesterday Woo?" San growled making Wooyoung scared shitless. His memories became jumbled up trying to retrieve the most important but his brain blacked out at the most terrifying moment." Can't remember?" San said while looking at Wooyoung's eyes and Wooyoung nodded with his eyes darting around not daring to look at San's intimidating gaze.

"I did say I'm possessive over you didn't I?" Wooyoung nodded. He knew he was going to embarrass himself if he so as much tried to say anything." I did ask you if I can call you mine right?" San continued and brought his hand down again to Wooyoung's throat and held him gently and once again Wooyoung nodded." Tell me what you said." San demanded." I said yes." Wooyoung breathed as he felt San squeezing his throat gently not enough to hurt but just to make him breathless." Now Jung Wooyoung, are you or are you not mine?" San asked looked down on Wooyoung's eyes that glistened with tears. Wooyoung's tears fell down and he didn't answer.

Even though it was not yet official, everything they did before screamed that he belonged to Choi San. The tender kisses, the deep conversations and the long drives. Everything clearly showed how he was San's in every possible way. Everyone in the company knew he was San's so how in the hell did San himself not know that Wooyoung was his and only his." I am." Wooyoung finally managed to answer when San was about to let go. He knew if San let go, it would probably be the last time he saw him and he wasn't ready to lose him. Not when he finally found the perfect man.

"You are what?" San growled." I'm yours San." Wooyoung whispered as he looked at San with teary eyes and bit his bottom lip." No biting baby, that's my job." San said as he pulled Wooyoung's lip from his teeth. Wooyoung felt San's mouth colliding with his very roughly. He hadn't expected it so he winced and he felt San's lips surrounding his with the warmth he so needed. San's tongue roughly entered Wooyoung's mouth and Wooyoung opened his mouth a bit more as the kiss got more rough. San was never rough with him but he knew he messed up bad this time when he saw how rough San was. Wooyoung whimpered and his tears fell when San's teeth attacked his bottom lip. He continued the kiss while pulling Wooyoung closer and the kiss was soon ended by San when Wooyoung became too breathless and threw his weight on San.

San went down to making a hickey on Wooyoung's neck. He sucked and nipped and licked on the younger's visible part of neck. Wooyoung moaned and his hand shot up to cover his mouth, remembering where they were. San licked and adored his purple painting on Wooyoung's neck." You're only mine pretty. Only Choi San's." San said as he kissed the younger's jaw. "Only yours." Wooyoung said as he didn't even need to be told twice that he had to declare that he was San's. San wiped Wooyoung's tears before turning him around." That girl is my step sister that I told you about." San clarified as he fixed Wooyoung's hair. Wooyoung felt stupid for throwing tantrums earlier on and he nodded to avoid embarrassing himself any more than he already did.

San quietly fixed Wooyoung's tie that somehow became undone a few minutes ago." I want to see this mark on you beautiful. Are we clear?" San asked and Wooyoung nodded. He had planned to hide it with his shirt but he had to ditch the plan. Wooyoung looked at San's cheek and it was a bit swollen and his finger prints were there. He winced and felt guilty for slapping San with no valid reason to." Next time I expect nothing less than verbal communication Woo okay?" " Yes San." Wooyoung breathed." Don't worry, I've had more injuries than this." San smiled as he went out of Wooyoung's office.

To be continued

1500 words woosan on a yungi ff💀😭don't come for me. Also I know I never mentioned those stuff but just pretend it happened 🤦

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