chapter 14

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"Hi guys this is Marque, my friend." Jongho introduced a certain guy during lunch. Marque was met with a bunch of hellos and bows. The other guys were introduced to him and he bowed to them." You haven't met all of them though, you're going to want to run away when the last two arrive." Jongho said as he smiled at him." No you puppy, you can't just skip work because you want to, I missed you yesterday." Wooyoung shrieked making Marque startled and the whole table looked at each other knowingly. The stranger seemed like the type of person who doesn't talk much since he didn't say a word if he was not asked a question.

"Hi gu....oh shit, please don't take San from me!" Wooyoung looked at the stranger. He had never met such a handsome, cute, hot man in his whole life and honestly he kind of degraded his looks now. The whole table fell into into laughter including the stranger himself. "This is Wooyoung and that is Yunho." Jongho continued with his introductions and Marque nodded." Guys this is Marque" Jongho said. Yunho just bowed and offered a smile before sitting down next to Seonghwa. Wooyoung was also surprisingly behaved; he bowed and gave a soft smile." Yunho, you're always next to Seonghwa hyung, it's like Seonghwa hyung doesn't even know me anymore." Wooyoung whined looking at Hongjoong.

"Hey, if I move from here who will do me the favor of bullying Seonghwa?" Hongjoong dramatically gasped and Seonghwa lightly slapped his hand." Are y'all together Hongjoong hyung?" Marque asked and the whole table fell into silence." What?" Yunho asked breaking the silence that was engulfing them. "The way y'all bully each other, it's common for people who are together to do that especially you Hongjoong hyung." Marque said truthfully." Why did I never think of it like that?" San who had been quiet the whole time said. Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong with his big eyes pleading him not to out them just yet." No we're not, Seonghwa gives top energy and I give one too. Dominance can't be matched with dominance, we'd always fight." Hongjoong defended.

"Isn't that what you're doing? Always fighting?" Jongho said as he placed his hand on Marque's thigh under the table making the latter to blush." Bullying is not the same as fighting, have you ever seen me not on good terms with Hongjoong? I know myself, if I liked him then I would've already felt hurt by his actions and maybe tried to withdraw myself from him but I didn't." Seonghwa spoke with a calm voice even though his heart was racing." Okay, guess I read it wrong. Sorry but I honestly don't trust you hyung. You're way too secretive." Marque apologized even though he was still quite suspicious of Hongjoong and Seonghwa. Seonghwa smiled and waved it off saying they were friends now so he didn't need to apologize.

"You remind me of my brother." Yunho suddenly said and the whole table looked at him." Do I? How so?" Marque surprised that Yunho would suddenly say that." I don't know, your calm demeanor , your reasoning, your hairstyle." Yunho smiled sadly at his brother's memories." What happened to him? The way you speak is as though something happened to him." Marque asked." It's a long story, can I not tell?" Yunho said and Marque nodded. The who table chit chatted and passed snarky comments here and there. Marque fit well within the group and Jongho couldn't be any more happy.

Soon lunch ended and everyone went to their offices. Yunho had a lot of work and he was stressed with the whole marriage thing so he resorted to finish doing his work. There were a lot of files from yesterday when he wasn't present so he had to finish them. He found himself zoning out more often than not. He had a lot going on his mind. Gaeul seemed to know something he didn't because she kept asking him about the friends he had at work. She went as far as to ask him if he wasn't a friend to the CEO. Of course he found this weird but who wouldn't? Gaeul knew something he didn't and honestly it was getting creepy because it looked like she had someone following him. He had to be careful or he would have a funeral instead of a wedding, not that he was going to go through with it anyway.

He hadn't even seen Mingi the previous day. He got late from shopping and he went straight to his house because he didn't want to bother Mingi even though he literally had a key card for Mingi's house and his finger print was also on the system. He arrived late to work today and found himself swamped with work so he hadn't even had the chance to see Mingi. People were now starting to get off from work and he quickly finished his work and slid in behind the wheel as he went home. These days the only home Yunho knew was Mingi's house. His house was now just a house. He found Mingi taking a sip of his whiskey while wearing glasses.

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