chapter 4

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Yunho was grateful for the calls he got from Seonghwa and Wooyoung. They checked on him throughout the weekend but he lied and told them he was out of town. He had told them he was sick and they insisted on taking care of him but he just wanted to be alone so he said he went to Busan to check on his girlfriend. What would he say 'hey I just found out that your friend and CEO is my former bully and now I need time to myself cause I'm about to revenge'. He dragged his feet towards his office not really feeling like going to work. He sat down and started his work. He needed a distraction and nothing could do it better than his work. He was lost in it until he heard someone barging into his office. Standing in his glamorous glory was thee Song Mingi.

Mingi stood there admiring Yunho's cute puppy like features. The way his shirt hugged his frame. He looked like a golden retriever and the choker he was wearing made it look like he was on a leash. Yunho's light brown bangs covered his forehead making him look even more cute. Maybe if he wasn't such a shitty person back then, just maybe he would allow himself to explore the maze called Yunho. Maybe then he would try to solve the puzzle before him until every piece stuck together. He stood there for a while before Yunho's honeyed but poison laced voice made its way to his ears. "Are you planning on standing there till you die?" Yunho spat. Had Mingi not been in this situation, he would've chuckled at his feisty attitude.

"I found the solution." Mingi said as he approached Yunho's table." As you should." Yunho said as he closed his laptop. Mingi took up one of the sticky notes from Yunho's table and a pen and scribbled something on it. He gave Yunho the sticky note. Yunho took it and it read ' Park Seokmin, Fashion House, Contact no.: xxx xxx xxx. Address:plot 143, district 9".  "Join the rival company, with you in their team they're sure to win." Mingi took Yunho out of his staring moment. Mingi was playing with the pen and Yunho found that hot. He couldn't keep his eyes off him until he heard his voice.

It finally registered in his mind what Mingi was saying. Suddenly it smelt like smoke. Yes that was the smell of Yunho's heart burning to ashes. He didn't know why but he wasn't really enjoying this." What ?" Yunho asked thinking Mingi would change his words." This company was on the second place on the last fashion show and they were on the third place. The company that was on the first place closed earlier this year. I figured this company is most likely to win with you in their team. My designs are average compared to yours, no way will I ever surpass you not even in a thousand years." Mingi said and Yunho could feel butterflies in his belly and a tint of red spread itself around his cheeks . Mingi's compliments did something to him he couldn't define. But one thing was bothering him. Yes he wanted to see Mingi lose but that didn't mean he wanted to be in a rival company.

He so badly wanted to refuse but he was no coward. He was the one who told Mingi to come up with a solution and now when a solution was right in his eyes, he didn't want to acknowledge it. He tried to smile but his lips felt too tight against his teeth and he ended up giving a tight lipped smile. Mingi nodded and turned to go to his office. "Aren't you going to drop me at my new workplace Mr. Song?" Yunho said before he could get a hold of himself. Honestly Yunho was . Mingi told him he didn't like this Park Seokmin dude and he didn't like that Yunho would be around him. As if he would be safe with Mingi. Honestly the protectiveness even though they were basically enemies made him feel some type of way. And he couldn't deny that he wanted more of that side of Mingi. Yunho too didn't really feel safe there. The way this dude looked at him was creepy and he felt shivers down his spine. It was not the kind of shivers he felt when Mingi spoke. He felt petrified but his nerves eased looking at Mingi's business card that he had given him telling him that he shouldn't hesitate to call him if he feels unsafe. He quickly saved the number in case he might just need him.

To be continued

I'm sorry for the short chapter😭but the next one will be better I promise. Normally my word limit is 1000 but this chapter is about 850 words excluding the author's note.

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