lesbians having sex

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Tara sits up in her bed, yawning and stretching before grabbing her pink iphone off her nightstand and opening it to see 30+ messages from her 'boyfriend.' "fuck.." she mutters to herself, forcing herself to get up and throw on her casual clothes, the babadook t-shirt she had gotten for her 15th birthday, and a pair of ripped skater jeans she got as a hand-me-down from her older sister, Sam.

She was going to meet up with her friend group at a nearby restaraunt, and she wanted to look cool since the restaraunt was super close to a playground and she knew there'd be kids there even though it was a chilly september, her birthday month. She walked downstairs after packing her backpack and walked outside, locking the front door and sniffling as she felt the cold air beating against her jacket. She hummed to herself as she connected her headphones and started listening to 'First Love/ Late Spring' by Mitski. She smiled softly as she arrived at Liv's, since they agreed to drive in Liv's car together. Liv helped Tara settle down after walking in the cold, giving her some hot tea and a blanket. They began to text the groupchat.

gaydar: you and liv still coming?

indenial: yeah

pinkbozo: obvi

prettyboy: we have a suprise since you're still figuring out that your a coochie consumer

ladderfoe: chad stop

gaydar: it's true she's our little lesbian in denial

snowmantip: guys stop. she likes my dick. anyways, can't wait to see you there, Tara.

indenial: me too, ig

Tara face flushed as she turned off her phone and her and Liv hopped in liv's car, driving to the designated restaraunt. "P IS FOR THE PAINFUL WAYYY SHE MAKES ME FEEL SOME DAYS" Liv screamed the lyrics and nudged Tara. "honestly Liv, you're goofy. stop." Tara sighed and hit Liv n the back of the head as they pulled into the restaraunt. Tara grabbed her bag and opened her door, talking with Liv as they sat in the booth next to the rest of their friends.

Chad chuckled as Tara leaned against the table, not noticing the tall, pale, raven-haired girl behind her. "O-oh!" Tara blushed as she noticed her presence, turning around and smiling. "S-sorry. d-didn't realize." Amber chuckled and cocked her eyebrow, moving Tara out of the way and sliding in the booth next to Mindy. "I'm Amber Freeman." "T-tara," "Tara Carpenter," Mindy said firmly, moving her hand under the table to comfort Tara. "I know. I've heard all about you." "Anyway, Amber is Wes's moms friend's daughter and judy wanted us to include her. she's cool anyways, so i don't mind."

Tara nodded, her absent-mind focused on Amber's pale face, smooth, long black hair, dimples, her hazel eyes, the nice plain shirt and loose tie she wore to the restaraunt, the cute necklace sitting atop her shirt, the outline of her bra visible through her shirt, her jeans, her curves and imperfections.

Tara blushed as she caught her eyes trailing down to Amber's cleavage. "uhm...i'm gonna go to the bathroom." Tara stood up and walked to the bathroom, locking herself in a stall and waiting for her body to calm down and for her embarassment to dissipate. She sighed as she opened the stall, walking out to see none other than the Amber freeman. "Hey, why were you staring at me?" Amber asked. "o-oh, um.."

Tara blushed. "eh. i get it alot. just had to fix my makeup." Tara nodded. "wait," Amber said, sliding off her jacket. "Mindy keeps calling you gay and I can't tell if she's being serious or not. you like girls?" Tara fumbled with her fingers, the nodded slowly, looking up at Amber. "Well, here's my number. call me later, yeah?" Amber slipped her hand into the pocket of Tara's jeans, leaving a note and squeezing teasingly.

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