a sleeping beauty

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Amber side eyes Mindy as she grabs another handful of popcorn, shoving it down her gullet and swallowing roughly. She looks down and sees Tara's eyes fluttering close as she falls asleep on her lap.

Amber takes a deep breath and leans back, immediately stopping her breathing. Tara smiles and nuzzles into Amber's chest. Jill scrunches her nose and pushes Amber off her. Sidney slaps Jill's arm. "Stop being rude." Dewey watches Tatum take Sidney upstairs.

Amber sighs and squeezes away from Jill, watching Tara blinks and reach for her. Roman judging them. "Y'all are so weird." Roman says as he watches Amber pick Tara up and piggbacks her upstairs

She sets Tara down and climbs next to her, rubbing her thigh gently, her hand going behind Tara's head and rubbing gently.

She smiles but it quickly fades as Sidney pushes Chad and Mindy into the room, Anika walking in behind them.

Still not noticing Tara or Amber, Mindy shoves Chad into the wall and slaps his arm.

Anika and Sidney shut the door after saying,

"The door isn't opening unless there's a murderer or you two get along. Tara shifts and clinging to Amber, but Amber slides out of Tara's grip and gets off the bed.

Mindy shrieks. " Open the fucking door. "the lesbos are in here!" She yells. "Sidney! Anika! THERE'S A BLOODY FUCKING MURDERER OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!"

Tara sits up and blinks, rubbing her eyes before sliding off the bed and grabbing Amber's arm.

"i don't care about them, just come cuddle.." She whines.

"No, get back in the bed or else." Amber scoffs. Tara rolls her eyes. "Don't try me," She says firmly. "get your ass back on the bed." Tara groans and climbs on the bed, rolling to the wall and taking her sweat shirt off, leaving her in her t shirt. "hurry up," She whines.

Amber rolls her eyes and flips the four off, slamming the door back closed and locking the door. she spins on her heels, facing a half-asleep Tara.

She grins. She grabs Tara's legs and pulls her closer. "take your shirt off." She commands.

"No." She whines. "Take. off. your. shirt. NOW." Amber says firmly. Tara shakes her head again. "Fine." Amber says calmly. She grabs Tara's wrist and pulls her into a sitting up position, roughly ripping her shirt off. "stop!" Tara yells.

"Amber," She pouts. "No." Amber yells. Tara arches her back and whimpers. "intresting," Amber hums lowly.

"you're so wet." Amber says, hand inside of Tara's panties.

"A-amber," She whimpers. Amber rips Tara's shorts off and tosses them to the floor. Tara looks up at Amber and watches as she put two fingers in her mouth, then slides them into Tara's sopping wet cunt, smirking. "o-oh god,"

She moans, rolling her hips. "feels good?" Tara nods. "s-so good," She responds. "you want more, honey?"

Tara nods. "y-yes," she whimpers. Amber grins and turns Tara onto her stomach. She pulls her pants down and pushes her strap against Tara's entrance. Tara trembles. slowly, Amber pushes the tip into Tara.

"oh.." she breaths, grabbing Amber's shoulders. Amber grabs Tara's hips, holding them tightly and holding her down on the bed.

Tara's eyes flutter shut and she whines, she bites her lip and cries out, her nails diggin into Amber's shoulders.

"I-i-" Amber puts her finger against Tara's lips. "hush."

Tara clenches around Amber's strap, the tip rubbing against her g-spot. Tara's eyes roll to the back of her head, and she squeals.

Suddenly, she feels Amber pull out and groans, she sees Amber's face, an angry face-a face that perfectly brought out Amber's clenched fists.

She looks up and sees Amber rolling her eyes at Richie. "oh god, Richie!" Tara shouts.

"Shut up, I need Amber for a second." Amber looks at Richie and slaps him. "Don't tell her to shut up, bitch." She mutters. Richie rolls his eyes and and grabs Amber's wrist.

"Come on, Amber." Richie shouts. "No! can you not see that we were just fucking? Amber shoves Richie into the wall.

She grabs him by the collar and shoves him out of the room, grabbing her desk chair and locking it under the door.

She walks back up to Tara and pulls the cover off her.

She slams into her again, kissing her neck as she rubs against her g-spot.

Amber smirks and pinches Tara's thigh, making Tara writhe and yelp in surprise. "cum for me," 

Amber whispers. Tara's screams out, her legs trembling uncontrollably.

The door slams on to the FLOOR, the hinges clanking onto the floor loudly. Quinn and Sam's eyes go wide.

"Oh, shit," Quinn shades her eyes. "You fuck!" Sam screams. "You're fucking my sister! You said she was asleep!" Tara sighs and sits up. "Sam–"

Amber covers them up with the cover Tara had previously been asleep cuddling with. Sam shrieks.

Everyone runs upstairs, leaving Tara flustered and Amber pissed.

"Everyone get the fuck out." She growls lowly. "I will blow every single one of your brains out if you dont get your asses out." Tara clings to Amber.

"I swear to fuck all of you get your fucking asses out of my fucking house!" She screams. "NOW!" Everyone rushes out, leaving Sam standing with Quinn's wrist gripped tightly. "Let me go, Sam, i don't wanna die!!"

"If you can beat me in a staring contest I'll let you fuck my sister." Sam challenges. "deal." "Sam, what the f–"

Amber shushes Tara and stares at Sam. Sam closes her eyes. "pull your fucking pants up, retard. Amber rolls heretard, pulling her pants up. Tara sits up and crosses her legs. "Let's see this."

She grins. "three..two..one..go." Amber and Sam stare deep deep deep down into each others souls, though neither of the two had souls to look at.

She watches Sam's eyes twitch, Amber's eyes turning light red. "you look high," Tara giggles. "shut up, Tara," Sam yells. Her eyes strain. Amber's not giving up.

"goddamn, Amber.." Tara whispers. Sam's eyes begin twitching more. Amber grins slowly. Sam blinks first.

"Get out. Bye." Amber shoos. Sam scoffs. "Whatever." Amber smirks. She watches as Tara laughs nervously. "Um..how about we finish that movie? yeah?"

She offers. "Nah. I've been waiting the whole night to fuck your brains out, I'm gonna fuck your brains out."

Tara blushes. "f-fine."

Amber pulls Tara closer and pulls her pants down, throwing the cover off Tara for the last time. finally,  she grabs Tara's throat and slides into her. Amber smirks and slams in and pulls out, in and out. "i-i can't,"

Tara moans. "I'm so close," She whimpers. "more," She begs. "please, more.."
She drools.

"More, you want more?" Tara nods. "yes please!" she begs. "more!" Amber pinches Tara's nipple and slaps her thigh playfully. "feel so good!" She squeals. "good girl."

Tara arches her back, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she climaxing, squirting around Amber's cock. Amber pulls out, holding her cock in one hand. Tara blushes as she watches Amber grab Tara's shirt off the floor and wipe it off. "you're weird." She says. "whatever. you love it." "shut up." 

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