Crashing Like waves

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Her panicked eyes darted towards the store's empty entrance. Her bodyguard was still inside, oblivious to the threat looming on her.

"Quick," the man barked, making her flinch. With trembling fingers, she fumbled to open the door and stepped outside. The man discreetly tucked away the gun to avoid catching any pedestrian's attention. But his gaze remained razor sharp, locked onto her like a loaded weapon. 

"Try anything funny and we'll kill you," the goon warned, sending a chill down her spine. He then pointed towards an SUV behind hers and instructed her to walk towards it. She could tell the car had more people inside it. She gulped dry. She knew if she stepped into that car, it was over for her. She would be tortured and persecuted.    

"This way," the man insisted, sounding impatient. She took a reluctant step towards the SUV, her brain running miles per second. She had a hunch that Viviana was behind it. If Viviana was behind it, she wouldn't want to kill her. She was more useful to her alive than dead. If she died, she would have no shield to protect herself against Sin's destructive wrath. Being with Sin had started to rub off on her. Even she had started to understand their crime world.     

"What does Viviana want from me?" she asked, to know if it was really her. 

"You better ask her yourself," the man replied dryly and that confirmed her suspicion. She scanned her surroundings where people were too busy in their own worlds to notice the crime happening right in front of them. She wondered what would have Sin done if he was caught in this situation. He would have killed them all which was impossible for her to do. She had only one option. 

The girl turned sharply and shoved the man with all her might, blindsiding him. The man not prepared, fell to the ground. Not wasting a second, she took to running, dashing straight towards the store.

"Stop," the man shouted, drawing attention from bystanders. Other goons surged out of the car. She didn't stop, banking on the hope that they wouldn't dare kill her. 

Even though it had merely been a few seconds, she felt like she had been running for years with her destination still impossibly far away. Her pulse was racing wildly, her inside burning. The threats of her captors a distant noise as her entire focus was locked on reaching the store and hiding.

She barged into the store, instantly catching everyone's eyes. People watched her in confusion as she frantically searched for a place to hide. The woman dashed towards a shelf placed in last. Chaos broke out as soon as the men stormed in with their guns out. 

"Everyone out," she heard the man shout. Dead scared, she hurdled against the wall, surrounded by people's screams and a frantic rush of people. Pressing a fist against her mouth she smothered her sobs, too afraid to even breathe. Very soon, a deafening silence fell in, intensifying her anxiety. 

Hope flickered inside her when she heard her bodyguard's voice. However, it was soon drowned by gunshots. They killed him. Her heart almost gave out as her bodyguard fell beside her shelf, bleeding profusely. Her eyes met his and she witnessed life fading out of them. She was shaking now.  

"Show yourself or the consequences will be worse for you," a man threatened, fueling her already panicked state. 

"There she is," a man shouted, causing her head to snap in his direction. She was now paralysed with fear as she watched the man closing in on her. Acting purely on instinct, she grabbed the shelf and pushed it downward onto him with all her strength. A loud crash echoed through the store, followed by his scream.

"We can't kill her but we can certainly make her suffer," she heard someone say as she ran towards the backdoor. Just then a shot rang out and a moment later, she screamed as the bullet grazed her arm. The woman collapsed right there, close to losing consciousness. Clutching her arm, she sobbed hard, the pain igniting like fire. 

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