The Lancaster Mansion

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The Lancaster Mansion is the oldest and biggest building in the village, they prided themselves to be among the elites, and perhaps the only one in the village. They are the owner of the factory and the family owned bar. One of the peculiarities of identifying a Lancaster aside from the trademark of a sword and the feathery cap on most of their products, their is also the colour red and blue which must be included in any of their attire.

It is their official colour which when worn in that combination showed one is related to the Lancasters. Mesmerised by the huge building which had the statue of a man, with a sword on one hand, wearing a feathery cap. The statue was mounted at the entrance of the mansion, towering over whoever enters the house, like a guard, keeping a close watch on the activities going on in the compound.

Seraphine stood still in awe, staring at the image, as she watched her father pulled his cart in, she followed, a little bit frightened by the statue. She could have sworn that she saw the statue's lips tugged, mocking her for being afraid of him.

Seeing the number of people walking around the compound, she paid no attention to the people who kept giving her a second glance, she ran after her father.

As they rounded the corner of the building, stopping at a place with few people around, with the smoke coming out from the roof, she suspected it to be the kitchen.

"Seraphine, wait for me there while I unload the woods, when I'm done here, we will walk around the village before getting Mrs. Montgomery's bread and head home." her father pointed at the bench nearby, nodding her head, she walked towards it. Her tiny arms swung in the air happily, looking forward to the places she would go to and the taste of the soft dough in her mouth.

Her daydream was once again interrupted, but this time, in the stead of a bellow, it was a yelp before the person scurried off, wondering what the commotion was about, Seraphine turned and saw a woman, pointing in her direction. Could she be talking about her eyes? She wondered.

She thought back to how she had not seen anyone with a white eyes like hers unlike the dark colour of her father, which she had seen plenty times and different colours as well.

Unable to hear what she was saying, she returned her attention back to her daydream, enjoying the feel of the mild ray of sunshine.

"Are you the Woodcutter's daughter?" A light tap on her shoulder made her turn again, seeing a boy a  bit older than she was stared at her. The boy's eye widened, seeing the strange shade of eyes but he quickly masked it, it looked somewhat between sliver and white, never had he seen that type of eye colour before. His father had warned him to never be aftraid of anything, except if he wants to become a coward.

He quivered a little as he almost peed in his pant, looking at the girl with the strange eyes as she nodded in affirmation, it suddenly occurred to him that he might have seen a way to get back at his younger siblings. Glad to have overheard the maid talking about the Woodcutter's daughter who had scared her. His curiosity had been tweaked and wanting to feed his eyes, he had prepared himself before approaching her.

"Would you like to join us? My brother and sister are over there, we are about to play hide-and-seek"

Seraphine was elated that someone close to her age had invited her to play with them. Completely forgotten her father's instructions to wait for him, she followed the boy.

As she walked along the path which appeared less frequented, she looked around the dilapidated area which seemed to get darker as they walked nearer.

"Is this where we will play the game?" naive Seraphine asked, her excitement of playing with the kids had overridden her father's instruction.

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