A Glimpse From The Dreamland

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"Do you think father miss me as much I do him?" Asking the long rectangular table in the middle of the living room. Seraphine tidied up the house while talking to the chief listener among other dumb listeners in the house.

Groaning as she use all her efforts to push the table to one side, so as to sweep the area, "I'm happy you agree with me that he doesn't" pulling it back to its position.

"You're right, maybe something happened which prevents him from coming to get me" she paused, placing her hand on her waist in deep thought, "Mr. Table, I think I would do as you suggest, I'll go look for him myself"

"Sir cupboard, I'll do well to scold him for leaving me behind" she promised. It was quite unfortunate that Mrs Montgomery had to fall sick not long after he left. Thankful that she had Cohen in her corner who sometimes come to her rescue, perhaps she would have ran off, if not for him.

Resuming her chores, "miss bed, thank you for bringing up the fact that I have to look neat and presentable, I think I have enough time to wash my hair today" she sniffed a handful of her hair, "oh dear Lord, no wonder Mrs Ramsey raise her nostrils higher than she should, it looked like a skunk died in my hair" quickly, she prepared her things to go to the stream nearby to have a bath, washing her hair thoroughly.

Seraphine gaped at her reflection in the water, she looked worse than a homeless person, washing her other two two pinafore, she wring out as much water her tiny arms would allow, hopefully, it would be a little bit dry before she leaves. She was getting taller than the dress, keeping in mind to lose their seamed edges to make it longer even if it was only going to be just a little. Those three pinafores were the ones that are manageable, the rest which were in light colours were not to be worn anymore, blots of various colours were all over them.

Seraphine didn't bother to look around before taking off her clothes, knowing full well that no one hardly use the stream. They prefer the one close to the village, dipping her whole body inside, she let out a small shriek due to the cold temperature. The weather was getting cold since it was close to dusk. She had woke up late, by the time she finished the chores she had suspended during the week, cleaning and airing the whole house, it had taken forever.

By the time she emerged from the water after a meticulous bath, the sky had gone dark, she regretted not taking a lantern with her, looking around, she was glad she could still see the path she came from. She looked at the moon shining brightly on her path, gratefully, she packed her things to set out for home.

The creak of the door and the chirping of the cricket were the only sound she could hear, "how strange" she muttered. Having been used to the howls of the wolf, especially a certain one which wouldn't stop howling till dawn. She stopped for a while, wondering how she could differentiate the sounds of the wolves, with no logical explanation, she continued to the top of the cupboard where she kept the last portion of her lunch of yesterday.

She had been lucky that they had so many orders the previous day.  Mrs Ramsey, out of the goodness of her black heart, the goodness which didn't happen often, gave her a large loaf of bread for lunch.

Knowing she won't be going to work the next day. She had rationed it into three uneven portions, eating the largest potion for lunch to make up for the breakfast she skipped, the second portion for breakfast the next day to energise her for the chores ahead while the last portion, which was just a little would suffice her for the night.
In the realm of dream, Seraphine found herself in a dimly lit room,  as dark and enclosed as the room was, she could see as clear as a day, turning around, she saw the entrance had been barricaded.

The soft whimper of a familiar sound made her looked at the corner, sitted on the floor was her father. Her eyes couldn't have gone wider by the poor state she met him. Covered in bruises, shackled on his hands and feet, she gasped in horror, tears streamed down her face as she ran towards him.

Grabbing his hands became impossible, she tried grabbing it again but was met with thin air, realising she couldn't be seen when he looked blankly as if staring into space even though she stood directly in his line of vision.

Worried, she tried making sound with the steel barricaded door but again, her hands went through it. She turned to the sound of feet nearing the door, looking back at her shackled father who had a dreaded look on his face as he tried to stand.

She watched as he was dragged away by two men in uniform, she tried moving but couldn't, watching as he struggled but was whacked with a thick long stick they were holding, she cried out, seeing the impact it left on his chin. Her vision became blur as everything dissipated into oblivion.

Jolting out of bed, Seraphine wiped her wet cheeks, realising it was tears, she stood and started pacing, deep down she knew something was wrong, knowing she had no explanation for what she dreamt about, but seeing how she had been having weird dreams in the past and majority of them had been coming to reality, taking no chances, she decided it was time to go look for her father.

She packed a bag which contained two pinafores and satchels of water. Unsure of how long it would take, she took the remaining salve Mrs Montgomery gave them and set out.

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