A Vampire and a Lady on a Mission

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"I'm dying to know everything about the party last night, the food, how the classy women behave and most especially, tell me about the men but first of all, who is that fine specimen of a vampire that just left your shop moments ago?"

Seraphine who was still surprised at Xavier's announcement as he left abruptly, glared at her friend who was gasping for breath. She must have run all the way here like she was being chased, "that's the factory owner, Xavier Orsini and he's too rude to be a fine whatever"

Felicity gaped at her friend, "are you sure your spectacle is working or you need to change it? I asked you about his looks the other day and you said nothing close to what I just saw! That man is exactly as they described, how come all the vampires are gorgeous? Is it generic or what? They're indeed different breed"

Pushing Felicity's appraisal of vampires to the background, Seraphine thought of an excuse to give Xavier's coachman when he comes to pick her. Since she had gone to the party majorly to identify the person she saw in her dream, there's no reason to meddle in the vampire world. She was sure whatever Lord Knox had going on, now that Xavier knew about it, something will be done.

All she needed to do now is look for a way to warn Francis about the impending danger without creating suspicion. How will she do that, she had no idea yet since he is always in the company of his friends, she would need Diane's help in one way or the other, except she consider another option which is to go to his pack and that would be a whole lot difficult.

Breaking her train of thought, Felicity asked, "what does he want? Is he here to apologise again on his cousin's behalf?"

Seraphine snorted, "as if"

"Why is he here then?" Her eyes shone with curiousity

There's no way she would tell her friend the actual purpose of his visit, she can't pull Felicity into something she herself don't have an idea yet, "he's looking for a book which he couldn't find in the library, so he thought he might be fortunate to find it here among our unclaimed items" she lied, feeling guilty but she did it anyway.

"Did he?"

"Unfortunately" she shook her head.

The bell jingled before she could ask another question, Diane breezed in, in her usual half-full dress.

"Seraphine dear, how are you feeling today? Hope you rested well yesterday" worry laced her voice.

"I'm better, thank you"

Diane turned to Felicity who was getting more curious, eager to know what happened the night before, "Felicity dear, how are you too? I have to say, you did a wonderful job on Seraphine's dress. It was excellent"

"Oh, thank you" beaming for getting such a good compliment on her handwork, "so, what happened yesterday?"

Before Diane could say anything, the customer whom Xavier sent away earlier entered.

"Let's leave her to attend to customers while I tell you what happened last night" led by Diane to the chair, Felicity decided to make do with Diane's story for now, she would get an additional information from Seraphine later.

The gasped and the occasional short laughter from Felicity was enough to let Seraphine know her friend was enjoying herself. While she attended to customers, her thoughts were not far from Xavier's announcement. She had constantly been glancing at the pocket watch in her pinafore pocket on the pretense of monitoring how long the old man had gone out but deep down, she knew she was only counting down to when the coachman will arrive.

She was still contemplating on a credible excuse to give which would make Xavier agree to visit the Knox's house on his own. She reached for the small note she kept between the book, gasping when she found it empty.

Her heart started to race, she knew immediately that Xavier was the one who took it, he must have pretended not to see her slip it there while he was reading! How did he even do that?

"Is everything all right? I could hear your heartbeat all the way here, I'm sure the whole town could hear it as well" Diane exaggerated.

"Oh I'm fine" she dismissed, smiling as she dried her sweaty palm, perspiration filled her forehead. He couldn't have opened the note, could he?

"What is Ridley doing here"

Seraphine looked at the man Diane called Ridley as he headed towards the door, a carriage behind him.

Oh my God! Has time gone so fast?!

"Ma'am, Master Xavier instructed me to come and pick you" he spoke, as she finish attending to the last customer.

Seraphine knew there was no way she wouldn't go with the man, if for anything, to retrieve her note, did he take the note so as to force her to come? That cunning vampire!

Diane listened in on their conversation with interest, wanting to see how everything will play out, she would like to know why Xavier requested her friend's presence.

Just at that moment, the old man stepped him, "just about time, i almost thought you have start taking a morning stroll as well"

The old man knew she was being sarcastic, therefore didn't answer him, instead he turned to Diane and exchanged pleasantries with her.

"Where are you going?" Felicity stared at her friend who seemed to be clearing the counter to prepare to leave, "do you have any other business with Mr. Xavier Orsini?" Giving her friend a naughty wink.

Racking her brain for what to say, her eyes fell on the unclaimed book on the counter, "actually I found the book he was looking for" picking up the old book, she placed it on her chest, "and I needed to ensure he checked it in my presence and return in good condition. I'll be gone for just few minutes"

Felicity narrowed her eyes, "I'm not sure you're telling me the whole truth but I'll let it pass for now. Don't forget you still owe me the full story of what happened at the Knox later"

"Of course, I'll tell you everything as soon as I get back"

"Diane, would you like to accompany me or.."

"On no, take your time, I'm meeting a friend very soon near here" her cheek reddened. The only person capable of adding such colour to her pale face was Francis.

"I'll be right back old man" she called while being led by the coachman.


"Do you know the book she took to Xavier and why?"

Damien asked one of his subordinates whom he put in charge of spying on the pawnshop girl.

"I don't get to see the book clearly, but I think something is going on between the two of them"

Damien studied the painting on his desk, something he does whenever he is in deep thought.

"Closely trail them without being noticed. You need to be extra careful around the vampire, you know how nothing gets pass the blood sucking vermin" Damien spoke with irritation.

He nodded before leaving.

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