Putting the Memories Back in Place

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"How did you do that?" Seraphine finally had the opportunity to ask Xavier how he did it that she heard his voice in her head. The last time she saw the vampire was the night at the ball and several days had passed afterward.

As they journeyed to Alpha Weinroff's pack house where all the wolves with memory loss had been staying she asked him.

Anyone could read her face that she had a question she was dying to ask, something which did not escape the notice of the vampire as well.

He didn't bother to answer her, rather asked another question, "did Annaliese tell you how you can help restore the memory?"

With a downturn lips for ignoring her question, she shook her head, asked again but was ignored.

Seraphine was glad that Xavier would be present in the restoration of the memory. When Annaliese sent a word the previous day about the details on restoring the memory, Seraphine had been pensive.

As she stepped out that morning by the curb, waiting for a public carriage, Xavier's regular carriage rolled up in front of her. When the golden haired vampire opened the door and summoned her in, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when he informed her that he would be present during the process.

She knew she had come to trust and rely on the vampire who sometimes appeared rude and cold.

"How did you get into my head?" Met with silence but continued, "can all vampires do that?"

"Can you do it right now?"

Since the impolite man has decided to keep his mouth shut, she tried on another tactics.

"Can you hear me, Xavier?"

"Why are you so rude?"

"Was being rude an optional lesson your governess decided to skip?"

"Could you show a little bit of respect you blood sucking creature!"

Xavier glanced at her suddenly, "are you cursing me in your mind right now?" The vampire pinned her with his gaze.

Her mouth hung open briefly before clearing her throat quickly, she adjusted her her seat while smoothening her pinafore, "I'm not!"

Xavier narrowed his eyes, "I doubt if you're saying the truth"

Keeping her mouth shut, developing a sudden interest in the objects outside the carriage.

Soon after when the arrived at the werewolves territory, Seraphine found it difficult to close her mouth, seeing the vast amount of land and houses they passed by as their carriage headed to the Alpha's building.

"Wow! This is huge" she complimented. "Do all the Wolves live here?"

"Majority of them do. The volves are social creatures with assigned roles, they are more powerful when they're in pack."

"So, alpha Weinroff controls all of them?"

"Ask her when you see her"

Seraphine snorted, as if she knew he won't be a gentleman till the end of their conversation.

"Welcome to the pack house" a muscled man strode towards them, "I'm beta Jake, the alpha instructed me to accompany you"

Seraphine took in her surroundings, admiring the calligraphic writing on the walls leading to the office, she could make out some words in English, however, majority were in a foreign language.

As the beta opened the door, Seraphine found herself back in the exact room she saw from the egg of memory.

"What is it?" Xavier had moved close to her, looking down at her with interest.

"This is the same room as the one I saw in one of the memories"

"That means the egg belongs to someone who frequents this room or has been inside this room before"

"Which could be anybody"


"You're here" Kate entered soon after with Francis behind her, "Annaliese will be joining us soon, I've told Francis about your contribution in solving the problem"

"Welcome to our pack house, Seraphine" Francis acknowledged her after playfully tapping Xavier on his back. "I heard you're here to assist Annaliese, did you bring the object she needed?"

"Erm" she stuttered, she had completely forgotten to bring something, in case she was asked.

"Here it is" Xavier brought out a small object in the shape of a pestle, carved out from a mahogany wood.

Sending a grateful smile at him, Seraphine quickly took it from him, "yes, this is it. I forgot I gave it to Xavier not quite long"

Xavier widened his eyes, looks like little miss Patrick knows how to lie smoothly, he thought.

While Francis checked out the object, studying the shape. Xavier spoke to Seraphine, "forgive me but I can't seem to remember what you said Annaliese wants to use it for" smirking as Seraphine furrowed her brows.

"As if you read my mind, I was just about to ask the same thing" Kate spoke.

Cornered as three pairs of eyes concentrated on her "erm" she stuttered.

We're waiting Seraphine

She jerked lightly when she heard Xavier's voice in her head, "are you all right, dear?" Kate gave her a concerned look.

"Is everything all right?" Xavier innocently asked. She looked at the mischievous vampire, who kept a straight face like he hadn't done anything.

Adjusting her composure, she chuckled, "oh I'm fine, I just thought I heard a frog croaked just now." Smiling sweetly in Xavier's direction.

A quick knock sounded and after, Beta Jack entered, "the wolves have been moved to separate rooms. Our men at the entrance just sent words that Lady Annaliese will be here soon"

Beta Jake's gaze fell on the object with Francis.

"Have you seen it before?" Alpha Weinroff asked, seeing how her Beta fixed his gaze on the object.

"Huh, I don't know. It looked familiar. I could almost say it looked just like one of the toys my son used to play with"

Possibly! I picked it up very close to the pack house.

Seraphine's heart couldn't have pounded even louder when she heard his voice in her head. She turned suddenly to him with a pale face.

"Really?" Alpha Weinroff sounded interested, before she could say more about it, another knock was heard and Annaliese entered.

"Pardon me for keeping you waiting" with an apologetic face, she greeted everyone, "I would suggest we start as soon as possible" she checked the time.

Hurriedly, Seraphine moved towards the door, she couldn't have been more grateful for the witch's timing.

Oh thank the Lord!

"You're absolutely right. We need to start on time." Raising the object, "we never knew when the owner might come for it"

She glared a the smirking vampire when she heard him say, or when the beta would realised the object actually belongs to his son.

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