The Lady of The Pawn

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Lady Weinroff observed the show of shame among her fellow werewolves. She had decided to sit back down and watch them pour out their mind in the least sensible manner they seemed to prefer.

They had discovered that their members are suddenly losing their memories, it had started from insignificant members like the omega which they hadn't taken rapt attention to until key members like their healers, Gamma and Zeta started losing their memories as well, creating panic amongst members.

The argument had erupted when she suggested taking the matter to the Upper House to seek other creatures's help. While some had agreed, some had blatantly rejected.

Since they are bound by oath which prevent them from divulging matters significantly related to Werewolves, she knew she wouldn't be able to seek opinion from other creatures without the awareness of the rest of the Alphas except if the issue is related to her pack alone.

Knowing how her kinds are quick to reject offers from others and their protective instinct of their pack, she had suggested seeking help at the Upper House, something she knew some might reject and some might consider which might lead to an argument.

"Don't you know it would make us look incompetent if we table our discussion which was meant to be handled here to the rest of the creatures?" Alpha Kendrick blurted.

"And what do you suggest we do? I hope you know that one of the qualities of a wise leader is to seek opinion and aid when necessary, putting the wellbeing of their followers in mind?" Alpha Peterson replied.

Massaging the worried lines which had started to form on her forehead, Alpha Weinroff watched the men. She wished they had a presider among them who could at least used their authority to rein in silence among them. It was quite unfortunate that it is harder to control a room full of Alphas, this is why they had no presiding officer in the first place.

An alpha cannot be controlled by another, their wolf just won't let it happened because if it did, it is as good as taking over the pack, which is why they had all agreed to maintain equal right by adopting the round table technique of the legendary leader, Knight Arthur who used the round table to show equality.

Seeing how chaotic the discussion was getting, Alpha Weinroff spoke again, "then how do you suggest we put an end to the mysterious attacks to the pack? No one has been able to find out how their memories are being taken. Everyone has stood guard and still, nothing had progressed"

"I get why alpha Kendrick opposed to taking the issue to the Upper House, since the House is only for matters within your kingdom and this issue goes beyond the pack in your kingdom, it might be complicated." Another alpha spoke.

"I don't see anything wrong in asking them if they had any idea of what could be happening. Since we've made our finding and discovered none of the other creatures are facing the same thing."

"That could mean one of them is targeting the wolf and it could be one of them"

"How about this? I know for a fact that the witches aren't targeting us, we've maintained a cordial relationship and made an unbroken pact with them for a long time. How about I ask Lord Witcharoft for an insight on what could be going on?" Alpha Weinroff suggested.

After some thought, the Alphas agreed, "that's is better, since our packs are vulnerable at the moment, it's best we keep it quiet till a solution will be proffered"

Contented that they finally agreed, Alpha Weinroff took a deep breath of relief, now that her actual goal had been achieved which is to make them agree on telling her ally, Lord Witcharoft about the mysterious plight, she smiled inwardly. She had known involving the Upper House which will reveal their incompetence would make them lean towards involving a lesser crowd. If she had suggested seeking a witch help at first, their protective instinct would kick in and they would reject outright.

"Now gentleman, I think we've parted from our loved ones enough. I guess we would meet soon after I hear from Lord Witcharoft." 


Seraphine rubbed her neck as she enjoyed the bliss of regaining a healthy neck, free of scar and a clear throat. Resting her body for days had allowed think things over. From looking for a way to get back at the vampires to trying to know the actual time the dream she had long ago would occur. With the intention to visit her father that evening, she quickened her pace of recording the items in the shop.

The old man had done a poor job of noting down the items, recording each item in his memory has he preferred had made things difficult. Throughout the two days he had manned the shop, he had made mess of the order of things.

"I would suggest closing the shop next time I'm indisposed"

Mr. Pawn snorted, "I've been doing it just fine before you came" going back to sipping his tea, there was no way he would admit to the stubborn girl that her way was quite better. He had found things the clients had come to reclaim easily just by checking her book where she described the item in detail to avoiding switching items unlike before when he would have to delay them to no end and might give them the wrong one.

Seraphine snorted even louder, "as if I haven't heard from our customers how you make them wait for hours before returning their things"

Mr. Pawn knew it wasn't an easy feat to start an argument with her, she hardly gives in and always make sure she says the last word, not in the mood to engage in another argument, since he himself enjoy having one with her, he lay on the reclining chair while sipping his drink.

"Isn't it almost time for your evening stroll?" Seeing how the old man settled on the chair instead of hurrying to go out for a stroll.

With only a shrug as an answer, she continued, "I hope all is well, you didn't go yesterday as well, that's strange"

She tried to guess what could be wrong because there was no way his reason would be because of what happened in his absence few nights ago.

"I'll go, just not yet. Aren't you going to visit your old man's grave soon?"

"Yes, as soon as I wrap up the record book"

"I want to see someone on the same path as yours, besides, could I   use a long stroll as well"

"If you say so" she spoke before focusing back on the book.

Staring at the now grown kid whom he met trying to bury her father long ago, he admired her resilience and how she had turned out. The jingle of the bell made both heads turned to the sound.

Mr. Pawn straightened, seeing the strong resemblance the female who entered had with one of the most powerful pure blood in their town, Eric Manchester. He wondered what one of the twins was doing in their shop.

Seraphine looked up to see one of the most beautiful ladies she had ever laid eyes on. Her curly brown hair rolled to her shoulder, the soft blue dress she wore was not as full as the others she had seen, making it looked comfortable to walk in.

Her face appeared friendly and her pale skin already made it known that she was one of them.

Giving her own welcoming smile, Seraphine wondered why their shop had been attracting such elite vampires lately.

Diane's smile broadened as she recognised the girl whom Stephen had lightly mentioned of wearing a spectacle. Seeing the pretty human who looked regal even in her worn out pinafore, her confidence could clearly be seen with the way she stood behind the counter.

Diane moved forward in excitement, "pardon me miss, i have nothing to pawn, I'm just hear to check out the brave lady who survived Xavier Orsini's wrath"

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